第17卷第l期 安徽机电学院学报 Va1.17.No I 2002年3月 JoIlmal of Anhui Institute of Mech ̄mical&Electircal Engineeri卫 Mar..2002 文章蝙号:1007—5240(2002)一叭一0074—05 Evaluation of oil spill sorbents in oil spill combating WEI Qu—fu,WANG Xu (Dept.ofText&Cr,st.,Anhui Institute ofMechanical&Elcetrical Enginee ri】邛,Anhui Wuhu 24100) gJnstraet ̄Thisisthe workdthe project of ̄*luationofmechanical ̄coveWd oii spiIk Amajor focus ofthis part waBthe evaluationof oil sorbents The variousforms of sorbontaweretestedto evaluatethe effectiveness of the various types of ̄rbonts and quantitative comparison wa provided sorbent seleetima for given spiH conditions. Key words:oil spil,oil sorbent,nonwovens,polypropylene CLC number:唧91 6 Document code:A 1 Introduction Oil is the life bled of ou/-modem industrial society.It fuels the machines and lubriactes the wheels of the world’s production.But when that vital resource is out of centrol,it can destroy marine 】ife and devastate the enviornment and economy of an entire re on.0il in its many fom1s has become one of the necessities of modem industrial life.Under contorl,and serving its intended purpose,oil is efficient,versatile,and productive.On the other hand,when oi】becomes out of contro1.it Call be one of the most devastating substnaces in the environment.Oil spills,no matter large or small,have long been of concern to pollution control authorities in many countri6s.Due to its destructive nature, once an area has been contaminated by oil,the whole character of the environment is changed. 2 Characteristics 0f oil Spill&Mechaical Recovery As long as crude oils and petorleum products are trnasported across the seas by shipsⅡ pipelines there will be the risk of a spillage with the potential to cause significant environmental damage.When oil is spilled on land or into sea water,it is subject to several processas including spreading,drifting,evaporation,dissolution,photolysis,bidoegradation and formation of water-oil emulsions….The three dominant processes that cause changes in oi1 characteristics over time are spreading,evaporation and emulsification if oil spills at sea Spreading reduces oil thickness,and evaporation increases density and viscosity(Fig.11. e emulsiifcation process significantly in- cl"eases the viscosity of spilled oil and its density All these in rum influence choices made relating to oil spill countermeasures_2J. Rcdvoddate:2001—08—31 Biography:WEI Qu—nI(1964一),Male,bornin Chaohu city,Anhui provlnee.associate prfoessor 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
第1期 WEIQu-fu.etl:Evalauation of spiU sorbentsin oil.pin。。mbati丑g ’75’ Mechanical recovery is tlle tl'ansfer of oil from the water surface to some transportable form of temporary storage by the hdp of booms to contain or divert oil,skimmers or sorbents to recover or emove irt from the water surface,hoses,and pumps. There are three major oil serbents for responding to oil spills:Clay granules,or ganic granules and polypropylene adsorbents. 3 Oil sorpfion test The purpose of these tests is to evaluate the serbents performance∞per the ASl3d F726-99 standard Method of Testing-Sorbent Performance of Adsorbents_2J. 3.1 Oil prol ̄rfies Oil,when spilled,will normally break叩and be dissipated or scattered into the environment over time.The processes a”collectively known∞weathering.Oils weather in diferent ways.The time these processes take depends Oil a series of factors,including the amount and type of oil spilled,the weather conditions and whether the oil stays Oil lnd,ata sefl,or is washed ashore.the changes in properties such as the density,viscosity of the oil all affect its behaviour and response he crTude oil WaS weathered and emulsiifed at lborstory.Taable 1 shows the properties of oil samples made in the laboratory. 1 pr0p刚妇0f柚Ⅻ唧|e 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
