

2021-12-26 来源:步旅网




主办:浦东教发院教研部小学英语组 承办:进才实验小学


Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition)

5B Module 1 Using my five sensences

Unit 3 How noisy!

School: Jincai Experimental Primary School Teacher: Angel(张是赟)

Materials: Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 5B M1U3 How noisy! Date: 2014-3-5

Teaching aids: Multi-media, flash, etc.




在学习本单元之前,学生涉猎过相关的声音话题,感受过大千世界中的相关声音;也初步了解和学习了一般过去式(to be和部分实义动词)这一时态,能用一般过去式来简单描述过去发生的事情,这些都为本单元的学习奠定了一定的学习基础。


主题:Using my five senses

单元:Unit 1 What a mess! Unit 2 Watch it grow! Unit 3 How noisy!

5BM1模块学习主题为 Using my five senses,运用感官、观察世界、感受生活。这个模块涉及到的新内容包括:学校里经常使用的一些学习物品(如笔记本、蜡笔、胶带、颜料等)、名词性物主代词(如mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs等),昆虫名称、动物成长过程的不同阶段名称(如egg, cocoon, caterpillar, puppy等)、能发出特殊响声的一些生活物品类单词(如drill, lorry, motorbike等)。

本模块涉及的句型与时态,除了进一步复习和巩固一般现在时态和can句型外,重点学习一般过去时态(simple past tense)。一般过去时态的学习关注了be动词的变化和实义动词的变化,主要涉及其陈述形式的用法与表达。



第三单元以“太吵了”为话题,要求学生能熟练掌握生活中经常可以听到的、能发出特殊声音的一些物品名称;能运用相关句型进行问答(如:What's that noise? What

can you hear?); 能通过一般过去时态的叙述来体会声音所带来的感受(即:哪些声音是令人愉悦的,哪些声音是会影响别人的);能通过一般过去时态实义动词的陈述表达感受人们行为的今昔变化。在此基础上,告诫学生学会减少噪音污染,营造良好的生活氛围。

1、各学习项目分析 Look and learn: 核心学习板块。主要进行词汇的学习,重点包括: lorry, drill, motorbike等实物名称表达以及outside, sleep, another, noise, heard, sat等相关核心词汇。

Look and say: 核心学习板块。主要进行句型的学习,重点是一般过去时态(did) 的陈述表达以及Wh- 疑问句(如:What's that noise? What can you hear?)以及回应等。

Say and act: 语言活动与练习板块。借助一则追星过程中孩子们对声音的不同感受,进一步操练与运用一般过去时态(was/were, did),在说一说、演一演的过程中学会保持合适的言行,避免影响他人。

Read a story: 语言活动与练习板块。通过一则生动、有趣的寓言故事,感受声音与人类生活的密切与相对,学会思辨,积累生活经验。

Listen and enjoy: 语言欣赏板块。通过朗读节奏明快的儿歌来活跃课堂气氛,感受英语语言的优美,进一步体会城市生活安静环境之重要。

Tick and say: 语言活动与练习板块。通过相互问答,鼓励学生进行会话训练,进一步感受生活中的发声物体,感受声音的不同,体会声音的无处不在。

Learn the sounds: 语音学习板块。学习并初步掌握音素// 和/ /,能正确朗读与辨形;在此过程中,感受字母组合oy, oi, ure, our, oor的发音,进一步树立音素概念,做到发音准确、到位,辨形认读。


1)能学习和掌握如下词汇:lorry, drill, motorbike, outside, sleep, another, noise, heard, sat等,做到音、形、义的统一。尤其要关注某些实义动词的过去式表达。

2)能学习并掌握一般过去时态(did)用法,主要关注其陈述形式;掌握的实义动词包括want, hear, sit, watch等,能初步感受的实义动词包括enjoy, have, play, do等。

3)能熟练运用如下内容进行问答,捕捉声音的多样与不同,如:What's that noise? What can you hear?等。

4)能学习并掌握元音字母组-oy, -oi, -ure, -our, -oor的发音,做到发音准确、到位。


第一课时(Topic: A noisy day):Look and learn, Listen and enjoy 第二课时(Topic: A noisy yesterday):Look and say, Tick and say

