第一篇 中英文互译
Recently, according to the requirements of some important GPS research subjects in the fields of Geodesy, Geophysics, Space-Physics and navigation in China, we studied systematically how to correcting the effects of the ionosphere on GPS, with high-precision and accuracy. As the parts of the main contributions, the research projects focus mainly on how to improve GPS surveying by reducing ionospheric delay for dual/single frequency kinematic/static users: high accuracy correction of ionospheric delay for single/dual frequency GPS users on the earth and in space, China WAAS ionospheric modeling and the theory and method of monitoring of ionosphere using GPS.
The main contents of this Ph.D paper consist of two parts:
Fisrt part---the outline of research background and the systematic introduction and summarization of the previous research results of this work.
Second part---the main contribution and research results of this paper are focused on as follows:
(1) How to use the measurements of a dual frequency GPS receiver to determine the ionospheric delay correction model for single frequency GPS of a local range; (2) How to separate the instrumental biases with the ionospheric delays in GPS observation;
(3) How to establish a large range grid ionosphere model and use the GPS data of Chinese crust movement observation network to investigate the change law of ionospheric TEC of China area;
(4) How to improve the effectiveness of correcting ionospheric delays for WAAS’s users under adverse conditions.
(5) How to establish the basic theory and the corresponding framework of monitoring the stochastic ionospheric disturbance using GPS
(6) How to improve the modelling ability of ionospheric delay according to its diurnal, seasonal, annual variations based on GPS;
(7) How to meet the demand of correcting the ionospheric delay of high-precision orbit determination for low-earth satellite using a single frequency GPS receiver 1 Extracting (local) ionospheric information from GPS data with high-precision The factors are systematically described and analyzed which limit the precision of using GPS data to extract ionospheric delays. The precision of determining ionospheric delay using GPS is improved based on the further research of the related models and methods. The main achievements of this work include the some aspects as follows:
(1) Based on a simple model with constant number of parameters, which consists of a set of trigonometric series functions, a generalized ionospheric model is constructed whose parameters can be adjusted. Due to the property of selecting the different parameters according to the change law of ionospheric delay, the new model has better availability in the field of the related theoretic research and engineering application. The experimental results show that the model can indicate the characteristic of ionospheric actions, improves further the modeling ability of local ionosphere and may be used to correct efficiently ionospheric delay of the single frequency GPS uses serviced by DGPS.
(2) Different calculating schemes are designed which are used to analyze in detail the characteristics of the effect from instrumental bias (IB) in GPS observations on determining ionospheric delays. IB is different from noise in GPS observations. The experimental results show that the effect of IB is much larger than that of the noise on estimating ionospheic delay, and IB can cause ionospheric delay measurements to include systematic errors of the order of several meters. Therefore, one must significantly take notice of IB and remove its negative effect, and should not casually consider IB as part of noise whenever GPS data are used to fit ionospheric model or to directly calculate ionospheric delay.
(3) Stability of IB is studied with a refined method for separating it from ionospheric delay using multi-day GPS phase-smoothed code data. The experimental results show
that, by using averaging of noise with phase-smoothed code observation,the effect of noise on separating IB from ION can be efficiently reduced, and satellite bias plus receiver bias are relatively stable and may be used to predict the IBs of the next session or even that of the next several days.
(4) A new algorithm about static real time determination of ionospheric delay is presented on the basis of the predicted values of IB and the technique of real time averaging of noise and weighted-adjustment of dual P-code and carrier phase measurements. The preliminary results show that the new method, which is by post-processing phase-smoothed code data to calculate the IB and then with them to predict and to correct the IB of data needed to remove its effects in real time in the next observation periods, has relatively better accuracy and effectiveness in estimating ionospheric delay. It is very obvious that the scheme can relatively decrease the number of unknown parameters, can efficiently reduce the main negative effect from instrumental bias, and can be easily used to directly and precisely determine ionospheric delay with dual-frequency GPS data. Hence, the method may be considered as an available scheme to determine ionospheric delays for WAAS and many other large range GPS application systems.
2 A method of constructing large range (regional and global) high-precision grid ionospheric model─—the Different Area for Different Stations (DADS) and its application in China
Based on the systematic and further research of the principle and methods of establishing grid ionospheric model (GIM), a new method of establishing a GIM ----- Different Areas for Different Stations (DADS) is investigated which is advantageous for considering the local characters of ionosphere, avoiding the effects of the geometrical construction of GPS reference network on estimating the external precision of the GIM, and improving the precision of calculating model parameters. The above results are used to make a preliminary estimation of the latent precision that can be obtained by establishing a large range high precision grid ionospheric model based on the Chinese crust movement observation network, and to investigate the possibility that the GIM provides high-precision ionospheric correction, and to
identify the relevant problems which need to be solved for the planned GPS Wide area Augmentation System (WAAS) of China.
