布里尔小姐 凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德
Although it was so brilliantly fine – the blue sky powdered with gold and the great spots of light like white wine splashed over the Jardins Publiques – Miss Brill was glad that she had decided on her fur.
The air was motionless, but when you opened your mouth there was just a faint chill, like a chill from a glass of iced water before you sip, and now and again a leaf came drifting – from nowhere, from the sky. 布里尔小姐抬起手来摸着狐皮围巾。
Miss Brill put up her hand and touched her fur. 可爱的小东西!再次触摸到它感觉真好。 Dear little thing! I t was nice to feel it again.
She had taken it out of its box that afternoon, shaken out the moth-powder, given it a good brush, and rubbed the life back into the dim little eyes. “我怎么了?”忧伤的小眼睛问道。
―What has been happening to me?‖ said the sad little eyes.
Oh, how sweet it was to see them snap at her again from the red eiderdown! …But the nose, which was of some black composition, wasn’t at all firm. It must have had a knock, somehow.
Never mind – a little dab of black sealing-wax when the time came – when it was absolutely necessary. … Little rogue! 是的,她的确觉得它是个小淘气。 Yes, she really felt like that about it.
这个小淘气就在她左耳边咬住自己的尾巴。 Little rogue biting its tail just by her left ear.
She could have taken it off and laid it on her lap and stroked it. She felt a tingling in her hands and arms. But that came from walking, she supposed. 当她呼吸时,似乎有一种轻柔忧郁的东西——不,不是忧郁——是某种温柔的东西在她的胸中移动。
And when she breathed, something light and sad – no, not sad, exactly – something gentle seemed to move in her bosom.
There were a number of people out this afternoon, far more than last Sunday. And the band sounded louder and gayer. 那是因为演出季节开始了。
That was because the Season had begun.
For although the band played all the year round on Sundays, out of season it was never the same.
就好像一个人只演奏给家里人听那样,没有陌生人在场,演得怎样都没关系。 It was like someone playing with only the family to listen; it didn’t care how it played if there weren’t any strangers present.
Wasn’t the conductor wearing a new coat, too? She was sure it was new. 他像一只正要鸣叫的公鸡那样一只脚蹭着地,摆动着双臂。坐在绿色圆亭里的乐队成员们鼓起两腮,眼睛盯着乐谱。
He scraped with his foot and flapped his arms like a rooster about to crow, and the bandsmen sitting in the green rotunda blew out their cheeks and glared at the music. 这时传来“长笛般”柔和清亮的一小段音乐——十分悦耳——一长串活泼的急降。 Now there came a little ―flutey‖ bit – very pretty! – a litter chain of bright drops. 她知道这一段一定会重复出现的。是的,重复了,她抬起头来笑了。 She was sure it would be repeated. It was; she lifted her head and smiled. 只有两个人和她一起坐在她的“专座”上,一位是穿着丝绒上衣相貌出众的老头,双手握着一根巨大的雕花手杖;还有一个身材高大的老太太,笔直地坐着,绣花围裙上放着一卷织着的毛线活。
Only two people shared her ―special‖ seat: a fine old man in a velvet coat, his hands clasped over a huge carved walking-stick, and a big old woman, sitting upright, with a roll of knitting on her embroidered apron.
They did not speak. This was disappointing, for Miss Brill always looked forward to conversation. She had become really quite expert, she thought, at listening as though she didn’t listen, at sitting in other people’s lives just a minute while they talked round her.
She glanced, sideways, at the old couple. Perhaps they would go soon. 上星期日也不如平时那么有趣。
Last Sunday, too, hadn’t been as interesting as usual. 那天有一个英国人和他的妻子,男人戴了顶非常难看的巴拿马草帽,女人穿了双带扣长筒靴。
An Englishman and his wife, he wearing a dreadful Panama hat and she button boots.
And she’s gone on the whole time about how she ought to wear spectacles; she knew she needed them; But that it was no good getting any; they’d be sure to break and they’d never keep on. And he’d been so patient. He’d suggested everything – gold rims, the kind that curved round your ears, little pads inside the bridge. No, nothing would please her. ―They’ll always be sliding down my nose!‖ Miss Brill had wanted to shake her.
