我们学校有一个英语演讲比赛,我抽到的是"Each coin has two sides"这 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 22:49



热心网友 时间:2024-11-21 21:59

A knight, says an old tale, riding out on adventures, came across a golden shield hanging from the branch of a tree. As he sat
on his horse looking at it, another knight rode up from the opposite
direction, and reined up to look at the shield also.

“Who,” said the first, “has hung his golden shield here?”

“I know
not,” replied the second; “but the shield is not of gold, but of

“You're lying,” cried the first: “it is gold.”

“You're lying,” shouted
the second: “it is silver.”

So they fought; and when they could fight no longer, and were covered
with wounds, they looked at the shield again; and they found they were
both right and both wrong; for the shield was gold on one side, and
silver on the other.

So every question has two sides. Narrow-minded people can see only one side; and it takes a broad-minded man to see both.

Whether it’s your best friend complaining about his or her parents a
classmate complaining about another student, or a newspaper columnist
writing a political story, just remember, there are always two sides to
each story.

If we wish to be viewed by others as dependable, wise, and correct in our decision making, we need to be sure we have all the facts before we speak or

Consider the different ways in which different people will look at a
social problem say, poverty. Some will say that poverty is entirely due
to idleness, shiftlessness and strong drink.

Let the poor work and save and keep sober, and there will be no more
poverty. Other people will point out that idleness, shiftlessness and
drunkenness are themselves the result of the wretched circumstances in
which the poor are brought up.

A child born in a dirty town-slum, brought up in crowded hovel,
breathing smoke and foul air, half starved, and with no proper
schooling, naturally grows up to be a worthless idler and drunkard.
Change his surroundings, and he will be an honest, industrious and sober

So one party says, Change the man and he will change his surroundings
: and the other says, Change the Surroundings and you will change the
man. And then they quarrel and fight.

Yet both are right; each sees one side of the question, but only one.
A wise and broad-minded person will see both, and work to truly improve our world.

我不知道你要多长的, 这差不多也就是5-10分钟的话。

热心网友 时间:2024-11-21 22:00