3 A method of efficiently correcting ionospheric delays for WAAS’s users under typical adverse conditions ——the Absolute Plus Relative Scheme (APR-I)
The commonly used WAAS’s DIDC received by single frequency GPS receivers can usually provide the effective correction of the ionospheric delays for the users under normal conditions and in the fields of calm ionosphere. However, the ionospheric delays cannot be efficiently accounted for during those periods when the WAAS cannot broadcast the DIDC values to users, or when the receivers cannot receive the DIDCs for whatever reason. The ionospheric delay corrections will be less well known in cases when the variations of the ionospheric delays may be very large due to ionospheric disturbances. The above difficulties cannot be avoided to be encountered and must be solved for the WAAS.
For this, a new ionospheric delay correction scheme for single frequency GPS data—the APR-I scheme is proposed which can efficiently address the above problems.
1) The theoretic basis of constructing the APR-I Scheme
The WAAS can provide high-precision absolute ionospheric delay estimates when it operates properly. Meanwhile, a single frequency GPS receiver serviced by the WAAS can efficiently determine the relative variation of the ionospheric delays between two arbitrary epochs even under adverse conditions if without considering observation noises. 2) On the APR-I Scheme
Based on a robust recurrence procedure and an efficient combination approach between absolute ionospheric delays and ionospheric relative changes, the APR-I scheme is present which is an new method of correcting ionospheric delay for single frequency GPS user. The formula of estimating the precision of the APR-I scheme is given. An implementation approach of the APR-I scheme is analyzed as well. The experimental results discussed above show that the APR-I scheme not only retains the characteristic of high accuracy of the DIDC from the WAAS under normal
ionospheric and reception conditions, but also has relatively better correction effectiveness under different abnormal conditions. The implementation of this method need not change the present basic ionospheric delay correction algorithm of the WAAS. In addition, the APR-I method does not impose new demands on receiver hardware, and only requires a few improvements to receiver software. Hence it can be easily used by single frequency GPS users.
4 A new theory of monitoring the random signal —Auto-Covariance Estimation of Variable Samples(ACEVS) and its application in using GPS to monitor the random ionosphere
A new approach for monitoring ionospheric delays is found and developed, based on the characteristic of time series observation of GPS, an investigation of the statistical properties of the estimated auto-covariance of the random ionospheric delay when changing the number of samples in the time series, the development of the related basic theory and the corresponding framework scheme, and the further research of using GPS and the above research results to study ionosphere. The concrete work is as follows:
1) Studied the Auto-Covariance Estimation of Variable Samples (ACEVS)
From a general mathematical aspect, the basic model of ACEVS is established. The theoretic and approximate solution formulas for ACEVS are derived based on the improvement of theory of white noise and then a test raw of the state of a random signal is established based on ACEVS;
2) Verified and modeled the possibility of using ACEVS to test the change of state of stochastic delays
The possibility of using ACEVS to monitor ionosphere is verified in terms of theory. Also it is found that the statistical property of ACEVS is sensitive to the change of the random ionospheric delay, on the basis of modeling the characteristics of ACEVS using a dual frequency GPS receiver. The application conditions of using ACEVS to monitor the variation of TEC extracted by GPS data are preliminarily discussed and analyzed as well.
3) Established a preliminary framework scheme of using GPS to monitor the
disturbance of random ionospheric delay.
According to ACVES and all other results of the above and the characteristic of the time series observations of GPS, a preliminary framework scheme for monitoring the disturbance of random ionospheric delay using GPS is established. Although this method is proposed for real time monitoring, it can be easily applied to post-processing of GPS data. The framework scheme based on ACVES can be used to design many practical schemes for monitoring ionosphere variation using a (static or kinematic) dual frequency GPS receiver.
5 A new method of modelling ionospheric delay using GPS data ——Ionospheric Eclipse Factor Method (IEFM)
The Ionospheric Eclipse Factor (IEF) and its influence factor (IFF) of Ionospheric Pierce Point (IPP) is present and a simple method of calculating the IEF is also given. By combining the IEF and IFF with the local time t of IPP, a new method of modelling ionospheric delay using GPS data —Ionospheric Eclipse Factor Method (IEFM) is developed. The IEF and its IFF can efficiently combine the different ionospheric models for different seasons according to the diurnal, seasonal and annual variations of ionosphere. The preliminary experimental results show that the correction accuracy of the ionospheric delay modeled by IEFM is very close to that of using the ionosphere- free observation to correct directly the ionospheric delay, that is, the precision of using IEFM to model ionospheric delay for single GPS users seems to has a breakthrough improvement and be similar to that of using the corresponding dual frequency GPS data to correct directly the ionospheric delays. The IEFM also suits to model the ionospheric delays for a kinematic based–single GPS receiver embeded in low-earth satellite with high rapid due to its good ability in distinguishing the daytime and nighttime of the earth ionosphere for an IPP.
