

2021-08-06 来源:步旅网


(Hái lì jiān shì yī dào fēi cháng shè huān yǐng de měi shí.)

Oyster omelette is a very popular delicacy. 它是一种潮汕地区的特色小吃,口感鲜美。

(Tā shì yī zhǒng cháo shàn dì qū de tè sè xiǎo chī, kǒu gǎn xiān měi.)

It is a specialty snack in the Chaoshan region with a delicious taste.


(Zuò hǎi lì jiān de shí cái zhǔ yào yǒu hǎi lì, jī dàn, cōng huā hé miàn fěn.)

The main ingredients for making oyster omelette are oysters, eggs, spring onions, and flour.


(Jiāng zhè xiē shí cái hùn hé jiān zhà ér chéng, xiāng wèi pū bí.)

Mix these ingredients and fry them to create a tantalizing aroma.


(Hǎi lì de xiān xián hé jī dàn de xiāng huá wán měi jié hé, kǒu gǎn fēng fù.)

The fresh and salty taste of oysters and the smoothness of eggs combine perfectly, creating a rich texture.


(Hǎi lì jiān de rè qì téng téng, ràng rén chuí xián yù dī.)

The steaming hot omelette is enough to make one's mouth water.


(Zài suān tián de měi nǎi zī jiàng zhī chèn tuō xià gèng jiā měi wèi.)

It tastes even better with a sweet and sour mayonnaise sauce.


(Hǎi lì jiān shì cháo shàn měi shí zhōng de yī kē míng zhū, zhí děi pǐn cháng.)

Oyster omelette is a gem in Chaoshan cuisine and is worth trying.
