This webpage will be updated continuously. Following are the highlights of Wen's report: 本文将实时更新出温家宝总理报告中的重点部分: Global issues
\"China will play a constructive role in helping resolve hot issues and global problems.\" “中国将发挥建设性作用以解决全球热点问题。” Income
\"Readjusting income distribution is a pressing task at present, and an endeavor to be pursued in a longer term.\"
“收入分配问题既是一项长期任务,也是当前的紧迫工作。” Price stability
\"Recently, prices have risen fairly quickly and inflation expectations have increased. This problem concerns the people's well-being, bears on overall interests and affects social stability. We must, therefore, make it our top priority in macroeconomic control to keep overall price levels stable. We need to make the most of favourable conditions, such as an ample supply of manufactured goods and our abundant grain reserves and considerable foreign exchange reserves, endeavor to overcome the adverse effects of imported and structural inflation, cushion the upward pressure for costs of factors of production, and correctly guide market expectations to resolutely curb prices.\"
“当前,物价上涨较快,通胀预期增强。这个问题涉及民生、关系全局、影响稳定。要把稳定物价总水平作为宏观调控的首要任务。充分发挥我国主要工业品总体供大于求、粮食库存充裕、外汇储备较多等有利条件,努力消除输入性、结构性通胀因素的不利影响,消化要素成本上涨压力,正确引导市场预期,坚决抑制价格上涨势头。” Boosting domestic demand
\"Expanding domestic demand is a long-term strategic principle and basic standpoint of China's economic development as well as a fundamental means and an internal requirement for promoting balanced economic development. We will actively boost consumer demand. We will continue to increase government spending used to help expand consumption, and increase subsidies to low-income urban residents and farmers.\"
“扩大内需是我国经济发展的长期战略方针和基本立足点,也是促进经济均衡发展的根本途径和内在要求。积极扩大消费需求。继续增加政府用于改善和扩大消费的支出,增加对城镇低收入居民和农民的补贴。” Property prices 房价调控
\"We will further implement and improve policies for regulating the real estate market and
firmly curb the excessively rapid rise of housing prices in some cities.\"
“落实和完善房地产市场调控政策,坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨势头。” Global challenges 国际形势发展
\"This year, our country still faces an extremely complex situation for development. The world economy will continue to recover slowly, but the foundation for recovery is not solid. Economic growth in developed economies is weak, their unemployment rates are and will remain high, and some countries are still under the threat of their sovereign debt crises。
“今年,我国发展面临的形势依然极其复杂。世界经济将继续缓慢复苏,但复苏的基础不牢。发达经济体经济增长乏力,失业率居高难下,一些国家主权债务危机隐患仍未消除。 Major developed economies have further eased monetary policies, global liquidity has increased greatly, the prices of major commodities and the exchange rates of major currencies have become more volatile in the international market, asset bubbles and inflationary pressure have grown in emerging markets, protectionism continues to heat up, competition in the international market is becoming more intense, and there are still many unstable and uncertain factors.\"
主要发达经济体进一步推行宽松货币政策,全球流动性大量增加,国际大宗商品价格合主要货币汇率加剧波动,新兴市场资产泡沫和通胀压力加大,保护主义继续升温,国际市场竞争更加激烈,不稳定不确定因素仍然较多。” Economic restructuring
\"China's economy needs to be quickly put on the path of endogenous growth driven by innovation.\"
The country will quicken the establishment of a modern industrial system and give impetus to industrial transformation and upgrading, he said。
温家宝说道,中国要加快构建现代产业体系,推动产业转型升级。 \"We will actively yet prudently move forward with urbanization, \" “我们将积极且稳妥地推进城镇化。”