专利名称:Use of staphylokinase for the preparation of
a pharmaceutical composition for treatingarterial thrombosis
发明人:Collen, Désiré José,Stassen, Jean-Marie,Lijnen, Henri Roger
摘要:The present invention relates to the use of staphylokinase for the preparationof a pharmaceutical composition for treating arterial thrombosis, such as e.g. myocardialinfarction. It is demonstrated that staphylokinase can be particularly useful as athrombolytic agent for the lysis of platelet-rich clots. Furthermore it is demonstratedthat staphylokinase, unlike streptokinase, does not induce antibody induction uponrepeated administration.
申请人:Leuven Research & Development V.Z.W.,Collen, Désiré José
地址:Benedenstraat 59A Groot Begijnhof B-3000 Leuven BE,Schoonzichtlaan 20 B-3020 Winksele-Herent BE
代理机构:Bruin, Cornelis Willem