那两个老人坐在座位上,仍像雕像一样一声不响。 The old people sat on the bench, still as statues. 没关系,总有许多人可看。
Never mind, there was always the crowd to watch. 在花圃前和乐队所在的圆亭前,成双成对或三五成群的人们来回漫步,时而停下来交谈、打招呼,或从一个把花盘捆在栏杆上的老乞丐手里买上一把花。
To and fro, in front of the flower-beds and the band rotunda, the couples and groups paraded, stopped to talk, to greet, to buy a handful of flowers from the old beggar who had his tray fixed to the railings.
孩子们在他们中间奔跑着,打闹着,大声笑着,男孩子们下巴底下戴着大个的白色丝绸蝴蝶领结,女孩子们打扮得就像法国玩具娃娃,穿着丝绸带花边的衣服。 Little children ran among them, swooping and laughing; little boys with big white silk bows under their chins; little girls, little French dolls, dressed up in velvet and lace. 有时一个刚刚学步的小家伙突然从树下摇摇晃晃地走出来,在空地上停下,睁大眼睛张望着,突然“扑通”一下坐在地上,直到他娇小的母亲高抬着脚步像只小母鸡一样一边责备着一边冲过去把他救起。
And sometimes a tiny staggered came suddenly rocking into the open from under the trees, stopped, stared, as suddenly sat down \"flop,\" until its small high-stepping mother, like a young hen, and rushed scolding to its rescue.
Other people sat on the benches and green chairs, but they were nearly always the same, Sunday after Sunday, and —Miss Brill had often noticed—there was some-thing funny about nearly all of them.
They were odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they stared they looked as though they'd just come from dark little rooms or even—-even cupboards! 在圆形大厅后面是垂着黄叶的细长的树木,穿过树叶可见一线大海,在那之外便是漂浮着金色纹脉白云的蓝天。
Behind the rotunda the slender trees with yellow leaves down drooping, and through them just a line of sea, and beyond the blue sky gold-veined clouds.
Tum-tum-tum tiddle-um! Tiddle-um! Turn tiddley-um turn ta! Blew the band.
Two young girls in red came by and two young soldiers in blue met them, and they laughed and paired and went off arm in arm.
Two peasant women with funny straw hats passed, gravely, leading beautiful smoke-colored donkey.
一个冷冰冰的,面色苍白的修女匆匆走过。 A cold, pale nun hurried by. 一个美貌的女人向这边走来,将一束紫罗兰掉在地上,一个小男孩追上去把花递还给她,她接过去后又扔掉了,仿佛花被放了毒似的。
A beautiful woman came along and dropped her bunch of violets, and a little boy ran after to hand them to her, and she took them and threw them away as if they'd been poisoned.
Dear me! Miss Brill didn't know whether to admire that or not!
现在一个戴貂皮无沿帽的女人和一个穿灰衣服的先生正好在她面前相遇了。 And now an ermine toque and a gentleman in grey met just in front of her.
He was tall, stiff, dignified, and she was wearing the ermine toque she'd bought when her hair was yellow.
Now everything, her hair, her face, even her eyes, was the same color as the shabby ermine, and her hand, in its cleaned glove, lifted to dab her lips, was a tiny yellowish paw.
哈!她见到他真是太高兴了——太愉快了! Oh, she was so pleased to see him —delighted! 她觉得他们是定好下午会面的。
She rather thought they were going to meet that afternoon.
She described where she'd been— everywhere, here, there, along by the sea. 天气是这样可爱——难道他不同意吗?也许他不愿意吧?
The day was so charming—didn't he agree? And wouldn't he, perhaps?
But he shook his head, lighted a cigarette, slowly breathed a great deep puff into her face and, even while she was still talking and laughing, flicked the match away and walked on.
The ermine toque was alone; she smiled more brightly than ever.
But even the band seemed to know what she was feeling and played more softly, played tenderly, and the drum beat \"The Brute! The Brute!\" over and over. 她要做些什么呢?现在会发生什么事?
What would she do? What was going to happen now?
But as Miss Brill wondered, the ermine toque turned, raised her hand as though she'd seen someone else, much nicer, just over there, and pattered away.
