专利名称:Closed-loop drug delivery system发明人:Rohr, William L.,Dextradeur, Alan
J.,Konieczynski, David D.
摘要:A delivery system for a drug or bioactive agent includes an implantable pumpand a delivery conduit that may be implanted in an organ or other tissue (e.g., the centralor the peripheral nervous system) of a subject. A sensor is also implanted, and acontroller unit receives the sensor output and directs drug delivery from within thepatient pump accordingly. The sensor directly measures a primary biochemical materialor state in the tissue or organ system, and the monitoring unit effects closed loopfeedback control of the pump to achieve a desired end. The end may be the regulation ofmetabolism or maintenance of a stable metabolic or other state, or may be treatmentregimen, e.g., by delivery of a dosage level or distribution of a drug in specific brain ornervous system tissue. The sensed material may be the agent itself, a metabolite, or arelated native material, tissue state or condition.
申请人:Codman & Shurtleff, Inc.
地址:325 Paramount Drive Raynham, Massachusetts 02767-0350 US
代理机构:Mercer, Christopher Paul