6 A new strategy of correcting ionospheric delay for high-precision orbit determination for low-earth satellite using a single frequency GPS receiver ---the APR-II scheme, i.e., Space-based APR scheme
Analyzed the shortcomings of using the previous methods to divide with high accuracy the earth ionosphere into different layers. Used GPS data to model global
ionospheric TEC. Established a high precision grid ionospheric model. Discussed the possibility of finding out some local areas whose ionospheric construction and action have relatively better obvious law with respect to the other areas on a global scale. Designed a scheme for combining GPS-grounded data with GPS-spaced data to divide efficiently the ionosphere into some layers. Given the corresponding formula of estimating the precision of the scheme. The preliminary precision estimation and the experimental results show the possibility and property of the above idea of dividing ionosphere into different layers according to application requirement and its implementation scheme. Based on the above research, the APR-II scheme is presented which is a new and combined method of correcting the ionospheric delays of high-precision orbit determination for low-earth satellite using a single frequency GPS receiver. The preliminary experimental results based on two different sets of GPS-grounded data show that the APR-II scheme can provide the effective ionospheric delay correction for high-precision orbit determination for low-earth satellite.
根据当前大地测量、地球物理、空间物理和导航等领域的科学研究和工程应用中的若干重要GPS科研项目的需要,近年来,我们系统研究了电离层延迟的高精度模拟和改正方法。本文报告的内容,是我们研究工作的部分贡献,主要涉及基于GPS的电离层监测及延迟的高精度改正的理论与方法的研究:如何通过修正静、动态单、双频用户的电离层延迟影响,进一步改善GPS 测量的精度和可靠性;增强型GPS广域差分系统的电离层模拟及利用GPS监测电离层的理论和方法等方面。
一、研究背景的一般性描述及相关基础研究的系统总结和介绍,主要涉及:地球电离层研究意义, 地球电离层探测技术与相关理论研究的内容,现代大地测量中电离层问题的由来、严重性与新课题, 地球电离层的基本特性及其对电波传播的影响,GPS定位的基本理论与方法,电离层延迟对GPS测量的影响,GPS的
④研究单频用户在不利条件下,如何更好地利用电离层延迟改正信息; ⑤研究利用GPS监测随机电离层扰动的基本理论和框架方案;
1. (局部)电离层延迟的高精度提取
2. 一种构建大规模(区域性和全球性)高精度格网电离层模型的新方法
3. 不利条件下为WAAS的单频GPS用户提供电离层延迟改正
通过设计能有效结合电离层延迟绝对量和相对变化量的抗差递推过程,研究了一种新的单频GPS电离层延迟改正方案(称为APR方案,即Absolute Plus Relative Scheme);给出了APR-I方案的精度估计公式;分析实施APR-I方案的有效途径。
研究表明,新方案既保留正常条件下差分电离层延迟信息的精确改正效果,也确保了在不利条件下单频GPS用户的电离层延迟改正效果。APR-I方案的实施,不需改变WAAS原有的整体设计思想,对硬件无新的要求,只需对用户GPS软件稍加改进,实施简便,是WAAS和单频GPS用户均可接受和易于实现的。 4. 检测随机信号的新理论——变样本自协方差估计的提出
2)ACEVS估计应用于GPS电离层监测的可行性的理论证明与模拟分析 不仅从理论上证明了ACEVS应用于GPS电离层监测的可行性,而且利用双频GPS数据也成功地模拟了随机电离层折射的ACEVS估计的特性,并发现,变样本自协方差估计的统计特性对随机电离层延迟变化是敏感的;初步讨论和分析了GPS观测提供的TEC变化也适用于ACEVS方法应用条件.
5. 利用GPS数据精确模拟电离层延迟的新构想
6. 高精度修正星载单频GPS低轨卫星的电离层延迟的新对策
Level Rods and Lenels
There are many kinds of lenel rods available.Some are in one piece and others (for ease of transporting) are either telescoping or hinged.Level rods are usually made of wood and are graduated from zero at the bottom.They may be either selfreading rods that are read directly through the telescope or targetrods where the rodman sets a sliding target on the rod and takes the reading directly. Most rods serve as either self-reading or as target rods.