And the band changed again and played more quickly, more gaily than ever, and the old couple on Miss Brill’s seat got up and marched away, and such a funny old man with long whiskers hobbled along in time to the music and was nearly knocked over by four girls walking abreast.
啊,这一切是多么的迷人!多么令她欣喜! Oh, how fascinating it was! How she enjoyed it! 她是多么喜欢坐在这里,看着这一切! How she loved sitting here, watching it all! 就像是一出戏,完全就像是一出戏。 It was like a play. It was exactly like a play. 谁能相信背后的天空不是画出来的?
Who could believe the sky at the back wasn’t painted? 但是直到一只棕色的小狗神色庄重地迈着小步走过来,然后又慢慢迈着小步走过去,就像一只“演戏”的小狗,一只被轻度麻醉的小狗那样,直到这时布里尔小姐才发现这一切如此令人激动。
But it wasn’t till a little brown dog trotted on solemnly and then slowly trotted off, like a little ―theatre‖ dog, a little dog that had been drugged, that Miss Brill discovered what it was that made it so exciting.
他们全都在舞台上。他们不仅仅是观众,不仅仅在一边观看,他们也在演戏。 They were all on the stage. They weren’t only the audience, not only looking on; they were acting.
就连她自己也是其中的一个角色,每个星期天都来。 Even she had a part and came every Sunday.
毫无疑问,如果她没有来,就会引起别人的注意,她毕竟是整个演出的一部分。 No doubt somebody would have noticed if she hadn't been there; she was part of the performance, after all.
How strange she’d never thought of it like that before!
And yet it explained why she made such a point of starting from home at just the same time each week —so as not to be late for the performance—and it also explained why she had quite a queer shy feeling at telling her English pupils how she spent her Sunday afternoons.
No wonder! Miss Brill nearly laughed out loud. 她是在舞台上。她想起了那个生病的老人,她每周有四个下午趁他在花园里躺着时给他读报纸。
She was on the stage. She thought of the old invalid gentleman to whom she read the newspaper four afternoons a week while he slept in the garden. 她已经完全习惯了在棉布枕头上的那个虚弱的脑袋,那深深凹陷的眼睛,张着的嘴巴和高高的皱缩的鼻子。
She had got quite used to the frail head on the cotton pillow, the hollowed eyes, the open mouth and the high pinched nose.
If he'd been dead she mightn't have noticed for weeks; she wouldn't have minded. 但是他突然知道了给他读报纸的是个女演员!“一个女演员!”衰老的头抬了起来,昏花的眼中闪动着两个光点。
But suddenly he knew he was having the paper read to him by an actress! \"An actress!\" The old head lifted; two points of light quivered in the old eyes.
\"An actress—are ye?\" And Miss Brill smoothed the newspaper as though it were the manuscript of her part and said gently: \"Yes, I have been an actress for a long time.\" 乐队刚才一直在休息,现在又重新开始演奏了。 The band had been having a rest. Now they started again.
And what they played was warm, sunny, yet there was just a faint chill — a something, what was it? —not sadness— no , not sadness—a something that made you want to sing.
The tune lifted, lifted, the light shone; and it seemed to Miss Brill that in another moment all of them, all the whole company, would begin singing. 那些年轻的人,那些在一起活动的笑着的人会先开始歌唱,然后坚定勇敢的男声会加入进来,然后她也加入,还有长凳上坐着的其他人——他们会以伴唱的形式加入进来——声音很低,几乎没有起伏,非常动听——感人„„布里尔小姐眼中充满泪水,微笑着看着剧团的全体人员。
The young ones, the laughing ones who were moving together, they would begin, and the men's voices, very resolute and brave, would join them. And then she too, she too, and the others on the benches—they would come in with a kind of accompaniment—something low, that scarcely rose or fell, something so beautiful—moving … and Miss Brill's eyes filled with tears and she looked smiling at
all the other members of the company.
Yes we understand, we understand, she thought—though what they understood she didn't know.
Just at that moment a boy and a girl came and sat down where the old couple had been.
