
用crash landing造句子

2022-05-03 来源:步旅网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【crash landing造句】内容,供您参考。

1、One of the most recent heroes to visit the NYSE was Pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, who managed to save the lives of all his passengers during a remarkable crash landing in the Hudson River.(最近来到纽交所的英雄们其中之一就是飞行员切斯利·苏伦伯格,他设法出色地将飞机迫降在哈德逊河上从而挽救了机上所有乘客的生命。)

2、Because the chances of surviving a first category crash landing are so infinitesimal, they're practically nonexistent!(因为在第一类迫降[1]中幸存的几率是极其微小的,实际上就是不可能的。)

3、Giovanni Battista Danti tried it with pinions of iron and feathers in15th-century Perugia, hurtling over the piazza and crash-landing on the church.(15世纪意大利佩鲁贾的乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯·但丁用铁翼和羽毛尝试飞行,他掠过广场摔落在教堂顶上。)

4、Some of his greatest achievements include the Kamikaze theft and crash landing of three airplanes (with no flight training) as well as commandeering a couple boats.(他最大的成就包括神风战斗机盗窃事件以及三架飞机的紧急着陆(此前未接受过飞行培训),以及盗取几艘快艇。)

5、In 1992, the aircraft in which he was flying over north Africa broke in two during a crash landing.(在1992年,这架飞机在他飞越北非发生在两个在迫降。)

6、Video footage of the crash landing captured the moments when the plane threw up a spray as it slid across the river.(视频捕捉到了迫降的危机瞬间,从画面可以看到,在飞机在河面滑行时,它抛出了巨大的水雾。)

7、This made me flurried because it is a dangerous situation in the crosswind which can easily cause a crash landing.(也就是在这个时刻,自己有些慌乱。因为在侧风在这种情况下对机体的影响很大,一点小小的误差就很容易导致降落坠毁。)

8、After two days recuperating from the nasty hot air balloon crash landing Ian and Denise are back on the road with the convoy.(讨厌的热气球迫降后经过两天的休养,伊恩和丹尼斯几天回到了我们的车队中。)

9、So, here are some tips to maximize your chances of surviving a failed takeoff, emergency landing, crash landing or runway collision.(所以,这里要给您一些建议,来最大化您在起飞失败、紧急降落、迫降、跑道相撞中的生存几率。)

10、But the Amsterdam accident is also the fourth major crash-landing in 13 months in which all or most of the passengers escaped relatively unharmed.(但阿姆斯特丹的这起坠机,也是最近13个月来第四起大部分或所有乘客相对安全逃生的重大坠机事故。)

11、LL: If the company fails, it may be said to have a crash landing.(我明白了。说公司倒闭,就好象是飞机硬着陆,如果控制不好,最后就只剩一个大坑了。)

12、he was knocked unconscious during the crash landing, and when he came to, he was astonished to find a woman leaning over him.(他在飞机撞击地面时震晕了,当他苏醒过来时,他惊异地发现身边有名妇女在照料他。)

13、But no one thinks China's policymakers are deliberately engineering a crash landing — inflation is not nearly bad enough to warrant such a drastic response.(不过,没有人认为中国的决策者们正有意安排一次迫降——通货膨胀还不到需要作出如此剧烈反应的程度。)

14、Stay away from this company. It appears to be heading for a crash landing if it does not receive an injection of capital...(不要碰这家公司,这公司如果没有资金注入的话就快要彻底破产了。)

15、Let me take a run at that and see if the effort helps settle the crash-versus-soft-landing debate. Or at least moves it along a bit.(就让我来做这个工作吧,看看能否有助于平息泡沫破裂和软着陆的争论,或者至少让大家看的更清楚一些。)

16、That may only postpone the problem, but at least it means there is less chance of a nasty crash landing in 2011.(尽管这将推迟问题的解决,但至少意味着,2011年不太可能发生危险的硬着陆。)

17、I find it very disconcerting to be told of midair emergency or crash landing procedures prior to takeoff.(起飞前那场对空中事故或迫降的安全准备程序表演实在让人糟心。)

18、And passengers interviewed shortly after the incident had seemed unaware of the severity of the crash landing until they were forced to exit the plane using the emergency slides.(事故发生后不久接受采访的乘客看起来并没有意识到事情的严重性,直到他们在不得不用紧急滑梯离开飞机的时候才意识到有些不妙。)

19、And fasten it quite snugly at landing and takeoff, when crash danger is at a maximum.(在失事危险最大的起飞与降落阶段一定要紧紧地系着它。)

20、If the plane is dark and smoky after a crash landing, you can count and feel your way to the exit.(如果当飞机迫降后一片黑暗并且充满了烟雾,你能够数着并摸索去出口的路。)

21、Memory Foam may have been created by NASA for the astronauts... But it just made a crash landing in your bedroom!(记忆泡棉或许是NASA为了太空人设计出来的…不过,它现在更是为了你而设计的!)

22、The passengers were told to brace themselves for a crash landing.(乘客被告知要为摔机着陆做好准备。)

23、Despite the crash landing, many return samples remained in good enough condition to analyze and research is ongoing.(虽然经历过高速撞击,不过许多回送的样品状况仍然可供分析之用,而相关的研究仍在持续之中。)

24、This year has seen several landing accidents, such as the Embraer crash in China, the 737 crash in Columbia and the Polish military transport crash in western Russia in April.(今年已经发生多起飞机着陆事故,比如中国的伊春空难、哥伦比亚的737空难以及4月在俄罗斯西部的波兰军用运输机失事事故。)

25、He proceeded to talk to me about the mechanics of an airplane and what would happen in a crash landing with inoperative wheels.(他进而又开始对我说起飞机的机械学原理,以及在转轮无法正常运作的情况下强行着陆会发生什么。)

26、His plane made a crash-landing during a sandstorm yesterday.(昨天他的飞机在沙尘暴中紧急降落。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