Among the several types of level rods available are the Philadelphia rod,the Chicago rod, and the Florida rod. The Philadelphia rod, the most common one, is made in two sections. It has a rear section that slides on the front section. For readings between 0 and 7 ft, the rear section is not extended; for reading between 7 and 13 ft, it is necessary to extended the rod. When the rod is extended,it is called a high rod. The Philadelphia rod is distinctly divided into feet, tenths, and hundredths by means of alternating black and white spaces painted on the rod.
The Chicago rod is 12 ft long and is graduated in the same way as the Philadelphia rod, but it consists of three sliding section. The Florida rod is 10 ft long and is graduated in white an red stripes, each stripe being 0.10 ft wide. Also available for ease of transportation are tapes or ribbons of waterproofed fabric which are marked in the same way that a regular level rod is marked and which can be attached to ordinary wood strips. Once a job is completed, the ribbon can, be removed and rolled up. The wood strip can be thrown away. The instrumentman can clearly read these various level rods through his telescope for distances up to 200 or 300 ft, but for greater distances he must use a target. A target is a small red and white piece of metal attached to the rod. The target has a vemier that enables the rodman to take a reading to the nearest 0.001 ft.
If the rodman is taking the readings with a target and if the line of sight of the telescope is above the 7-ft mark, it is obvious that he cannot take the reading directly in the normal fashion. Therefore, the back face of the rod is numbered downward from 7 to 13 ft. The target is set at acertain mark on the front face of the rod and as the back section is pushed upward, it runs under an index scale and a vernier which
enables the rodman to take the reading on the front.
Before setting up the level the instrumentman should give some though to where he must stand in orde to make his sights. In other words, he will consider how to place the tripod legs so that he can stand comfortably between them for the lay-out of the work that he has in mind.
The tripod is desirably placed in solid ground where the instrument will not settle as it mose certainly will in muddy or swampy areas. It may be necessary to provide some special support for the instrument, such as stakes or a platform. The tripod legs should be well spread apart and adjustde so that the footplate under the leveling screws is approximately level. The insatrumentman walks around the instrument and pushes each leg frimly into the ground. On hillsides it is usually convenient to place ong leg uphill and two downhill.
After the instrument has been levelde as much as possible by adjusting the tripod legs, the telescope is turned over a pair of opposite leveling screws if a four-screw instrument is being used.Then the bubble is roughly centered by turning that pair of screw in opposite directions to each other. The bubble will move in the direction of the left thumb. Next, the telescope is turned over the other pair of leveling screws and the bubble is again roughly centered. The telescope is turned back iver the first pair and the bubble is again roughly centered, and so on. This process is repeated a few more times with increasing care untill the bubble is centered with the telescope turned over either pair of screws. If the level is properly sdjusted, the bubble should remain centered when the telescopeis turued in any direction. It is to be expected that there will be a slight maladjustment of the instrument that will result in a slight movement of the bubble; however, the precision of thework should not be adversely affected if the bubble is centered each time a rod reading is taken.
The first step in leveling a three-screw instrument is to turn the telescope untill the bubble tube is parallel to two of the screws. The bubble is centered by turning these two screws in opposite directions.
Next, the telescope is turned so that the bubble tube is perpendicular to a line through screws. The bubble is centered by turning screw .
These steps are repeated untill the bubble stays centered when the telescope is turned back and forth.
Electronic Distance Measurements
A major advance in surveying in recent years has been the development of electronic distance-measuring instruments (ED-MIs). These devices determine lengths based on phase changes that occur as eletromagnetic energy of known wavelength travels from one end of a line to the other and returns.
The first EDM instrument was intronduced in 1948 by Swedish physicist Erik Bergstrand. His device, called the geodimeter(an acronym for geodetic distance meter), resulted from attempts to improve methods for measuring the velocity of light. The instrument transmetted visible light and was capable of accurately measuring distances up to about 25 mi (40km) at night. In 1957 a second EDM apparatus. the tellurometer. Designed by Dr.D.L.Wadley and introduced in South Africa, transmitted invisible microwaves and was capable of measuring distances up to 50 mi (80km) or more.day or night.
The potential value of these early EDM models to the Surveying profession was immediately recognized: houever, they were expensive and not readily portable for field operations. Furthermore, measuring procedures were lengthy and mathematical reductions to obtain distances from observed values were difficult and time-consuming. In addition. The range of operation of the first geodimeter was limited in daytime use. Continued research and development have overcome all these deficiencies.