They were beautifully dressed; they were in love. 当然男女主人公刚刚从他父亲的游艇上下来。
The hero and heroine, of course, just arrived from his father's yacht.
布里尔小姐仍然在无声地唱着歌,仍带着颤抖的微笑,她准备好听他们的谈话。 And still soundlessly singing, still with that trembling smile, Miss Brill prepared to listen.
“不行,现在不行,”姑娘说道,“别在这里,我不能。” \"No, not now,\" said the girl. \"Not here, I can't.\"
“可是为什么?是因为坐在那一头的那个愚蠢的老家伙吗?”小伙子问。 \"But why? Because of that stupid old thing at the end there?\" asked the boy.
\"Why does she come here at all —who wants her? Why doesn't she keep her silly old mug at home?\"
“她的那条皮围巾太滑稽了。”姑娘哈哈地笑着说,“和一条炸鲤鱼完全一样。” \"It's her fu-fur which is so funny,\" giggled the girl. \"It's exactly like a fried whiting.\" “嘿,滚你的吧!”小伙子生气地低语道。接着又说:“告诉我,小心肝——” \"Ah, be off with you!\" said the boy in an angry whisper. Then: \"Tell me, ma petite chere —\"
“不,别在这里,”姑娘说道,“先别这样。” \"No, not here, ―said the girl. \"Not yet.\"
在回家的路上她总是要在面包店买上一块蜂蜜蛋糕。这是她星期日的特殊享受。 On her way home she usually bought a slice of honey-cake at the baker's. It was her Sunday treat.
Sometimes there was an almond in her slice, sometimes not. It made a great difference. 如果有杏仁,就像是带回家一个小小的礼物——一份惊喜——一个本来很可能没有的东西。
If there was an almond it was like carrying home a tiny present —a surprise—something that might very well not have been there.
在有杏仁的那些星期日,她总是匆匆赶回家,精神抖擞地划火柴点火烧水。 She hurried on the almond Sundays and .struck the match for the kettle in quite a dashing
But today she passed the baker's by, climbed the stairs, went into the little dark room —her room like a cupboard—and sat down on the red eiderdown. 她坐了很久。
She sat there for a long time.
The box that the fur came out of was on the bed.
She unclasped the necklet quickly; quickly, without looking, laid it inside. 但当她盖上盒盖时,她觉得听见了哭声。
But when she put the lid on she thought she heard something crying. ○词组摘要
1.make a point of doing
特意,有意识地;间或作 make it a point of
e.g. We've always made a special point of ensuring their safety.我们一向特别注意保障他们的安全。
注意:make a point 提一个问题
e.g. There is just one other point which I wish to make in this connection. 关于此事,我还有一点想谈谈。 此外:make a scene 吵架
make acquaintances 认识人,交朋友 make believe 假装
make ends meet 使收支平衡 2.get used to 习惯于
后跟名词或动名词,也可作: be used to/become used to e.g. I'm not used to strong drink. 我不习惯喝烈酒。 辨析: used to 过去经常,后跟动词不定式
e.g. You used to live in the same house? 过去你住在同一所房子里吗? (一般疑问形式,将used 或助动词do, did提前) 3.rescue v. 援救,营救;挽救
词组:come (go) to somebody's rescue 来援救某人 例句:The firemen rescued three women from the burning house. 消防队员从燃烧的房子里解救出三名妇女。
4.scrape v. 刮掉,擦净,用于成语: scrape the floor 擦地板 scrape a living 勉强糊口
scrape along 勉强过日子scrape by 勉强维护 scrape off 刮掉,从„„蹭掉
e.g. He cleaned the wire by scraping it with a knife. 他用一把刀子把电线刮得干干净净。
5.Miss Brill was glad that she had decided on her fur. “decide on”意为就„„作出决定。
e.g. They have not decided on adjuring the session. 他们还没决定是否休会。 6.Now there came a little ―fluttery‖ bit-very pretty! 这是一个倒装句。当一个句子由now 或there, then 引起,谓语为come 或go时,
e.g. There goes the bell. 铃声响了。
Then came a new problem. 然后出现了一个新问题。
7.look forward to 盼望,希望,to的后面跟名词或动名词
e.g. She had been looking forward to working as an actress. 她曾经希望自己当一名女演员。
A .Answer the following questions on the text:
1. What was the day like when Miss Brill went to the public park that afternoon? It was brilliantly fine, with a little coolness. 2. How did she feel about her fur? Explain.
