


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、To call this a leather jacket is a misnomer , because it is made of plastic.(说这是皮上衣是不恰当的,它根本是用塑胶造的。)

2、This is a common misconception, and indeed a misnomer: spuriously commented code is documented, but by a developer, not by the code itself.(这是一个普遍的误解,而且这确实是一个错误:伪造的评论代码是文件ed,但是是由开发员写成,而不是代码本身。)

3、Garnett: Only talking about carbon emissions is actually a bit of a misnomer.(加内特:只有谈论的碳排放量实际上是有点用词不当。)

4、Decoupling was always a misnomer if it implied that an American recession would have no impact in the East.(如果脱钩是讲美国经济衰退不会对东方产生影响的话,那么这是误导。)

5、'Villa' was something of a misnomer ; the place was no more than an old farmhouse.(“别墅”一说有点不妥,那地方只不过是座旧农舍。)

6、An erroneous name, especially in taxonomic classification; a misnomer.(误命名,不当名称错误的名字,尤指动植物分类中;命名不当。)

7、This term is actually a misnomer, because judicial review is always based upon some statutory grant of subject matter jurisdiction.(实际上,这一术语属于用词不当,但为司法复审向来都是依据对标的物管辖的法定授权的。)

8、In fact, Bonis thinks calling the Guatemala City chasm a sinkhole is a misnomer-a true sinkhole is an entirely natural phenomenon.(事实上,博尼斯认为将危地马拉城深坑称作灰岩坑(sinkhole)是用词不当——真正的灰岩坑是一种纯自然现象。)

9、So, the whole concept of anti aging is a bit of a misnomer.(因此,抵抗衰老这一概念总体上有点用词不当。)

10、Copy and Paste Class – This is a bit of a misnomer as it copies all the classes in a specific project item.(复制和粘贴类(CopyandPasteClass)——这或许有些名不副实,因为它可以在一个特定的项目文件中复制所有的类。)

11、It's a misnomer, but the historical transmutation of Milton's title we have to take as instructive.(这是一个误称,但弥尔顿作品标题的历史变化,对于我们来说是有教育性的。)

12、Herbal "tea" is something of a misnomer because these drinks contain no tea at all.(花草“茶”是个误称,因为这类饮料里根本不含茶。)

13、It's a common misnomer to call the language "assembler", so start out on the right foot by calling the language by its proper name.(把这门语言叫做“汇编程序”这种用词不当相当普遍,因此,请从这门语言的正确称呼作为起点出发。)

14、The final category of APIs is what I broadly call Web 2.0 services. This is somewhat of a misnomer, but it encapsulates del.icio.us(最后一类我宽泛的叫它们web2.0服务,名字不一定切题,但它包含诸如del.icio.us,flickr,basecamp)

15、After all, the term 'rare earths' is a misnomer, experts say.(专家说,毕竟“稀土”这个术语就不恰当。)

16、Actually, "Underground" is a misnomer, because more than half the shops are above ground.(实际上,“地下”这个名称用之不当,因为半数以上的店铺是在地面上的。)

17、Time management is really a misnomer - the challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves.(“时间管理”,其实是一个误称,我们挑战的是管理自己,而不是时间。)

18、Note : Pre-compiled software packages are usually called "binaries," although this is something of a misnomer.(注:预先编译的软件包通常称为“二进制文件”,尽管这不很贴切。)

19、The Global Assembly Line is a misnomer for a dystopian, complex jumble of production that uses any number of countries and its citizens.(任何一种反乌托邦的、复杂而混乱的生产过程,无论涉及多少国家,雇佣多少公民,都不应当被称作全球流水线(GlobalAssemblyLine)。)

20、This error is a bit of a misnomer - the test just checks to see if anything was retrieved.(这个错误有点用词不当-测试只是检查看看有没有什么重新得到了什么东西。)

21、The name "hydrogen bond" is something of a misnomer, as it is not a true bond but a particularly strong dipole-dipole attraction.(“氢键”这个名字使用不当,因为它不是真正的键,而是特别强的极性分子间的吸引力。)

22、For Milton Friedman calling the business cycle a "cycle" is a misnomer, because of its non-cyclical nature.(米尔顿·弗里德曼,要求对商业周期的“循环”是用词不当,因为它的非周期特性。)

23、It’s actually a misnomer because even rats have more sense than to stay in thisridiculous model.(实际上这个“老鼠赛跑”概念选错了主角,因为即便是老鼠也不会选择这样荒诞可笑的生活方式。)

24、that fact alone leads me to believe that the name perfect is, yet again, a misnomer.(这个名字perfect再一次让我认为,是用词不当。)

25、Calling ZFS a file system is a bit of a misnomer, as it is much more than that in the traditional sense.(将ZFS称为文件系统有点名不副实,因为它在传统意义上不仅仅是个文件系统。)

26、The term "retail therapy" is a bit of a misnomer.(关于这个术语“购物疗法”,实际上有一点点误称。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