第三课时(Topic: Loud music):Say and act

第四课时(Topic: A story about noise --- The Noise Kingdom):Read a story 第五课时:Learn the sounds & Revision

单元课时处理 标题 单元知识 整合的知识 拓展的知识 名词复数形式变化规律 Materials SB: P15 综合应用 语境建议: 师生讨论,哪些场所特别需要保持安静,应该养成怎样的公共场所礼仪。 语境建议: 师生问答,回想上周六做的事情,完成日记记录。 第一课时 Look and What noises can What's that learn 句you hear at home noise? Listen 型 and enjoy / in the street? I can hear ... 单outside, sleep, sleep-slept 词 another, is, am-was are-were heard, sat, wanted 句(did) was/were 型 …wanted to … did a pop group, 单played music, 词 enjoyed, had, did, loudly, did 句It's too... 型 单Kingdom, the 词 loudest, quietly (does) 句(did) 型 lorry, drill, 生活周围发出声音单motorbike, 的事物单词 词 noise 第二课时 Look and say Tick and say 一些常用的动词的过去式 SB: P14 didn't do 过去分词变化的一些常用规律 第Say and 三act 课 时 动词原形与其过去式的比较 didn't do SB: P16, 语境建议: P17 流行乐队的节目欣赏,感受声音给予人们的不同感受。 SB: P18, 语境建议: P19,P17 通过故事情境感声音的多样,思辨看待问题。 第四课时 Read a story 形容词副词的变化和用法 loud-louder-the loudest good-better- the best ...want to... ...say to... ...must ... ...like (doing)... 第五课时 单元复习(含Learn the sound)


1. 能运用一般现在时态来学习、理解故事,初步感受形容词最高级的含义以及相关词汇; 2. 借助问题引领、看图朗读等多种形式理解故事,在抓住关键信息的同时,准确、流利并有感情地朗读故事;

3. 通过故事阅读,了解个体对声音的不同喜好,感受声音所带来的不同生活方式。 Topic: The Noise Kingdom Procedures Pre-task preparation While-task procedures 2. Review 2. To teach:Pic 1 3. To teach: Pic 2 4. To teach: Pic 3 Contents 1. Warming-up 2. Listen and guess Methods 1. Listen and enjoy Purpose 儿歌吟诵激发学生的学习兴趣;听声猜测,切入学习主题。 习,在已知的故事中感受、理解、操练词汇。 鼓励学生利用发散性思维解决讨论重点。 导学生注意朗读。 从两人的谈话内容引出国王生日即将到来。 在回答问题中捕捉相关信息(国王生日那天国王和人们想做和应该做的事)。同时,强化‘the loudest noise’和’shout together’ 的朗读指导。 ’loudly’passage 指1. To teach: kingdom 1-1 Show the title to the phonetic symbol 1-3 Read the word tales in the kingdom 1-5 Read the title 2-1 Show the first passage 2-2 Think and say: Maybe they …(do) loudly. 2-3 3-1 Listen to the dialogue 3-2 Answer the questions 3-3 Learn: the loudest … 3-4 Act out the dialogue 3-5 Read the passage 4-1 Listen to the dialogue 4-2 Answer the questions Read the together 1-2 Learn the word according 故事主题引发词汇学1-4 Talk about the fairy 和’making noise’的 5. To teach: Pic 4 6. To teach: Pic 5 4-3 Fill in the blanks 4-4 Read the passage 5-1 Enjoy the flash 5-2 Answer the questions 5-3 To be the king 5-4 Read the passage 6-1 Look and read 6-2 Compare and say 利用对话引出孩子的好主意,并让所有人接受。在此,再次强化朗读指导。 整体感知图片4的内容。在回答问题中提炼情节以及结构,并通过角色扮演带出变化后的真实感受:It’s so nice. 前后两种状态的强烈对比让人们深刻体会到quiet带来的美好感觉。 指导学生朗读时注意法。 ’quiet’和‘quietly’的正确读Post-task activities 1. The whole story 2. Some practice 3. A poem 1-1 Watch the story 故事整体呈现,图-文-景整合。 2-1 Read the story in groups 多种方式运用,进一步2-2 Invite the students to 理解、巩固整故事内read the story 2-3 Answer the questions answer) emotion 容,注意答题指导。 核心思想。 通过回家练习巩固本课时的重点内容。 行发散训练,技能兼顾,体现分层。 (complete answer & short Listen to the poem with 由诗歌升华本故事的Assignment 1. Listen and read the story 2. Read a poem quiet city? Why? 3. Think and say: Do you like the noisy city or the 利用所学,联系实际进 板 书 设 计 5B M1U3 How noisy! The Noise Kingdom Before birthday On birthday After birthday like making noise become quiet do everything loudly do everything quietly the loudest noise King图 It’s so nice! must shout together people 图 open the mouth and listen a good idea child 图 教 学 反 思 Main material:学习材料见教材P18-19 Students’ sheet:

