
Method and apparatus for pressure washing

2024-08-01 来源:步旅网

专利名称:Method and apparatus for pressure washing发明人:Scott A. Eliason,Rudolph W. Driscoll,

Jr.,Michael D. Damron,Eduardo M. Garcia


摘要:The present invention relates to methods and apparatus for removing acontaminant from an object. According to one aspect, an apparatus for washing an objectwhich has contaminant is arranged to recover the contaminant. The apparatus includes asupport floor that supports an object to be washed and a basin mounted below thesupport floor. The basin is divided into a plurality of chambers which include a clean waterchamber, a secondary water chamber, an oil containment chamber, and a contaminatedwater receiving chamber which receives water which is contaminated after it is flowedover the object to remove the contaminant. The contaminated water received in thecontaminated water receiving chamber must pass sequentially through the oilcontainment chamber and the secondary water chamber prior to entering the cleanwater chamber. The clean water chamber is flowably coupled to the secondary waterchamber by a first flowpath near the operational water level, while the secondary waterchamber is flowably coupled to the oil containment chamber by a second flowpath nearthe bottom of the basin. The oil containment chamber is flowably coupled to thecontaminated water receiving chamber by a third flowpath near the operational waterlevel. The apparatus also includes a first pump which draws and filters water from the

secondary water chamber and returns the filtered water to the clean water chamber.


代理机构:Beyer & Weaver, LLP

