造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Tigers prowl through the forest in search of their prey.(老虎在森林里潜行以寻找猎物。)
2、But with emerging markets continuing to surge, local champions will be on the prowl for more acquisitions.(因此,随着新兴经济体持续兴旺,当地的领先企业将悄悄的进行更多的收购行动。)
3、That would be a great advantage not only for predators on the prowl, but also escaping prey.(无论对于捕猎者还是猎物来说,这都会成为一项极大优势。)
4、There was a fox on the prowl near the chickens.(有一只狐狸在鸡群附近徘徊。)
5、Australia's wild dog, the dingo, is on the prowl.(澳大利亚的野狗在游荡。)
6、There is a fox on the prowl near the henhouse.(有只狐狸在鸡舍附近徘徊。)
7、Lions still occasionally prowl nearby, but their Numbers are dropping. There are no elephants any more.(我们偶尔还可以看到一些在附近闲逛的狮子群,但它们的数量却减少了,而象群是再也看不到了。)
8、The study shows that ignorance can be safer than carnal knowledge when predators are on the prowl.(这项研究表明当捕食者在虎视眈眈四处徘徊时,无知比感性经验更安全。)
9、He would prowl into anyone's house and steal or break POTS of butter and milk.(他会潜入他人屋内,偷窃或者打碎黄油与牛奶罐。)
10、Many wild animals prowl at night.(许多野生动物在夜间觅食。)
11、Rather than tidy up, some now prowl the city at night, emptying bins onto pavements.(现在,清洁工不但不不工作了,甚至有些晚上会偷偷溜出来,把空箱子扔到人行道上。)
12、One day, news spread throughout the little town of the appearance of a hungry Wolf on the prowl in the area.(有一天,小镇上传开了一个消息,说当地有一匹饿狼在活动。)
13、Meanwhile, Chinese companies, flush with cash, are on the prowl abroad.(与此同时,握有大把现金的中国公司也在海外寻找目标。)
14、I prowl around when you're fast asleep.(俺周围徘徊时,你多快睡着了。)
15、The ecology of the region also permitted armed predators to prowl the surrounding barrens, which were almost impossible for a state to control.(该地区的生态环境使得武装侵略者在周围的荒漠中潜行,国家几乎难以控制这些荒漠。)
16、Look out for burglars on the prowl. If you see anything suspicious, call the police immediately.(小心巡视,提防盗贼,如有任何可疑情况,马上打电话报警。)
17、Our cats go on the prowl at night, and then they sleep here all day.(我们家的猫晚上悄悄出去觅食,白天就在这里睡大觉。)
18、He was referring to the stripy animals that prowl the country in declining Numbers.(他指的是该国生存的这种斑纹动物的数量正在锐减。)
19、They return at evening, snarling like dogs, and prowl about the city.(他们晚上转回,叫号如狗,围城绕行。)
20、but the mugger is back on the prowl.(可是现在这条巨鳄又重新回来觅食了。)
21、prowl: This ability will no longer sometimes turns atuocast on by itself.(潜行:这个技能不再会有时自己变成自动释放。)
22、Once a rogue bear is on the prowl, it is not just foolish to provoke it.(只要一头无所事事的灰熊在野地徘徊,而人们在这种情况下去惹恼此庞物就不仅是愚蠢了。)
23、It's not as though I want to prowl around their bedrooms.(其实,我并不想在他们房间里转悠。)
24、Other firms that do not count mining as their main business are also on the prowl.(其他采矿非主要业务的公司也跃跃欲试。)
25、With the economy down, we are on the prowl looking for bargains.(因为经济欠佳,我们都在四处寻找便宜的价格。)
26、Gates would prowl the car park to see who came in on the weekend.(盖茨潜伏在停车场伺机查看周末谁会到公司。)
27、As we approached a clearing, we ran into a group of American tourists on the prowl with their zoom lenses.(当我们接近林区,便加入一个美国旅行团,他们拿放大镜匍匐前进。)
28、He saw a hungry Wolf on the prowl with his telescope.(他通过望远镜看到了一头四处觅食的饿狼。)
29、I'm officially retired and on the prowl.(我正式退休了,然后四处游荡。)
30、Chinese carmakers have been on the prowl all year for distressed western car assets but few deals have been concluded.(中国汽车制造商一年来一直在搜寻陷入困境的西方汽车制造资产,但很少达成交易。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。