5B M1U3 The Noise Kingdom

The king’s birthday is coming. What does he want to do? In the Noise Kingdom, people like making noise. They do He wants to hear the loudest noise. What must all the people do? everything loudly. So all the people must shout together at twelve o’clock on his birthday.

The king’s birthday is coming. He wants to hear the loudest noise in the all the people must shout together at twelve o’clock on his birthday!

Because the king likes the loud noise. Why does the king want to hear the loudest noise in the world? I feel tired if I Let’s just open our mouths and listen. Yes. Do you have any ideas if you don’t want to shout? A child says to his parents, ‘Let’s just open our mouths and listen.’ All the people hear about this idea.

At twelve o’clock on the king’s birthday, people all open their mouths and listen. It is so quiet. They hearthe songs of the birds and the river. ‘It’s so nice!’ says the king.

After that, the Noise Kingdom becomes quiet. People do everything quietly.

Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition)

5B Module2 My favourite things

Unit 1 Food and drinks

School: Jincai Experimental Primary School(进才实验小学) Teachers: Lu Jiayi (陆佳怡)

Materials:Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 5B M2U1 Food and drinks Date: 2014- 3-5

Teaching aids: Multi-media, word cards, flash, Workbook, etc

教学设计说明 学生情况分析:


在学习本单元之前,学生已经积累了部分与饮食相关的词汇;同时,也学习与掌握了与本单元内容密切相关的内容,比如:表达需求时的常用句型May I have....?,了解他人喜好的句型What do you like eating?等,这些知识储备都为本单元的学习奠定了一定的学习基础。


5BM2的学习主题是My favourite things,这个模块涉及的词汇包括常见食品中肉类、蔬菜、主食、饮料(如:猪肉、牛肉;卷心菜、番茄、米饭、面条;果汁、牛奶等)、电影院里常见的事物(如:电影票、售票处、出口、入口等)以及学校开设的各种科目的英语名称(如:数学、信息技术、体育等)。

本模块涉及到的句型和语法是:一般过去时态的特殊疑问句What did…?,用动词“shall”询问他人意见、用疑问代词what询问别人有什么样的学科;还有“to have”句型、It’s time for…表达时间。同时还复习了一般现在时的陈述句和there be句型以及情态动词can的陈述句和一般疑问句等。




5BM2U1 Food and drinks通过常见的食品、饮料名称的学习以及一般过去时的特殊疑问句(主要是have)的问答学习,进一步了解一般过去时态所表示的含义。在掌握部分实义动词的过去式表达的基础上,形成一日三餐要准时并且注意荤素搭配均衡的正确概念及健康饮食内容。同时,在运用重点句型询问他人日常饮食习惯的过程中,了解并判断饮食习惯的健康与否,从而形成良好的饮食习惯,健康的生活习惯。在此过程中,鼓励学生进行适当的提炼与概括,形成对某一类词汇的总分认识与表述。 1、各学习项目分析

Look and learn: 核心学习板块。主要进行单词学习,包括类别区分,重点是:meat, pork, beef, chicken, fish, vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, cabbages, beans等。

Look and say: 核心学习板块。主要进行句型学习,重点是:What did you have for…?