She loved it very much and regarded it as her dear little thing. 3. Why did Miss Brill think the band sounded louder and gayer? Because the season had begun.
4. Why was she disappointed when she found that the old couple sitting beside her was silent?
Because she enjoyed listening to other peoples talk and sitting in their lives for a short time.
5. How did she feel towards those sitting on the beaches and green chairs? Who were these people?
She thought them odd, silent and nearly all old. They were lonely old people just like herself.
6. What kind of woman do you think the ermine toque was? What makes you think so?
She was probably a prostitute(妓女). Because she was treated contemptuously by men and she seemed to have got accustomed to it.
7. What did Mss Brill discover from the scene around her that made her so joyous? She found that it was like a play and she was part of the performance. 8. What work did Miss Brill do to make a living?
She taught English to some pupils and read newspaper for an old sick man. 9. Why did she go straight home that Sunday afternoon?
She was badly hurt by the rude words of the young couple and too sad to do anything else.
10. How did she feel when she put the necklet to its box? She felt very sad and lonely.
B. Translate the following into Chinese:
1. Although it was so brilliantly fine – the blue sky powdered with gold and the great spots of light like white wine splashed over the Jardins Publiques – Miss Brill was glad that she had decided on her fur. 尽管阳光明媚——蓝天涂上了金色,巨大的光点犹如洒在公共花园里的白葡萄酒——布里尔小姐很高兴自己还是决定戴上了狐皮围巾。
2. It was like someone playing with only the family to listen; it didn’t care how it played if there weren’t any strangers present.
3. And sometimes a tiny staggered came suddenly rock-ing into the open from under
the trees, stopped, stared, as suddenly sat down \"flop,\" until its small high-stepping mother, like a young hen, and rushed scolding to its rescue.
4. But even the band seemed to know what she was feeling and played more softly, played tenderly, and the drum beat \"The Brute! The Brute!\" over and over. 就连乐队也似乎知道她的感觉而演奏得更轻柔了,乐队轻柔地演奏着,鼓点声一遍又一遍地敲出:“畜生!畜生!”
5.The old head lifted; two points of light quivered in the old eyes. 衰老的头抬了起来,昏花的眼中闪动着两个光点。
6.And then she too, she too, and the others on the beaches—they would come in with a kind of accompaniment—something low, that scarcely rose or fell, something so beautiful—moving. 然后她也加入,她也加入;还有长堤上坐着的其他人——他们以伴唱的形式加入进来——声音很低,几乎没有起伏,非常动听——非常感人。
7. If there was an almond it was like carrying home a tiny present—a surprise—some-thing that might very well not have been there.
