1. MIT researchers were involved in efforts to develop computers, radar, and inertial guidance in connection with defense research during World War II and the Cold War. 麻省理工的研究人员在二战和冷战期间和防御研究会共同致力于计算机,雷达和惯性制导开发。
2. MIT has five schools and one college, containing a total of 32 academic departments, with a strong emphasis on scientific and technological research. 麻省理工有5个学院和一个独立学院,包括32个科系,学校注重科学技术研究。
根据这两个句子,可以看一下原文的句子:学校以培养“适应能力强,实干精神强,创新意识强”的高素质人才为根本任务。这里就可以灵活变通一下,不一定非得按照根本任务翻译,be involved in efforts to 和 with a strong emphasis on 就可以用上去。This university is involved in efforts to cultivate high quality talents who are adaptable, hard working and creative. 或者是 with a strong emphasis on adaptability, hard working and creativity, this university cultivates talents of such qualities. 以我的理解,如果就按原文顺序翻译会很拗口和生硬,而且引号里的内容可以用一些形容词来翻译。
3. Its current 168-acre (68.0 ha) campus opened in 1916 and extends over 1 mile (1.6 km) along the northern bank of the Charles River basin. 创建于1916年的麻省理工校区现有面积168英亩,在查尔斯河流域的北岸延伸了1英里。
4. MIT's 168-acre (68.0 ha) campus spans approximately a mile of the north side of the Charles River basin in the city of Cambridge.
始我认为这两个词可以套用进去,但是我发现这两个词用来描述跨度,而不是整体的面积,所以用cover这个词比较好,以上两个词虽没用上,但可权当积累。另外值得一提的是,它的面积全部用形容词性的词代替了:168-acre campus 这样显得简洁精炼且地道。所以此句可以译为:Located in Wu Han, known as the hub of 9 provinces, this university covers an area of over 4000mu. 或者译为 this 4000mu university is located in Wu Han which is famous as a hub of 9 provinces。
5. MIT's educational disciplines have expanded beyond the physical sciences and engineering into fields like biology, cognitive science, economics, philosophy, linguistics, political science, and management. 麻省理工的学科已经从物理科学和工学拓展到了生物,认知科学,经济学,哲学,语言学,政治学和管理学。
对照译文:学校学科涵盖工学,理学,文学,管理学,经济学,法学,哲学,史学,教育学,医学等门类。 由此可翻译为:This university’s educational disciplines have expanded into fields like engineering, nature science, management, economics, law, philosophy, history, pedagogic, and medicine, etc.
6. MIT enrolled 4,232 undergraduates and 6,152 graduate students for the Fall 2009–2010 term.[4] It employs about 1,009 faculty members.[3] Its endowment and annual research expenditures are among the largest of any American university.[10] 75 Nobel Laureates, 47 National Medal of Science recipients, and 31 MacArthur Fellows are currently or have previously been affiliated with the university. 麻省理工2009到2010年度秋季有本科生4232人,研究生6152人,现有教职工1009人,其获捐赠及每年到校科研经费居于所有美国大学榜首。学校现有诺贝尔奖获得者75人, 国家科学奖章获得者47人,麦克阿瑟研究员31人。
这一段话与原文中的教职工介绍非常对应,可以当一个模子套用。原文:学校重视师资队伍的建设,现有专任教师近3000人(教职工近5900人),其中教授625人,“国家杰出青年基金”获得者4人,“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选9人。学校有普通本科生36100余人,博士,硕士生16200余人。 2009年到校科研总经费5.07亿元。Wu Han University of Technology attaches primary importance to the construction of teachers’ team. It employs about 5900 faculty members, including 3000 full time teachers, and 625 professors. 4 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars recipients and 9 State Class Persons of National Talents Engineering of Ministry of Personnel of China are currently or have previously been affiliated with the university. It enrolled over 36100 undergraduates and more than 16200 graduates. And its research expenditure amounts to 507,000,000RMB.