I had … 等,着重解决一般过去时态(did) 的表达。

Ask and answer: 语言活动与练习板块。在问答中进一步操练单元核心句型:--- What did you have for breakfast / lunch/dinner yesterday? --- I had… … is/are my favourite food.等。

Look and read: 语言活动与练习板块。结合学生的生活实践,在情境中进行核心语言学习的巩固与拓展,辨析饮食习惯的健康与否,积累更多的、合理的生活经验。

Read a story: 语言活动与练习板块。通过动物故事的阅读,进一步操练核心学习内容,从故事的寓意中明确饮食健康的重要性。

Listen and enjoy: 语言欣赏板块。通过朗朗上口的儿歌,强化对核心词汇的巩固,培养学生良好的语感。

Learn the sound: 语音学习板块。主要学习双元音[əu]和[bau],能正确朗读与辨形;在熟悉其相关的字母组合发音中,进一步树立音素概念,做到发音准确、到位。


(1)能学习和掌握食品类单词及相关的动词(过去式)、形容词,如:meat, pork, beef, chicken, fish, fruit, vegetable, tomato, potato, carrot, cabbage, bean, rice, milk,had, eat, did, healthy, keep…away等;

(2)能运用一般过去时态的特殊疑问句来进行问答,如:--- What did you have for …? --- I had… 同时,学会了解他人的一日三餐情况(即日常饮食的习惯);

(3)能用一般现在时态来讲述健康或不健康的生活方式(其中涉及a lot of, some, too much等表示数量的词组的正确使用),初步形成正确的生活方式。

(4)能掌握双元音[əu]和[bau]的发音,掌握与之匹配的字母或字母组合,如:no, go, home, close, show, bowl, coat, out, south, how, now等含有相同发音的单词,做到学一个记一串。


第一课时(Topic: Healthy food):Look and learn, Listen and enjoy 第二课时(Topic: Healthy eating habits):Look and say, Ask and answer 第三课时(Topic: Healthy life):Look and read

第四课时(Topic: A story about health --- Jim and Matt):Read a story 第五课时:Learn the sounds & Revision

单元课时处理: 标题 单词 Look and 第learn 一Listen 课 and 时 句enjoy 型 单元知识 meat pork beef chicken fish vegetable tomato potato carrot cabbage bean rice milk What do you have? I have … What can you find in a fridge? What’s in the fridge? What kind of meat / fruit /vegetable do you like? 语境建议: WB: pp. 26 上学路上 讨论吃过的Part C and 27 早餐; Part E 问卷调查同学们的早餐情况等。 SB:, 21 整合的知识 拓展的知识 Materials SB:p.21.23 综合应用 语境建议: 说说自家冰箱里的食品;招待客人需要的食品、超市里喜欢购买的食品等。 形容食品数量的量 词: a glass of, some, a lot of 第Look and 二say What did you have 课for Ask and 句breakfast? 时 answer 型 I had … 第三课时 第四课时 单unhealthy 词 Look and read 句They eat a lot of 型 fruit and vegetables. Read a story 单do some exercise 词 句 had eat did lunch dinner food 单healthy keep…away today, yesterday pyramid 词 favourite food too much some a lot of soft drinks … like doing… SB: WB: Part G 语境建议: 课堂上老师与学生讨论健康生活的话题。 always, never, food everyday, soon, pyramid all day, all night 一般现在时描述小老鼠的日常生活 SB: p. 24,25 语境建议: 故事阅读。可WB: P29 以让学生小Part H 组表演,可以为两只老鼠型 第五课时 Learn the sound & 单元复习 WB p30 task


[əu]—o, o_e, ow, no, go, home, 语oa close, show, 音 [au]—ou, ow bowl, coat, 设计对白。 out, south, how, now等。 复习单元核心内容;进行相关的练习与检测。 1. 能运用一般现在时句型来描述两只小老鼠的日常情况和行为习惯。如 He is strong and healthy. He never does any exercise. He always eats too much.等;