8. She hurried on the almond Sundays and .struck the match for the kettle in quite a dashing way.
C. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box below, changing its form when necessary:
clasp/ rescue/ splash/ get used to/ flap/ drift/ make a point of doing/ dab/ scrape /share/ stroke/ swoop
1. She gently (dabbed) the dust from the vase before she put it back on the shelf.她轻轻的擦掉花瓶上的灰尘,然后放回到架子上。
2.The students stood on the top of the hill, enjoying the beautiful view below, their coats (flapping) in the wind.学生们站在山顶上,欣赏着下面美丽的风景,衣服随风飘动。
3.It was very hot and the kids were all happily (splashing)in the pool.天气很热,孩子们在游泳池中高兴地溅着水花。
4.He (scraped) the mud from his boots before he entered the room. 进屋之前,他擦掉靴子上的泥。
5.They moved to the south three years ago, still they can’t (get used to) the humid summer. 他们三年前去的南方,但还是不习惯那潮湿的夏天。
6.I don’t think it is safe to (stroke) the monkeys. 我认为抚摸猴子是不安全的。 7.She sat in the moonlight, her thoughts (drifting) back to last Autumn Festival she spent with her parents. 她坐在月光下,思绪又回到了去年与父母共度地秋假。 8.The firemen (rescued) all the people from the burning building. 消防队员从着火的大楼里救出了所有的人。
D.Choose the right word or expression in the brackets to complete each of the following sentences:
1. She told the children about her life on the farm all those years ago, how she (get used to, used to√) at four every morning to milk the cows. 她给孩子们讲许多年以前她在农场的生活,将她如何每天早晨四点钟起床挤牛奶。
2.The teacher told the boys to (pour, splash√) some water on the floor before mopping it. 老师告诉男孩们先在地上洒点水,然后再擦。
3.When he was discovered, the pick-pocket (waved√, flapped) a knife to threaten the people around him. 当小偷被发现时,他挥着刀威胁周围的人。
4.The eagle suddenly (drifted, swooped√) down and snatched the peace of meat. 鹰突然俯冲下来叼走一块肉。
5.With the help of the specially strained dogs, they were able to (rescue√, save) ten people buried in the snow. 借助经过特殊训练的狗的帮助,他们救出了十个埋在雪下的人。
6.His feet were numb with cold, as soon as he got into the room he started (rubbing√, stroking抚摸) them vigorously. 他的脚冻麻了,一进房间他就开始用力地揉脚。 7.The kitchen floor has to be (scrubbed√, scraped) every other day. 出访的地每两天清洗一次。
8.Every night he went to bed, he (made a point√坚持, made a plan) of checking all the doors and windows. 每天晚上他上床睡觉之前,都坚持检查门窗。 E.Explain the underlined words in English:
1. Miss Brill was glad (she had decided on her fur). She had made up his mind to wear her necklet.
2. (And she’d gone on the whole time) about how ought to wear spectacles. ... and she had spent all the time thinking.
3. The funny old man hobbled along (in time to the music and was nearly knocked over by four girls walking abreast 并肩).
keeping the rhythm of the music and almost falling down by four girls walking side by side.
4.And yet it explained why she (made such a point of starting from home) at just the same time each week…
especially made it a rule to leave home.
5. (Why doesn’t she keep her silly old mug笨蛋 at home?) She was so old and ugly, why doesn’t she stay at home? 6. It was her (Sunday treat).
special entertainment on Sunday
7.She buried on (the almond Sundays).
the Sundays when she had an almond in her slice of cake 8. But today (she passed the baker’s by).
walked past the baker’s and didn’t get in/ without going into it. F.Translate the following into English:
Miss Brill was an English woman who lived in a coastal city in France. She was old and poor. Every Sunday afternoon she went to the park and always sat on the same bench, listening to the talks around her, or watching the lives of others which were presented before her eyes. On a Sunday afternoon a feeling suddenly rose in her mind, she felt that she was part of the whole company and that life was exactly like a play, in which she played a role of herself. At that moment, the feeling of loneliness drifted away.
But just at that time, she overheard a young couple speaking about her with contemptuous tone. The young man even whispered to drive her away. The transient短暂的 feeling of happiness disappeared and she returned home with a broken heart. ○考点精析
# The blue sky powdered with gold and the great spots of light like white wine splashed over the Jardins Publiques. splash v. fly about and fall 飞溅
e.g.: The rain splashed on the window .雨水溅在窗上. n. sound , mark made by splashing 飞溅声
e.g.: He jumped into the water with a splash . 他噗通一声跳进水里.
# The air was motionless.
motionless adj. without any movement , quite still 不动的,静止的
e.g.: The cat remained motionless , waiting for the mouse to come out of its hole . 猫保持不动,等着老鼠从洞里出来.
motion n. the act , manner or state of moving 动作,移动,运动
e.g.: If you watch my motions carefully , you will know the secret. 如果你仔细看我的动作,你就会发现其中的秘密。
v. direct by gesture 打手势,以动作做信号
e.g.: He motioned me to sit down . 他示意我坐下。
# Oh, how sweet it was to see them snap at her again from the red eiderdown! snap v. snatch with the teeth , speak sharply 咬,厉声说 e.g.: The dog snapped at his leg . 狗咬了他的腿。 n. act or sound of snapping 咬, 脆裂声
e.g.: The dog made a snap at the bone . 狗试图咬骨头。
# Which was of some black composition.
composition n. the parts of which sth. is made up 成分
e.g.: the scientists are studying the composition of this new material . 科学家正在研究这种新材料的成分。
compose v. make up , form 组成,构成
e.g.: Our class is composed of twenty students . 我们班由20名学生组成。
# He scraped with his foot and flapped his arms like a rooster about to crow. scrape v. pass along touching 擦过
e.g.: The branches of the tree scraped against the window . 树枝擦到玻璃。
#The old people sat on the bench, still as statues.
