专利名称:Electrostatic fluidized bed coating method
and apparatus
发明人:David J. Bellemare,John Donahue,Martin
Fagan,Robert Vollono
摘要:Apparatus for applying powder to objects, such as electric motor stators andpermeable substrates. The apparatus includes a first chamber having upper and lower
portions. A powder fluidizing bed is disposed at the lower portion and receives andfluidizes a bed of powder to form a powder cloud within the first chamber. An opening isdisposed at the upper portion of the first chamber and directs at least one stream of thepowder from the powder cloud out of the first chamber. An object holder is disposedabove the opening and is configured to hold at least one of the objects at a position forintersecting the stream of powder.
代理机构:Wood, Herron & Evans, L.L.P.