
ACCA P2 Accounting Standards会计准则整理

2021-11-18 来源:步旅网
IAS 8 10 12 17 18 19 20 21 28 36 37 38 40 41

IFRS 2 5 9 10 11 13

The objective of general purpose financial reporting

The objective of general purpose financial reporting is providing financial info of the reporting entity that is useful to existing or potential investors,lenders and other creditors for making decision about providing resources to the entity.The decision will involve buying,selling and holding equity and debt instrument of the entity,providing or settling loans or other form of credit.

Qualitative Characteristics


relevance :predictive value,confirmatory value and materiality

faithful representation:financial info. Should be neutral complete and free from error



Verifiability:faithfully represent economic phenomena

Timeliness:having info in time

Understandability:clear and concisely,complex phenomena should not be excluded out the reports(otherwise incomplete and misleading)

The elements of financial statements

Asset--resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow into the entity

Liability--present obligation of the entity as a result of past events and the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits

Equity--the residual interest of assets after deducting total liability of the entity

Income--increase of economic benefits in the accounting period in the form of inflows,enhancement of assets or decrease of liabilities that result in increase of equity,other than those relating to contributions from equity participants

Expense--decrease of economic benefits in the accounting period in the form of outflows,decrease of assets or increase of liabilities that result in decrease of equity,other than those relating to distributions to equity participants

IAS 12 Current tax

Deferred tax is tax attributable to temporary difference ,which are difference between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the SOFP and tax base.

Deductible temporary difference generate a DTA.

Taxable temporary difference generate a DTL.

Group financial statements

1.Fair value adjustment

2.Undistributed profit

A subsidiary’s profits are recognised in the CSF but may subject to additional tax when remitted to the parent’s tax regime as dividend income.

The parent should recognise a DTL unless

1)the parent investor or venture can control the timing of the reversal of temporary difference,or

2)It is probable that temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future

3.Unrealised profit

A deferred tax asset is recognized in the receiving company


A DTA and DTL should be recognised for all deductible or taxable temporary difference,unless they arise from:

1)the initial recognition of g/w

2)The recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which

Is not a biz combination

At the time of transaction,Iaffects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit


1.The DTA and DTL are measured at tax rates expected to apply in the period when the tax asset realised and liability settled,based on the tax rate that has been enacted by the year end of reporting period

2.DTA and DTL shouldn’t be discounted

3.DTA can only be recognized to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits are available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized.


DTL and DTA can only be offset only when

1.the entity has a legally enforceable right to offset the DTA against DTL

2.The deferred tax asset and liability relates to income taxes levied by the same tax authority

IAS 17 Lease

Financial lease is a lease where the lessor transfers substantially risks and rewards incident to the ownership of the leased asset to the lessee.Title may or may not be transferred at the end of the lease term.

Indicators of finance lease:

1.The lease term is the major part of the economic useful life(>75%)

2.The PV of minimum lease payment is substantially proportion of the fair value of the asset

3.The title will be transferred to the lessee at the end of the lease term

4.The lessee can buy the asset at a significantly low price compared to its value

5.The asset is specific for the lessee’s use without major modification

Accounting treatment:Capitalize asset and recognize liability

Asset:depreciated over the shorter term of lease term and economic useful life

Liability:amortized cost

Current issue

The difference of the accounting treatment between finance lease and operating lease has significant impact on the financial performance of FSs,especially on the gearing ratio,ROCE and interest cover.It has been argued that the treatment of operating lease is inconsistent with the definition of assets and liabilities in IASB’s Conceptual Framwork.There is increasing call for the capitalisation of operating lease on the grounds that they meet the definition of assets and liabilities in IASB’s Conceptual Framwork. .

Lease within 12 months

Same as the treatment of operating lease under IAS17

Lease out of 12 months

Type A lease

Where the lessee consumes more than insignificant amount of economic benefit of the assets(vehicle,equippment)

It reflects the finance nature of the transaction and consumption of depreciating assets

Dr right of use asset

Cr liability

(PV of the lese payment and expected residual value guarantee value,discounted at the rate lessor charges lessee)

TypeB lease

Where the lessee consumes not more than insignificant amount of economic benefit of the underlying asset(property)

Reflects that property has a long useful life and the lessor look to earn a yield rather than the lender’s return

Dr right of use asset

Cr liability

IAS18 Revenue

Revenue is that what arises from the normal course of biz ,such as sale of goods or services,dividend royalties.