statue n. a figure of a person , animal in wood , stone or bronze 雕像 e.g.: Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 status n. position 地位
e.g.: social status 社会地位 statute n. law 法规,条例 e.g.: statute law 成文法
#Little boys with big white silk bows under their chins.
bow n. knot with a loop , a piece of wood curved by a tight string for shooting arrows 蝴蝶结,弓
e.g.: The girls were bows in the hair . 女孩子们头戴蝴蝶结。 bow v. bend the head or body for greeting . 鞠躬
e.g.: The Japanese like to bow when they meet each other. 日本人喜欢互相鞠躬行礼。
# and they laughed and paired and went off arm in arm . pair v. form a pair 使成对
e.g.: The teacher paired the students to make up dialogues. 老师让学生两个一组编对话。
# And the old couple on Miss Brill's seat got up and marched away . march v. walk with a regular , esp. forceful step 整步前进
e.g.: She was very angry and marched out of the shop . 她气急了,于是大踏步走出店去。
n. the act of walking 行进 e.g.: the Long March 长征
# She thought of the old invalid gentleman to whom she read the newspaper four afternoons a week .
invalid adj. weak or disabled 病弱的,伤残的
e.g.: The pupils often go to look after the invalid old man. 小学生们经常去照顾那位病弱的老人。
adj. not valid 无效的,作废的
e.g.: He signed an invalid contract. 他签了一份无效的合同。
# They would come in with a kind of accompaniment.
accompaniment n. instrumental part to support a voice 伴奏
e.g.: a song with a guitar accompaniment 由吉他伴奏之歌 accompany v. play an accompaniment to 为......伴奏
e.g.: The singer was accompanied at the piano .歌唱家由钢琴伴奏。
# Sometimes there was an almond in her slice.
almond n. hard seed of a tree allied to the peach and plum 杏核,杏仁 ○难句详解
@ Miss Brill was glad that she had decided on her fur. decide on : make up one's mind , resolve 考虑后决定 e.g.: 1.In the end she decided on buying the red dress . 最后她决定买那条红色的连衣裙。
2. They decided on having a picnic tomorrow. 他们决定明天去野餐。
@ and rubbed the life back into the dim little eyes .\" What has been happening to me?\" said the sad little eyes. 这里作者用了拟人的修辞手法。尽管这条皮毛围巾只是一只动物皮制成的,没有生命,但作者通过拟人的方法,生动地描绘了一个 活灵活现/令人喜爱的小动物的形象。
@ Yes, she really felt like that about it. feel like : be in the mood for 喜欢,想要 feel like + doing sth .
e.g.: 1.He feels like going to the cinema tonight . 他今晚想去看电影。 2. Let's go swimming if you feel like it. 如果你愿意,我们去游泳。
@ Like a rooster about to crow about to : just going to do 将要
e.g.: 1. As I was about to leave, the phone rang. 我正要离开电话铃响了。 2.She was about to leave for Shanghai. 她即将动身去上海。
@ Who had his tray fixed to the railings fix to : make firm , fasten 固定
e.g.: 1.He fixed the book shelf to the wall . 他把书架固定在墙上。 2.They fixed the nails to the wall to make a line. 他们把钉子钉到墙上,以便拴一根绳子。
@ he was having the paper read to him ... have sth. done
e.g.: 1. He had his bad tooth pulled out yesterday. 他昨天把那颗蛀牙拔了。 2.Have you had your bike repaired? 你的自行车修了吗? have sb. do sth .
e.g.: 1.What would you have me do , mum? 你要我做什么,妈妈?
2.The teacher had the students clean the classroom. 老师让学生打扫教室。