专利名称:Stator Segment and Method of Assembly发明人:Alan G. Holmes,Richard A. Ordo,Ahmed M.
摘要:A stator assembly is provided for an electric motor having a longitudinal axis.The stator assembly includes at least one stator segment having a first end memberhaving a stator tooth and at least one of a stator shoe and a back iron. A second end
member is positioned with respect to the first end member and has a stator tooth and atleast one of a stator shoe and a back iron. A winding generally circumscribes the statortooth of the first end member and the stator tooth of the second end member. The firstand second end members have a parting line generally perpendicular to the longitudinalaxis of the motor. A motor incorporating the stator assembly of the present invention isdisclosed. Additionally, a method of forming the stator assembly of the present inventionis described.
申请人:Alan G. Holmes,Richard A. Ordo,Ahmed M. El-Antably
地址:Clarkston MI US,Greenwood IN US,Indianapolis IN US