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Basketball
is
a
team
sport
in
which
two
teams
of
five
active
players
each
try
to
score
points
against
one
another
by
placing
a
ball
through
a
3.048
meter
high
hoop
under
organized
rules.
Basketball
is
one
of
the
most
popular
and
widely
viewed
sports
in
the
world.篮球是2个队,每队由5个运动员组成,通过把球投进3.048米高的篮筐和一定的规则,争取比另外一对得分高的运动.Points
are
scored
by
throwing
the
ball
through
the
basket
from
above;
the
team
with
more
points
at
the
end
of
the
game
wins.
The
ball
can
be
advanced
on
the
court
by
dribbling
it
or
passing
it
between
teammates.
Disruptive
physical
contact
is
penalized
and
there
are
restrictions
on
how
the
ball
can
be
handled.通过把球投进篮筐来得分,得分高的队获胜.通过场上球员的带球和传球来推进比赛.
走不是违规的,怎么拿球也有规则*.Through
time,
basketball
has
developed
to
involve
common
techniques
of
shooting,
passing
and
dribbling,
as
well
as
players'
positions,
and
offensive
and
defensive
structures.
Typically,
the
tallest
members
of
a
team
will
play
center
or
one
of
two
forward
positions,
while
shorter
players
or
those
who
possess
the
best
ball
handling
skills
and
speed,
play
the
guard
positions.随着时间的推进,篮球已经发展为一项包含公认射篮,传球,带球技巧和攻守方的运动.
一般来说,队里最高的是中锋,还有2个前锋,
得分球员,和一个拥有最佳的持球技巧和速度的球员来做控球后卫.