・76 安徽机电学院学报 2002越 It is et ̄ty sho' ̄t in the Table 1 that the oil density increases sLightly as hght fraction of oiL compounds evaporates.but the viscosity increases considerably after evaporation.The changes-m oil properties over time after a spill in tam will affect the oil sorption characters of sor]oents. 3.2 0il Sorbents In order to evaluate oil sorption.various typos of sorbents were used.The physical properties of oil sorbont are listed in Tabde 2. T Me 2 test 0缸sorbmts 3.3 Test equipment&procedures Sample rllsas ̄4 g for an unconsolidated.particulate materila sorbents and approxiamtely the size of l3 em x 13 cm nonwovens sorbents. Test cells:l90 mm(diameter)x 100 mnl(depth)crystallizing dishes Weishing ̄iis:Non-stick coated pans of 20 cm diameter are used to weigh the samplse. Mash Basket:Mesh baskets are used to contain and drain 1oose particulate samples. Conditioning:AIl samples were conditinoed at 23±4℃and 70±lO%RH. hTe test liquid layer should be of a minimum thickness of 2.5 em if the thickness of hte sorbent slessthan 2.5 em.Ifthe sornotisthickerthan 2.5 am.then a1ayer atleastasthickasthe sorbent sample should be used.Each sample was tlrst weiShed and than placed into a test basket or test cel1. The test eell was filled wiht an ini al layer of test liquid.The test basket was lowered into the cel1. 1e 80rbent was allowed to float freely within the test basked or test eelI_Atier 1 5 minutes±20 sereads the sample was removed in a vertica1 orientation and allowed to dra.n for 30±3 seconds and (2)Nonwoven polypropylene oil TYp. sorbems have much higher sorption 1窖.2 Oil Sorption atOil s盯be曲 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
第l期 WEI QⅡ一fu,etal:Evtthuttlon ofoil。pm sorbentsin spill combating -77- capacities than other sorbents,but clay and organic sorbents have less oil sorption capacity. 《3)Nonwoven mel ̄lown polypropylene sorbent has better sorpfion capacities on lower viscosity oil,but less sorption on heavy oil and emuls ̄ed oil because of the finer fiber diameter and pore stucture of mekblown∞rbent. 【4)Polypmpylene sorbents are usable,easy to deploy and retrieve.The ebility to float is the important advantage ofpolypropylene sorbents,But clay and organic sorbents have very lower oil sorption capacity and deployment and retrieval of clay and organic sorentbs 8re high labour inten- i t ■■ 一 \ 一\u0I-蔷E。一ldI Nvedlep ̄hed/NP Meltblo ̄/MB B 8 4 2 O a 5 4 2 O Fig.3 SEM images of PP帅0veⅡsOrbeⅡ拓 4 Meltblown oil sorbents Melt hlownig ias a process f0 producing ifbrous webs or articles diectrly form polymer or esrins using high‘velocity air or another appropriate force to attenuate the filments.Thias process is unique ecause ibt is used almost exclusively to produce microfibers rather than fibers the size of normal textile fibers.Melt—blown micmfibers gen. emily have diameters in the range of 2 to 7 tim,alhough tthey may be as small as 0.1 p.m and as large as 10 to 15 p.m(see Fig.3).The smallerpore sizes ofmehblown sorbents are believed to produce sufficient capillary pressure to transport the oil into sorbents.But the capacity of 0|】adsorption of a sorbent is not only determined by pore sizes,but alo itss overall pomsity. F 4 ∞ B5 9o 蛄 1∞ Por ̄ity/% Meltblown sorbent soi ̄tton behaviour n=(1一 G。l0‘ )。l00% (1) Where:nistheporesity(%);Gisthe weihtg of a sorbant per al' ̄a(g/m );_口fisthefibre density《g/cm’)and is the sorbent thickness(rnn1). To demonstrate the effect of the orposiy of toil sorbents on sorption capacity,melthlown sorbents with diferent porosities were testd aend the re8lllts are shown in Fig.4. 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
・78 安徽机电学院学报 2002越 lll。。 “。ctt0n with environmental protection,there has been a growing interest in recent vearS in n0“w0 n s0rbenI produc ̄specially designed for oil pickup.Oil sorbents have als0 bee pmpoBed 。mg Bn0us n0nw0Ven processes-The effect of fabric construction plays a important role in 0il sorption of no.woven oil sorbents. Further work is to evaluate the effect of n0nw0ven s0rbent c0I卜 。trucfion 011 the oil sorption pmportisa and to design the sorbent with better performance in oil spill response. Reference: 【1]Per S-Da ̄ng et al Ch ̄aeterization of cede oils for environment ̄d purl ̄se{J1.Oil&chemi caI P0Hu6Dn.1990, (7):199—224. I2】 Walkup.P C.,Polentz,L_M.Smith,Peten ̄n,P L s1u由of equip ̄enl and腿thDd量for瑚no m harbor wate, ̄[A].Proceedings ofjolnt eenferen ̄on prevention and cOatlvl af oil 8pil ̄[C1.New Yo . 1969 273—248. 【3】 ASrM F'/26-99,Standard test method for sorbem q n)1 ce of acborben佃【S]. 防溢吸油剂的研究 魏取福.王旭 r安徽机电学院纺织服装系.安徽芜湖.241000) 摘要:通过机械方法回收溢出油液评价项目的初始化工作进行了研究.该工作的重点在于对 吸油剂的评价.为了评价不同类型的吸油剂的有效性,吸油剂在不同形态下受到测试。并且进 行了定量的比较,从而为在给定条件下吸油剂的选择提供了依据. 关薯词:溢出油液;吸油剂;非织造布;聚丙烯