The chief advantages of electronic surveying are the speed and accuracy with which distances can be measured. If a line of sight is available, long or short lengths can be measured over bodies of water or terrain that is inaccessible for taping. With modern EDM equipment, distance are automatically displayed in digital form in feet or meters, and many have built-in microcomputers that give results internally reduced to horizontal and vertical components. Their many significant advantages have revolutionized surveying procedures and gained worldwide acceptance. The long-distance measurements possible with EDM equipment make use of radios for
communication, which is an absolute necessity in modern practice.
One syetem for classifying EDMIs is by wavelength of transmitted electromagnetic energy ; the following categories exist :
Electro-optical instruments Which transmit either modulatedlaser or infrared light having wavelengths within or slightly beyond the visible region of the spectrum.
Microwave equipments Which transmits microwaves with frequencies in the range of 3 to 35 GHz corresponding to wavelengths of about 1.0 to 8.6 mm.
Another classification system for EDMIs is by operational range . It is rather subjective , but in general two divisions fit into this system : short and medium range .The short-range group includes those devices whose macimum measuring capability does not exceed about 5km . Most equipment in this division is the electro –optical type and uses infrared light . These instruments are small, portable, easy to operate, suitable for a wide variety of field surveying work, and used by many practitioners.
Instruments in the medium-range group have measuring capabilities extending to about 100 km and are either the electro-optical (using laser light) or microwave type. Although frequently used in precise geodetic they are also suitable for land and engineering surveys. Longer-range device also available can measure lines longer than 100km,but they are nit generally used in ordinary surveying work. Most operate by trasmitting long radio waves, but some employ microwaves. They are used primarily in oceanogaraphic and hydrograpgic surving and navigation.
In general, EDM equiment measures distances by comparing aline of unkown length to the known wavelength of modulated electromagnetic energy. This is similar to relating a needed distance to the calibrated length of a steel tape.
Electromagnetic energy propagates through the atmosphere in accordances with the following equation:
V=fλ (1)
Where Vis the velocity of electromanetic energy, in meters per second;f the modulated frequency of the energy ,in hertz, and λthe wavelenth, in meteres.
With EDMIs frequency can be precisely controlled but velocity varies with
atmophere temperature, pressure,and humidity. Thus wavelength and frequency must vary in conformance with EQ.(1). For accurate electronic distance measuement, therefor., the atmosphere must be sampled and corrctios made accordingly.
The generalizedprocedure of measuring distance electronically is depicted in Fig.8-1. an edm device, centered by means of a plumb bob or optical plummit over staton A, trasmits a carrier signal of electromagnetic energy upon which a reference frequency has been superimposed or modulated. The signal is returned from staion B to the revevier, so its trvel path is double the slope distance AB. In Fig.8-1,the modulated electromagnetic energy is represented by a series of sine waves having wave-length λ. Any position along a givenj wave can be specified by its phase angle, which is 0°at its beginning, 180°at the midpoint, and 360°at its end.
EDM devices used in surveying operate by measuring phase shift. In this procedure, the returned energy undergoes a complete 360°phase change for each even multiple of exactly one-half the wavelength separating the line-s endpoints. If, therefore, the distance is precisely equal to a full multiple of the half-wave-length, the indicated phase change will be zero. In Fig.8-1.for example, stations A and B are exactly eight half-wavelengths apart : hence, the phase change is zero. When a line is not exactly an even meltiple of the halfwavelength (the usual case) , the fractional part is measured by the instrument as a nonzero phase angle or phase change. If the precise length of a wave is known, the fractional part can be converted to distance.
EDMIs directly resolve the fractional wavelength bu do not count the full cycles undergone by the returned energy in traveling its double path. This ambiguity is resolved, however, by transmetting additional signals of lower frequency and longer wavelengths.
在整平三角架脚螺旋时,第一步转动望远镜,向相反方向调节两个脚螺旋。 接下来转动望远镜,以使水准管垂直于脚螺旋1和2,调节使其居中,重复这些步骤,直到望远镜来回转动时气泡保持居中。
最早介绍电子测距仪的确1984年瑞典的物理学家Erik Bergstrand,他的装置,命名为光电测距仪(gecdetic distance meter的首字母缩写),结果导致从实验到改进测量光速的方法。在晚上,仪器传送可见,并且可精确40km的距离。1957年,第二代EDM仪器产生,微波测距仪由D.K博士发明并介绍到南非,传送不可见的微波可全天观测,距离在80km以上。
EDMIS的分类系统是从传递电子磁能的波长来分类的,可分为: 光学电子仪器,它传递调制的红外线,红外线光在可见光范围内或稍微越出范围外存在。
电磁能通过大气依下列方式传播:v=fλ(1)其中v是电磁波的速度,单位是m/s ,f是电磁波的频率,单位是赫兹;λ是波长,单位是米。