

2020-10-27 来源:步旅网


语言是文化的载体,反映文化内涵,包括信念、价值观、风俗习惯、宗教信仰等。语言无法超越文化而独立存在。王佐良先生说,“在一种文化里有一些不言而喻的东西,在另外一种文化里头却要费很大力气加以解释。”换言之,语言和文化紧密地交织在一起。在进行英汉两种语言转换时,应首先从整体把握全文,在翻译过程中产生全局意识。了解汉英两种文化的思维模式差异、语篇差异及衔接手段差异等,力求做到信、达、雅,即翻译的三个境界:忠实原文,“原汁原味”; 语义通顺,符合汉英文化的语言习惯;和谐完美。本文就这三个方面加以简述。 一、忠于原文、 选词得当、 不漏译

例如:for americans,this expression is used as a polite response to different kinds of favors and compliments. 误译:对于美国人来说,这种习惯说法用来作为对各种好感和致意的礼貌性回答。


acquiring a second language demands more than learning new words and another system of grammar.

误译:学习第二种语言要求学新词和另一种语法系统。 正译:第二语言的习得,光靠学生词和另一种语法体系是不够的。 二、通顺


在现行的大学英语教材中有大量的抽象名词,翻译时,有的需要用增词法。在与英语名词相对应的汉语后面加上一个名词。例如: jefferson saw one possible solution. 杰斐逊找到了一个可行的解决办法。

what about its uses in peace?在和平时期它有哪些用途? for a whole hour we made our preparations and at last everything that we needed was ready. 我们用了一个小时的时间准备所需的物品,最后,一切都准备好了。

有时则需要把英语抽象名词译成定语后再加名词。例如: in that moment,feeling mother’s back racked with emotion,i understood for the first time her vulnerability. 妈妈非常激动,我感到她的背在颤抖。就在那一刻,我第一次明白妈妈也有脆弱的一面。 (二)转译


she spoke in a high voice. 她讲话的声音很尖。 this engine develops a high torque. 这台发电机产生的转矩很大。


you are ignorant of the duties you undertake in marrying. 你完全不懂你在婚姻方面应承担的责任。

the following plan may become available during the next decade. 下列计划在10年间可能实现。

such criticisms have become familiar in his later commentaries on america. 类似的批评在他后来写的评论美国的文章中屡见不鲜。

为了便于表达,一些英语形容词可译成汉语名词。例如: after a few months,our just-in-time system became so efficient. 几个月后,我们的准时供货办法很有成效。 i wish he was blind. 我希望他是个瞎子。


he asked me for a full account of myself and family. 他详尽地问了我自己和我家里的情况。

another war will be the absolute end of our country. 再来一次战争我们这个国家就会彻底地毁灭了。 (三) 反译法

在翻译过程中,对原文所表达的意思不能一字不差的翻译,原文是肯定的往往翻译成否定的,而原文是否定的往往又译成肯定的,这样更符合译语的表达习惯,使人一目了然。例如: i stayed awake almost the whole night yesterday. 我昨夜


please remain seated while the plane is taking off. 飞机起飞时,请不要离开座位。

英语中有些句子虽然在形式上带有not,never,no,none,nothing,no one,nobody 等否定词,但句子在意义上是肯定的,常用反译法。例如:

it was not until the 18 th century that man realized that the whole of the brain was involved in the workings of the mind. 直到18世纪人类才意识到,整个大脑都卷入了思想活动。 never fail to come. 务必要来。 双重否定译成肯定。例如:

there is no law that has no exceptions. 凡是规律都有例外。

what’s done cannot be undone. 覆水难收。

there is nothing unexpected about it. 一切都在意料之中。 英语中比较典型的形式否定,却译成意义肯定的结构。例如: parents cannot be too strict with their children. 家长对孩子越严格越好。

i can’t agree more. 我百分之百同意。the boiler cannot be overheated. 锅炉越热越好。

we cannot be thankful enough to him. 我们对他万分感谢。 一些句子的翻译:例如:

too…to… (太…以至于不…) he is too careless to have noticed it.

too…not to… (太…不会不…) he is too careful not to have noticed it.

only too…to… (非常…) we are only too pleased to help you. 三、雅

翻译不但要求忠实和通顺,而且不能忽视译文的雅,否则就不是地道的、自然的、合乎语言习惯的译文。英语中常用的比喻词有like (像)、as (如)、seem (看起来像)、compare (把——比作)、as if (似乎)、such as (像——一样等)。翻译英语比喻,有时必须更换比喻的形象,否则就形似而神非,晦涩难懂。用作比喻的形象在英语中的概念与汉语大不相同。 (一)形象转移

i can read his mind like a book.


as timid as a rabbit 直译法:胆小如兔。意译法:胆小如鼠。 as stubborn as a mule 直译法:顽固得像头骡子。意译法:犟得像头牛。

as drunk as a mouse 直译法:烂醉如鼠。意译法:烂醉如泥。 because of his wealth,he was a fountain of generosity to

his relatives and friends.

由于他有万贯家财,他对他的亲戚和朋友花钱如流水。a fountain of generosity (慷慨的喷泉),比喻他花钱如流水,慷慨大方。

some books are to be tasted,others swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested.

有些书只需要尝一尝,有的则需要咽下去,少数的还需要细嚼和消化。(作者把书比作吃的东西,形象、生动) (二)色彩转移

某些色彩词在不同的文化中自有不同的文化内涵。例如:black tea 红blue movie 黄色电影 green with envy 眼红 black and blue青一块紫一块 (三)数字转移

two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮。

a thousand thanks for your help. 万分感谢你的帮助。 综上所述,翻译方法对整个译文的质量有直接影响,重要的是我们在翻译时,要在忠于原文的基础上,注重语言结构的整体,符合语言习惯,力求译文的完美与和谐,推动语言文化的交流与传播。 【参考文献】

[1]王佐良. 翻译中的文化比较[j].中国翻译,1984 (1). [2]董娜. 新时期大学英语教材与大学英语教学翻译[j]. 大
