造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、S, have the capacity for autonomous flight and navigation.A radio-controlled plane becomes an autonomous drone when it is given an autopilot, which Mr.Anderson calls "giving the plane a brain."(当无线遥控飞机装上安德森先生称做“飞机的脑子”的自动驾驶仪,无线遥控飞机就成了自主飞行的无人驾驶飞机。)
2、Pilots might dismiss Ravens as radio-controlled toys, but they are popular with soldiers.(飞行员们也许只把“渡鸦”看成无线电控玩具,但士兵们却对它爱不释手。)
3、The system is designed mainly around the radio-controlled application of relevant theory and research.(该系统设计主要是围绕无线电遥控的相关理论和应用进行研究。)
4、His son got a radio - controlled toy car as a birthday present.(他儿子过生日时收到了一份无线电遥控玩具车的礼物。)
5、Atari's solution was to spin off a set of radio-controlled joysticks, which could be used across the room without a cable.(Atari的解决办法是剥离了无线电控制操纵杆,可以在房间内使用的无电缆设置。)
6、In recent years, 40% of radio measuring instruments are controlled by micro computers in abroad. This makes radio measuring instruments develop rapidly toward automation and intellectualization.(近期来在国外无线电测量仪器中已有40%的产品由微机控制,使无线电测量仪器向自动化、智能化迅猛发展。)
7、Mr Yu was inspired by radio-controlled electric planes.(Yu先生是由遥控电动飞机受到启发。)
8、(could only; as far as) Suggested answer: When I was a second grader, one of my classmates got a red radio-controlled toy car as a birthday gift.(我上小学二年级的时候,我们班有个同学得到的生日礼物是一辆红色的遥控车。)
9、This includes television broadcasts, satellite use, cellular telephones, radio-controlled toys and much more.(这里包括电视广播、卫星运用、移动电话、无线电遥控玩具以及很多很多。)
10、And unlike radio-controlled aircraft, rockets were all but invulnerable to jamming or interception.(而且,火箭不像由无线电操控的飞机,它几乎不受人为干扰或半路拦截的影响。)
11、over the years, everything from gas canons, pyrotechnics, lasers, ultrasound, stuffed owls and radio-controlled model aircraft have been tried to scare birds away from runways.(多年来,气体标准、烟火使用、激光、超声波、猫头鹰标本和无线电控制的模型飞机,这一切都尝试着将鸟从跑道上吓跑。)
12、"The strategy consisted of using a radio-controlled zeppelin to help introduce night vision equipment, climbing kit and camouflage paint to Giulio B's cell," the police said.(See photo)(依照越狱计划,朱利奥的同伙于他出庭前一天利用遥控飞艇向他的牢房投送夜视仪,攀爬工具和伪装漆帮助他越狱。)
13、Here's where we get into some truly science-fiction stuff: a cyborg beetle, built with parts you can get at any Radio Shack, that's controlled remotely.(这里要讲的是真正的科幻小说中才有的事:生化甲虫。这种生化甲虫身上安装了在任何电器连锁店都能买到的部件,也就是说可以远程控制。)
14、So one weekend in 2007, Mr. Anderson brought home a model radio-controlled airplane and a Lego Mindstorms robotics kit.(因此,2007年的一个周末安德森先生举家带着一个无线遥控模型飞机和一套乐高头脑风暴机器人装备。)
15、Rather than employ digital creations, the Neimoidians were actors wearing elaborate animatronic masks. The facial movements of the masks were radio-controlled from off-camera.(内莫伊·迪亚人没有使用数字生成,而是由演员戴着精心制作的电动木偶面具扮演。面具的脸部表情动作由镜头外的无线电遥控完成。)
16、The CVRJ program is helping the Department of Defense meet urgent system requirements and increased production demands to prevent the detonation of radio-controlled IEDs, says a representative.(一位代表说,CVRJ的计划在满足紧迫的系统需求和阻止无线电控制的IED的爆炸的需求上帮了国防部的忙。)
17、“A radio-controlled car controlled by a six-year old is far more dangerous than a Roomba,” he says.(对于六岁的小孩子来说,一部无线电操纵的玩具车可比我们公司的Roomba危险多了。)
18、For software radio, the power levels and the frequency are controlled in software.(对软件无线电来说,功率和频率都由软件控制。)
19、Unlike traditional radio-controlled planes, unmanned aerial vehicles, or U.A.V. 's, have the capacity for autonomous flight and navigation.(不像传统的无线遥控飞机,无人驾驶航空器可以自主飞行和导航。)
20、"Major Banks should be not only socially controlled, but publicly owned," Indira Gandhi, the then prime minister, announced on all India Radio in 1969.(“大型银行不仅应有社会控制,还应由公众拥有,”时任首相甘地在1969年的全印电台讲话时如是说。)
21、The image URL is controlled by the radio button at the top of Figure 3.(此图像url由图3顶部的单选按钮控制。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。