2. 借助问题引领、看图朗读等多种形式理解故事,在抓住关键信息的同时,准确、流利并有感情地朗读故事。

3. 通过故事阅读,了解健康饮食的重要性,逐步形成良好的饮食习惯。

Topic: Jim and Matt

Procedures Pre-task preparation Contents 2. A short passage 3. Some questions While-task procedure 1. Picture 1 To teach: do some exercise 1. Listen and find out the 运用自我介绍引出故事names of the mice 2. Ask and answer practice self-introductions 5. Read the text of Picture1 2. Picture 2 To teach: 1. Show a table of Matt’s 通过Matt昨天的食谱操diet 3. Read the phrase 4. Imitate Jim and Matt in roles 练单元核心,形象感受all day and all night。同时,鼓励学生模仿Jim对Matt的劝告来活跃课第二段故事材料。 主角,在问答中自然带出关键词组的学习与训练,朗读指导,形成对故事主Methods 2. Read the passage 3. Ask and answer Purpose 歌曲吟唱活跃课堂气氛;通过小语段阅读和问答及时复习与巩固单元所学。 1. Song: Vegetable song 1. Sing a song healthy 3. Read the phrase and do more 强化第一段故事材料的4. Imitate Jim’s and Matt’s 角的认识。 all day and all night 2. Imitate Matt’s words 5. Read the text of Picture 2 堂气氛,由此形成与丰富3. Picture3 To teach: safe 1. Watch and answer 2. Imitate the cat’s words 想象猫语、感受猫的心情;在猜测Jim面对危险3. Guess ‘What does Jim do?’ 时的反应中自然引出第4. Read the word and do more 三段故事材料的学习与practice 5. Read the text of Picture 3 朗读。 通过分角色自由想象猫和Jim之间的对话,并在容,留下悬念。 5. To teach: Picture 4 1. Watch and image 2. Order the sentences 3. Read the text of Picture 4 练习中学习第四段的内Post-task: 1. The whole story 2. Some questions 3. Some practice 4. Tips Assignment 1. Watch the whole story 2. Answer the questions 3-1 Read by themselves 3-3 Talk about the ending healthy habits 呈现整个故事情节,并通过问题引导学生回顾整个故事,加深对故事的理尾,增强趣味性,增加学交流各自想法,拓展学生思维,适时行为教育。 1. Read the story on Page 24-25 回家作业的设计既关注2. Read a new story 了板块的特点,又训练的3. Make a new ending of the story and try to write it 各项技能;同时,又确保down 5B M2 U1 Food and drinks Jim and Matt live in a small hole 板书设计 all day and all night strong and healthy fat run fast cannot run fast safe dangerous Main material : 学习材料见教材P24-25 Materials:

Jim: Hello! I am Jim. I live in a small hole in the wall with Matt. I like doing some exercise. I am strong and healthy.

do some exercise never do any exercise eat too much 教学反思 了阅读和思维训练的延伸。 3-2Make a new ending in groups 解;在此基础上为故事续4. Summaries the tips of 生言语训练的机会。 Matt: Hello! I am Matt. I live in a small hole in the wall with Jim. I never do any exercise. I like eating a lot. Yummy!

Matt, you should do some exercise. You’re getting too fat. Matt: No, no, no, I never do that. That sounds uninteresting.


Cat:Hey! You two little mice! You look so yummy. I am hungry now. I want to eat you. Miao… Miao…

Students’ sheet:

Jim and Matt

Jim and Matt live in a small hole in the wall. Jim does some exercise every day. He is strong and healthy. Matt never does any exercise. He always eats too much. He is fat. ‘Yummy!’

Matt eats all day and all night. Soon he becomes very fat.‘Matt, you should do some exercise. You’re getting too fat. ’ says Jim. But Matt does not listen. ‘No, no, no, I never do that. That sounds uninteresting. ’

One day, Jim and Matt are in the kitchen. A cat comes. ‘Hey! You two little mice! You look so yummy. I am hungry now. I want to eat you. Miao… Miao… ’Jim quickly runs into the hole. He is safe there.

Matt runs to the hole too, but he cannot run fast. He is too fat.

Finally, _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (too slowly, catch, eat, sad, luckily, pull, one month later, happy…)
