Sofa Shampooing 沙发抽洗程序
PA-31 Standard Sofa must be thoroughly sanitized and cleaned according to hygiene standards. Sofa must be stainless and odor free after shampooing. 根据卫生标准沙发必须彻底消毒、清洁干净。沙发必须是无渍无异味的。Procedure 1. Preparation for cleaning tools and chemicals: 准备清洁工具及清洁剂: a. Sofa shampooing machine 沙发抽洗机 b. Blowing machine 吹风机 c. Extension cord 拖线板 d. Special purpose detergent 低泡地毯清洁剂 e. Condemned linens or towels 报废床单 f. Towels 毛巾 g. Plastic brush 胶手刷 h. Carpet stain remover 地毯除渍剂 i. “Work-in-progress” signage “工作进行中”牌 2. Setting before shampooing 清洗前现场布置 a. Set up the “Work-in-progress” signage 摆设“工作进行中”牌 b. Surround the spotted area of the sofa with condemned linens and towels (Avoid water will be spread on the floor during the cleaning process) 将目标清洗的沙发周边铺上报废床单(防止清洗过程中有水溅到地面) c. Connect the machine cable with the nearest adaptor in order to avoid blocking the passage. 拉电源线时,注意使用最近的电源插座,避免阻挡行人通道。 3. Inspection before shampooing 清洗前检查 a. Check if there are any guest belongings left on the sofa from inside to outside, report to Security Department immediately if there are Lost & Found. 由内到外检查沙发上是否有其他的遗留物品,如有发现通知保安来处理。 b. Check completely if there are any damages. (by cigarettes or breakages) and record down. Efficiency of sofa shampooing would be achieved if a comprehensive pre-check has been done. 彻底检查沙发上有没有损坏(如烟头烫伤、破裂等,请记录下来),防止清洗时带来不便或造成不必要的损坏。 c. Pre-test on a small and obscure area whether the cleaning chemical will cause damage or color fading on the sofa. If damage or fading occurs, stop using the cleaning chemical immediately.
Sofa Shampooing 沙发抽洗程序
PA-31 取小量清洁剂在沙发上不明显的地方测试该清洁剂是否对沙发起褪色效果,如有褪色或伤害,请必须立即停止使用该清洁剂。 4. Spot cleaning on sofa 沙发起渍 a. We need to soften the different stains before shampooing the entire sofa. Remove the stains by brushing with special purpose detergent manually. (Remember not to brush too hard, otherwise, it would cause damage or color fading to the sofa) 用胶手刷配合地毯除渍剂先将沙发上的顽固污渍初步清除。(请不要太过用力刷,避免掉色或者损伤布料) Sofa shampooing 清洗沙发 a. Check if the sofa shampooing machine is operating properly. 检查沙发抽洗机是否能正常运作。 b. Mix the special purpose detergent with water under accurate proportion. 根据地泡地毯水的兑水量去调配。 c. Pour the accurately mixed up cleaning chemical into the water tank of the machine. 将调配好的清洁剂注入沙发抽洗机的干净水箱内。 d. Turn on the sofa shampooing machine and adjust the appropriate power of water spraying. 开动沙发冲洗机,去调节沙发抽洗机喷头的喷水量。 e. Spray cleaning chemicals on the area that are going to be cleaned first. After 30 seconds, clean from top to bottom, left to right. For every vertical distance between each row, we should cover 3cm for duplicate cleaning so as to ensure that the entire sofa is cleaned. 先将清洁剂喷在将要清洗的位置上,大约30秒后,再由上到下,由左到右去抽洗沙发,每行清洗须重叠3cm以防洗漏。 f. Throughout the cleaning process, we must control the cleaning speed in an appropriate level. We should use the same speed to clean the entire sofa so that the sofa color would look the same after shampooing. Moreover, the cleaning direction for every row must be identical. 抽洗过程中力度要均匀适中,力度不可偏差太大,并且每行清洗的方向必须相同。 g. After shampooing, if we still found some areas that cannot be cleaned by the machine, we have to follow up with both wet and dry cleaning cloth in order to have a thorough clean on the sofa. 抽洗完成后须用湿、干抹布将沙发上不能洗的地方擦干净。 Blowing 风干 a. Dry the sofa by using the blowing machine. 用吹风机将洗干净的沙发风干。 Collect all the tools, clear and leave the working station. 清洁工具离开现场 a. Clean all the used tools (sofa cleaning machine) and place back into the store room. 将使用完的工具清洁干净并还回仓库。 5. 6. 7.