

2022-05-03 来源:步旅网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、To ensure its long-term health, it needs to rediscover the flexibility of its early years.(为保证长期健康,它需要重新找回早年的灵活性。)

2、Let's rediscover life in the slow lane.(让我们在慢车道上去重新发现生活吧。)

3、"Now that the world has rediscovered agriculture," said Bertini, "it is an opportune time to rediscover girls."(她说:“既然世界已对农业再度引起重视,那么,现在也该是对女性再度重视的时候了。”)

4、Not doing so you turn back into yourself, only to rediscover things you already know.(不这样做你会回到自身,只是重新发现那些你已知道的东西。)

5、Every generation needs to rediscover its own resources.(每个年代都需要重新发现它自己的资源。)

6、Writing has helped me to rediscover myself.(写作帮助我重新发现自己。)

7、Run command CFGMGR to rediscover disks.(运行命令cfgmgr以重新发现磁盘。)

8、Eventually, they might rediscover why Europe always used gold as their monetary foundation.(最终,他们会再次认识到为什么欧洲总是将黄金作为货币基础。)

9、The court could even force liberals to rediscover the lost art of popular persuasion.(该院甚至能迫使自由势力重拾荒废已久的说服民众的技术。)

10、That's a time to rediscover what's important and to look for a better job.(那可以重新发现什么是重要的事情并找个更好的工作。)

11、We would rediscover the simple pleasures, such as CARDS, chess, backgammon, draughts, talking, dancing and playing music.(我们会重新拾回简单的乐趣,比如打牌、国际象棋、西洋双陆棋、跳棋、聊天、跳舞还有音乐。)

12、New findings suggest that Gage managed to soften these abrupt changes over time and rediscover an appropriate social manner.(新的发现表明,随着时间的推移,Gage设法缓和了这些突然的变化,并重新发现了一种适当的社交方式。)

13、We need to rediscover what it’s like to do nothing, to sit still, to enjoy silence.(我们需要重新认识什么也不做,坐着不动和享受沉默是怎么回事。)

14、You might rediscover your musical abilities and express yourself in creative ways.(或许会重新发现自己在音乐方面的天赋,并用一种创造性的方式表达自己。)

15、He needs bright new talents to rediscover his sense of purpose.(他需要某些才华横溢的新鲜血液去重新履行他的使命。)

16、It also has a compelling history that the rest of the world is starting to rediscover.(它还拥有一段世人才刚刚开始重新发现的引人注目的历史。)

17、The simplest way of doing so is to use it to rediscover what is known already-in other words, the Standard Model.(最简单的方法是用它来重新发现已知的事物,也就是指标准模型。)

18、Angels fascinate, as Christmas-card-makers rediscover every year.(天使令人着迷,正如圣诞卡制造商们每年一再发现的那样。)

19、So rather than sneer at Europe’s impotence, the world should be asking whether Europecan rediscover its vigour—and if so how.(因此人们应该问问欧洲是否能够重新找到其活力——并且如果能,怎样找到,而不是嘲笑欧洲的无能。)

20、Distance can intensify a loving bond, and it can help us rediscover ourselves, so that we are able to meet each other in a new way.(距离能加强爱的纽带,能帮助我们重新发现自己,因此我们能以某种新的方式认识对方。)

21、United now have to rediscover their dynamism for Wednesday's rematch with Bayern.(看来周三对拜仁的次回合比赛,曼联得好好找找自己新的动力源了。)

22、Even an American such as John Lipsky, the acting head of the IMF, called on Europeans to rediscover the dream of integration.(甚至国际货币基金组织的执行首脑johnLipsky,一个美国人,都呼吁欧洲人重拾统一梦想。)

23、So to avoid this, and to begin an economic rebirth, we Greeks must rediscover and discipline ourselves.(为了避免这种局面,并使经济重获新生,希腊人必须重新认识、并严格要求自己。)

24、would it not worthwhile to rediscover?(难道这不值得去重新发现吗?)

25、Both mass plantings and specimens were used to rediscover nature in the landscape.(双方大规模的种植和标本,用于重新发现了自然景观。)

26、You can go back and rediscover your 19-year-old self and wonder what she would think of the 45-year-old you.(你可以追溯19岁的自己,想想她会怎么看45岁的你。蔡斯在一家咨询公司工作,她通过一家社交网站寻找前男友。)

27、It is there that they seek to rediscover their destiny.(同时在那里,他们重新出发来找寻他们的命运。)

28、Does not need a new religion. In fact, it needs to rediscover what it lost to ambition.(雅虎不需要新的神话,实际上它只需要重整旗鼓,找回当初的勃勃雄心。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