Sale of goods

Recognition criteria

1.It’s probable that the economic benefit will flow into the entity

2.The cost incurred can bee measured reliably

3.Revenue can be measured reliably

4.Transfer substantial risk and rewards of ownership of the goods to the buyer

5.Maintain no continuing managerial involvement nor effective control over the goods sold

Render of service

1 It’s probable that the economic benefit will flow into the entity

2The cost incurred can bee measured reliably

3Revenue can be measured reliably

4Stage of completion can be measured reliably

If the stage cannot be measured reliably,the revenue can only be recognized to the extent that the cost incurred can be recovered.

Current development-SOFP Approach

1.Identify contract

2.Identify performance obligation

3.Determine transaction price

4.Allocate transaction price to performance obligation

5.Recognize revenue when performance obligation satisfied

IAS 21 The effects of changes in foreign exchange rate

Functional currency is the currency of the primary environment in which the entity opeartes.

Determination factor

1.mainly influences the sale price of goods or services provided

2.Of the country whose competitive forces and regulations mainly influence the price of goods or services provided

3.Mainly influence cost of the labor,material and other cost incurred when providing goods or services

4.The currency in which funds from financing activity are generated

5.The currency in which receipts from operating activities are usually retained

IAS28 Associate

An associate is an entity over which the investor has significant influence.

Significant influence is the power to participate the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control on or jointly control on those policies.

This could be shown by:

Representation in the BOD of directors

Interchange of management personnel

Provide essential technology info

Participate the decision making of policy

Material transaction between the entity and the investee

IAS 37 Provision,contingent liability and asset

Provion is liability of uncertain timing or amount.


1.there is a present obligation as a result of past events

2.It is probable that economic benefits will flow out of the entity to settle the obligation

3.The amount can be measured reliably



If the provision involves a large population of measures-----expected values

Single obligation-------the best estimate,most likely outcome

Discounting of provision----time value of money is material

Discount rate:pre-tax rate and appropriately reflects the risk associated with cash flow

An asset will only be recognised where the present obligation recognised as provision gives access to future economic benefits

Contingent liability is either

(a)a possible obligation arising from past events whose exsitence will be only confirmed by the ocurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity.

(b)a present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognized because

1.the amount cannot be measured reliably or

2.It is not probable that economic benefits will flow out of the entity to settle the obligation


Disclosed until the possibility of an out flow of economic benefits is remote

Description of nature,estimate of financial effect,the possibility of any reimbursement.the indication of uncertainties relating to amount or timing of any


Contingent liability

a possible asset arising from past events whose exsitence will be only confirmed by the ocurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity.

Disclosure will re required when it is probable.

Restructuring plan

A constructive obligation will arise only when:

1.there is a detailed formal plan and

2.There is a valid expectation that it will carry out the restructuring plan raised in those affected by starting to implement or making announcement its main features to those affected.

IAS 41 Agriculture

Biologic asset is living animal or plant.

Agricultural produce is the harvested product from biologic asset.


1.probable economic benefit flow in

2.Under the control of the entity

3.Cost can be measured reliably


1.biologic asset will be measured on initial recognition and year end of each reporting period at fair value less cost to sale

2.Agricultural produce is also measured at FVLCTS.The FVLSTS of AP will become cost under IAS 2.After harvest the AP will be measured at lower of cost and NRV in accordance of IAS2

3.When the fair value cannot be measured reliably,the biologic asset should be carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss.

Government grant

The treatment of GG relating to BA held at FVLCTS is different from IAS 20

Unconditional--recognized when they are receivable

Conditional--recognized when the conditions are met

The treatment of GG relating to BA held at cost less depreciation is the same as IAS 20

1as deferred income

2deducted from the CA of biological asset


The description of each group

--consumable BA

--bearer BA

The reconciliation of changes in the carrying amount of BA

--seperate disclosure of physical and amount

IFRS 2 Share-based payment

IFRS 5 Non-current asset as held for sale and discontinued operation

Disposal group is a group of assets to be disposed of together as a group in a

single transaction and liabilities directly associated with the assets that will be transferred in the transaction

Classification of NCA held for sale

An entity may shall classify a NCA as held for sale if its carrying amount will be recovered principally in a sale transaction rather than continuing use

