更换PCI-X SCSI RAID卡Cache电池步骤参考书:
1. 《PCI-X SCSI RAID ControllerReference Guide for AIX》,SA23-1323-01
2. 《PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI RAID AdapterInstallation and Using Guide》,SA23-1324-01具体步骤:1. 查看电池信息smitty pxdam
→选择Diagnostics and Recovery Options
→选择Controller Rechargeable Battery Maintenance→ Display Controller Rechargeable Battery Information→选择对应的PCI-X SCSI RAID卡
电池信息各个参数的含义:Battery State:
Indicates if an error condition currently exists related to the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack.The possible values for this field are:
No battery warning/error:No warning or error condition currently exists. 此为电池的正常状态Warning condition:A warning condition currently exists and an error has been logged.Error condition:An error condition currently exists and an error has been logged.
Unknown:Information is not available to determine whether a warning or error condition currently exists.Power-on time (days):
Indicates the raw power-on time, in units of days, of the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack.Adjusted power-on time (days):
Indicates the adjusted (prorated) power-on time, in units of days, of the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack.
Note: Some rechargeable Cache Battery Packs are negatively affected by higher temperatures and thus are prorated basedon the amount of time that they spend at various ambient temperatures.Estimated time to warning (days):
Estimated time, in units of days, until a message is issued indicating that the replacement of the rechargeable Cache BatteryPack should be scheduled.
Estimated time to error (days): 当值为0时,此时Cache被⾃动禁⽤,必须更换电池Estimated time, in units of days, until anerror is reported indicating that the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack must be replaced.Concurrently maintainable battery pack:该电池是否可以在线更换
Indicates that the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack can be replaced while the adaptercontinues to operate.
Battery pack can be safely replaced:当值为YES时,该电池可以安全地更换,不会造成Cache 数据丢失
Indicates that the adapter’s write cache has been disabled and the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack can be safely replaced.2. 强制将电池置为Error状态,使写Cache禁⽤,清空Cache内缓存的数据smitty pxdam
→ Select Diagnostics and Recovery Options
→ Select Controller Rechargeable Battery Maintenance→ Select Force Controller Rechargeable Battery Error
→ Select your PCI-X SCSI RAID Controller whose battery you want to replace
3. 物理更换电池
注意:必须将旧电池拆下⾄少15秒钟后,再安装新电池,否则PCI-X SCSI RAID卡将不能正常识别电池已更换。
注意:必须确保电池已处于Error状态,才能更换电池。以免Cache中缓存的数据丢失。即查看电池信息中“Battery pack canbe safely replaced”⼀项为YES。
根据PCI-X SCSI RAID卡的不同类型,选择Concurrent⽅式或Non-Concurrent⽅式更换:Non-concurrent⽅式更换
如下图所⽰的PCI-X SCSI RAID卡,更换电池时必须将卡从机器中拔出。
如下图所⽰的PCI-X SCSI RAID卡,更换的电池的步骤可以在线进⾏。只需单独将电池拔出,不需要把卡从机器中拔出。
4. 重新激活写Cachesmitty pxdam
→ Select Diagnostics and Recovery Options
→ Select Controller Rechargeable Battery Maintenance→ Select Start Adapter Cache
→ Select your PCI-X SCSI RAID Controller whose battery you just replaced → Press Enter.
5. 做Log Repair Action,清理errpt。errclear 0完!附录: