Chapter 1 Colonial Period
American Puritanism Colonial Literature • 1.types of writing
• 2. content—— serving either God or colonial expansion or both • 3. form—— imitating English literary traditions • 4. Writers:
• 1) Captain John Smith: the first American Writer
• 2) Anne Bradstreet: first American woman poet; a Puritan poet
Chapter 2: the 18th Century literature
Jonathan Edwards
• an important figure in “Great Awakening”
• “Great Awakening” ——a serious of religious revivals which occurred in the 1730s and 1740s
• Basic principles: • Representatives: • Benjamin Franklin
• Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson etc.
Benjamin Franklin
• 1)Poor Richard’s Almanac ——many classical sayings, • 2)Autobiography——first of its kind in literature
Philip Freneau
1) the most important poet in the 18th century “Father of American Poetry” 2) Romantic spirits
Chapter 3:
American Romanticism
the end of the 18th century —— the outbreak of the Civil War Two periods and representatives
• 1. Early period
• Representatives:
• 1) Washington Irving, James Fennimore Cooper • 2) New England poets—— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Major Writers
• 1. Washington Irving ——
• “Rip Van Winkle” , \"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow“ • 2. James Fennimore Cooper ——\"Leatherstocking Tales\"
• 2. Late period:
• Flowering of American literature
• Representatives: Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville,
Whitman, Dickinson, Poe etc.
The Summit of American Romanticism Features
• A. Spirit (Oversoul) • B. individuals
• C. nature—— symbol of spirit/God • D. intuition
• E. Brotherhood of man (equal and liberty) Significance of Transcendentalism • A. influenced a large group of writers • B. summit of American Romanticism
• C. marked the independence of American literature
Ralph Waldo Emerson
• Works:
• 1)Nature—— Appearance of Transcendentalism • 2) essays: The American Scholar, The Poet, Self-reliance Henry David Thoreau
• (1)A Week on the Concord and Merrimack River • (2)Walden Late Romanticism • Nathaniel Hawthorne
• Herman Melville
Nathaniel Hawthorne
• Major works • Points of view • His style
Scarlet Letter
• Theme—— the moral, emotional and psychological effects of the sin on people
• Symbolism: Letter A etc.
Herman Melville
• point of view——negative attitude towards life • major themes —— alienation ,etc. • Moby Dick
Edgar Allan Poe
• a unique position in the American literary history • (1) Poems • A. Theory
• 2. short, the aim of beauty, pure poetry ; rhythm.
• B. Famous poems: “The Raven”, “Annabel Lee”, “To Helen” etc. • (2) Short Story
• A. Theory
• 1.brevity, totality, single effect, compression and finality. • B. Features a. Gothic elements
b. deep analysis of human psychology
c. precursor of detective stories and science stories C. Style : traditional, but not easy to read
Romantic Poets I.
Walt Whitman • Leaves of Grass
• famous poems : “Song of Myself” and “O! Captain!” Major themes
• the ideals of equality and democracy • celebration of the common man His Style
• 1) “free verse” • 2) the use of “I” • 3) catalogue technique
• 4) direct, plain and even vulgar language
Emily Dickenson
Captain! My • religion
• death and immortality • love • Nature • free will Her Style
• economy of expression • directness, brevity • capital letters ——emphasis • short
• original images • psychology description