To classify NCA as held for sale,the following criteria should be met

1.the assets is available for immediate sale at its present condition,only subject to usual and customary sale term

2.The sale is highly probable

1)The price at which the asset is actively market should be reasonable in respect to it present fair value

2)An active program to locate for potential buyer and complete the plan has been initiated

3)Mgt has been committed to a plan to sell

4)Unlikely that big changes will take place to the plan and plan will be withdrawn

5)Sales expected to qualify for recognition as a complete sale within 12 months after the date of classification of NCAHFS

Measurement and presentation


2.重分类时,should be measured at lower of carrying value or FVLCTS

3.NCAHFS/disposal group shouldn’t be depreciated

4.Subsequent --changes in FVLCTS(impairment loss or reversal of impairment loss) in P/L

Gains should not exceed accumulative impairment loss.


Normarlly as current asset/liabilities

Separately from assets and liabilities

Single amount of assets and liabilities

On the face of SOFP

No longer classified as NCAHFS is measured as the lower of:

1.the recoverable amount of the assets at that date of subsequent decision not to sell

2.The carrying value before the assets was classified ,adjusted by accumulated depreciation,amortisation and revaluation that would have been recognised had the asset not been classified as HFS

Discontinued operation

1.Is a component of entity that either has been disposed of or classified as HFS and

2.represent a major line of the biz or geographical area of operation,or

3.Is part of a single coordinated plan to dispose of a major line of the biz or geographical area of operation

1.a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to sale

IFRS 10 Subsidiary

Is an entity that is controlled by the investor.

An investor controls the investee if and only if the investor has all the


1.Power over the investee to direct the relevant activities

E.g.Power--voting rights,right to appoint ,reassign or remove key management personnel,right to appoint or remove another entity that directs relevant activities

Relevant activities---sell and purchase goods and sales,manage financial assets

2.Exposure and rights to the variable return from its involvement with the investee

e.g.Dividends,access to future liquidity

3.Ability to use its power over the investee to influence the amount of the investor’s return

IFRS11 Joint arrangement

Joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control.

JC is contractually agrees sharing of control of the arrangement ,which exists only when decisions about relevant activities will require unanimous consent of all

parties sharing the control.

Joint operation is a JA where parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to assets and obligation to liabilities relating to the arrangement

JV is a JA where parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

Not structured to a separate vehicle------JO

Structured to a separate vehicle

Considering the the legal form,the terms of contractual arrangement,other facts and circumstances-----whether JO or JV

In consolidated FSs

JO---line by line basis

JV---equity method

In individual FSs

JO---line by line basis

Its own assets and liabilities

Its share of assets held and expense and liabilities incurred jointly

Its revenue from the sale of of its share of the output arsing from JO

Its share of revenue from the sale of output by the JO itself


IFRS 13 Fair value measurement

Fair value is the price received to sell and paid to buy between market participants in a active market in an orderly transaction at measurement date.

Fair value is market based,not specific to entity.The valuation techniques used to measure FV maximise the use of observable inputs and minimise use of unobservable inputs.

To increase consistency and comparability in FV measurement and in relating to disclosure,IFRS 13 establishes a FV hierarchy that categorized inputs of valuation techniques into 3 levels.

Level 1 quoted price for the identical asset and liability of the entity in active market

Level 2 inputs other than quoted price within level 1,e.g quoted price for similar assets and liability in active market or quoted price for identical assets

and liability in non-active market,or quoted interest rate

Level 3 unobservable inputs,discounting estimated future cash flow

Level 3 inputs will only be used when the observable inputs are not available or where the entity determines that the transaction price or quoted price cannot represent fair value

A FV measurement assumes the transactions take place :

1.In principal market

2.In most advantageous market in the absence of principal market

The most advantageous market will be assessed after taking into account transport cost and transaction cost.FV also take into account transport cost but exclude transaction cost.

The FV measurement should use assumptions that market participants would use when pricing asset and liability,assuming market participants acting at their own best economic interest

For non-financial assets,the FV should be the value for using the asset in its highest and best use or by selling it to another market participants which would use it in its highest and best use.The highest and best use of the asset should take into account the use that is legally permissible,financially feasible and physically


The measurement of FV of liability should assumes that the liability remains outstanding and the market participants transferee would be required to fulfill the obligation rather than it being extinguished.The FV should also take into account the non-performance risk,which will include but may not be limited to an entity’own credit risk.

