

2022-05-03 来源:步旅网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、No matter the city, state, or region, those who know schools best are frightened for the future of public education.(无论是城市、州府还是区,关心学校教育的民众们无不对公共教育的未来表示担忧。)

2、At a city, state and national level, institutions that can resolve such problems have been built up over the centuries.(在城市、州和国家层面上,解决如此问题的机构已运行了数百年。)

3、You can also narrow your search for common names by entering city, state and country, too.(当搜索普遍出现的名字时,你也可以通过进一步输入城市、省份、国家来缩小结果范围。)

4、Singapore is an extraordinary hodgepodge of health care principles, but it's also a city-state whose health care system is comprised of fewer than 30 hospitals.(新加坡的医疗体系不仅仅是一个各种医疗政策的大杂烩,可惜新加坡本身只是一个仅有30家医院的城市国家。)

5、A first attempt at a Black-Green coalition in the city-state of Hamburg fell apart last November.(去年十一月首次尝试在城市之邦汉堡组建黑绿联盟,但最终流产。)

6、Drag and drop name, phone, street, city, state, and zip fields from the input card to the corresponding fields in the output card.(将名称、电话、街道、城市、国家和邮政编码字段从输入卡拖放到输出卡相应的字段。)

7、Given good resources, it is best to build up from the basics (address, city, state) and then include places of interest and robust exception handling.(有了好的资源之后,最好从基础开始积累(地址、城市和州),然后再添加旅游景点和健壮的异常处理。)

8、And then you have other social structures of any city-state.(城邦还有其他一些社会机构。)

9、San Marino is the only surviving Italian city-state.(圣马力诺是仅存的意大利城邦。)

10、Or, as John Perry Barlow of the Electronic Frontier Foundation predicted last year: "We're going back to the city-state."(或者,就像电子前沿基金会的约翰.佩里.巴洛在去年预测的那样:“我们正在回归城邦。”)

11、Art Stage Singapore could also help efforts to bring some art trading and collecting business back to the city-state.(新加坡艺术舞台也会给这个城市带回来一些艺术交易和收藏业务。)

12、Repeat the above steps to add another five items with the names phone, street, city, state, and zip.(重复以上步骤,增加其余五个条目,电话、街道、城市、国家和邮政编码。)

13、As far away as Singapore, the backup of international passengers was so bad that hotels rooms were becoming hard to find in the city-state.(在遥远的新加坡,由于国际航班的旅客航班推迟,整个新加坡很难找到空的旅馆房间了。)

14、Entering we [city-state or zip code] into Ubiquity will display the current weather inline: the temperature, smog condition, wind velocity and humidity.(输入命令we加上城市名称或者邮政编码,就可以通过内联的方式显示该地区的天气预报,包括温度、空气质量、风向和湿度。)

15、But he declined, feeling that the time was not right for such a fair in the city-state.(但他拒绝了,因为觉得对于当时的新加坡,那时不是开博览会的正确时候。)

16、The city state streams pupils rigorously and is unashamedly elitist: one school claims to send more students to Ivy League universities than any other secondary school in the world.(这个城邦国家严格地将学生三六九等分,毫不掩饰其对精英的崇拜:有一所学校号称比世界上其他任意一所中学向常青籘联盟高校输送的学生都多。)

17、The brash city-state of Dubai, one of the seven statelets that make up the United Arab Emirates, expects to inaugurate the world's tallest building, the 160-storey Burj Dubai, in 2009.(组成阿拉伯联合酋长国的七个地区之一的激进城邦迪拜,预计在2009年开建世界第一高楼,160层的迪拜塔。)

18、in other words, before you show the actual contact form, have your street address, city, state, zip, local phone, etc. at the top of the page where the crawler will get to it quickly.(换句话说,在你展示实际的联系表单之前,将你的街道地址、城市名称、州名称、邮政编码以及本地电话等等放在该页的最上方,那里搜索引擎爬虫将很快地访问到。)

19、Most Americans tend to break down addresses into number street, maybe unit number, city, state, zip code.(多数美国人往往把地址分成街道号、街区号、城市、州和邮政编码。)

20、There was also an elite that manipulated the course of decision-making in the Athenian city-state.(在雅典城市国家,也是由威权阶层做决策。)

21、Each row shows the city, state, zip code and the last purchase date associated with the particular customer.(每一行显示与特定客户相关联的城市、州、邮政编码和最后购买日期。)

22、You are prompted for city, state, country, zip code, time zone, and phone information.(提示您输入的信息包括城市、州、国家、邮政编码、时区和电话。)

23、Chinese action star Jet li has taken up Singapore citizenship and bought a property in the city-state worth nearly 14 million dollars, AFP has reported.(据法新社报道,好莱坞中国功夫明星李连杰被证实已经加入新加坡籍,并在新加坡市区购买了价值约一千四百万美元的房产。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


