
新东方中级口译基础班笔记lecture Notes 9-10

2022-07-17 来源:步旅网

1. The major feature project money, whether its source is government or

business(让步壮语从句座插入语,翻译在前面)(无论是来自于政府拨款,还是商业资助,项目资金的主要特点是每一笔资金都是以契约为基础的,各自独立,使得调研人员的独立性要依靠于他的确保契约连续性的能力), is that it is given on a contractual basis, a different contract for each project, so that(表达结果)(仍然是主系表结构翻译) the investigator’s independence rests upon his capacity to secure a succession of contracts,whcih is a genuine talent among professional intellectuals(这种确保项目资金契约的能力才是知识分子的一种真正的才能).

2. 中国政府坚持实行以扩大内需为主的发展方针,并把扩大内需与调整经

济结构,推动科技进步,促进对外开放结合起来(并列结构)。随着西部大开发战略的稳步推进,西部地区的资源优势,经济优势将得到充分发挥,经济增长的质量和水平将进一步提高。Chinese governemnt puts great importance on the policy of expanding domestic consumption, and attaches it to the restructuring of the economy, promotion of the scientific and technological development, and deepening of the opening-up. With the stable advancement of the western development strategy, the advantages of the western region in terms of resources and economy will be given a full play(will be fully demonstrated), thus furhter accelerating the quality and level of economic growth.

3. While Japan’s life-time employment system is visibly (obviously, apparently)

unraveling(collapsing), many economists still doubt whether a scenario(一种状况, 局面) of soaring(uprising, hiking, skyscraping) jobless will occur, given that economic incentives to slash(大量削减) payoffs(发工资)(动词不定式后制定语,大幅裁员的经济动机) clash with(与。。。发生冲突) social and political pressures to save jobs(动词不定式作后置定语,保留工作的社会和政治压力)(假设的原因状语从句). (虽然日本的终生雇佣制明显地在解体,但是鉴于大幅度裁员刺激经济的动机同要求保留工作岗位的社会压力和政治压力相冲突,许多经济学家仍无法断定日本是否会出现失业率急剧上升的局面)Rave(咆哮,大喊,让人头晕的那种) ravel(晕到到混淆在一起,缠绕,打不开)unravel(解开)

4. The political consensus, therefore, has sought to pursue economic growth rather than

the redistribution of income, in keeping with John Kennedy's adage that \"a rising tide lifts all boats.\" In the late 1990s everybody shared in this boom. Though incomes were rising fastest at the top, all workers' wages far outpaced inflation.由此,美国政界达成共识,与其探究如何对收入加以重新分配,还不如追求经济总量的增长,这也符合约翰肯尼迪的名言 \"一潮起而百船升\"。20世纪90年代末,每一位美国人都从经济高速增长中获益。尽管收入增长最快的是高收入者,但所有工人的 工资增幅都远高于通货膨胀带来的影响。

5. The emphasis of contemporary sociology is to insist that the material culture

would not exist had not the nonmaterial culture first been available to suggest the ideas which are embodied in the inventions of material culture. 当代社会学强调:若非先有非物质文化孕育出物质文化发明物的蓝图, 物质文化将不复存在。

6. 推动经济社会发展,不断改善人民生活始终是中国的中心任务。坚持走和平发展道

路,是中国实现国家富强、人民幸福的必由之路。中国人民最需要、 最珍爱和平的国际环境,愿尽自己所能,为推动各国共同发展作出积极贡献。It is the

central task of China to promote economic and social development while continuously improving its people's life. To stick to the road of peaceful development is the only way for China to attain national prosperity and strength, and its people's happiness. What the Chinese people need and cherish most is a peaceful international environment. They are willing to do their best to make energetic contributions for the common development of all countries.

7. Americans do not go in for envy. The gap between rich and poor is bigger than in any

other advanced country, but most people are unconcerned. Whereas (however, while, meanwhile)Europeans fret about (worry too much about, concern too much about)the way the economic pie is divided, Americans want to join the rich, not soak them.

美国人并非善妒之辈。美国的贫富差距比其它任何发达国家都要大,但绝大多数美国人对此却并不在意。欧洲人对社会财 富如何分配锱铢必较,而美国人则更希望自己能由贫变富,而不是去\"劫富济贫\"。 中文原文

我国首次月球探测工程的成功,实 现了中华民族的千年奔月梦想,并开始了中国人走向深空探索宇宙奥秘的时代,标志着我国已经进入世界具有探测能力的国家行列。这是我国推进自主创新、建设创 新型国家取得的又一标志性成果,是中华民族在攀登世界科技高峰征程上实现的又一历史性跨越,是中华民族为人类和平并发利用外层空间作出的又一重大贡献。全 体中华儿女都为我们伟大祖国取得的这一辉煌成就感到骄傲和自豪! 英文翻译

With the successful launch of its first lunar probe, China has realized its millennial dream of flying to the moon, ushered in the new era of entering the space and exploring the mystery of universe, which marks China's access to the ranking of the world's advanced countries capable of probing the moon. It constitutes the milestone of China to promote independence and innovation and to build a country of innovation, the historic advance of China in the conquest of the world's scientific and technological peak, the momentous contribution of China to world peace and human utilization of outer space. All the Chinese people are overwhelmed with pride in the glorious achievement of our great country! 3.18中级口译——汉译英原题:

(1) 中国赢得 2010 年世界博览会的举办权,靠的是国际社会对中国改革开放的支持和信心。

(2) 这次博览会将是自1851年在英国伦敦第一次举办以来,首次在发展中国家举办的世界博览会,它表达了全世界人民对中国未来发展的期望。// (3) 2010 年上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”。

(4) 未来的城市生活是全球关注的话题,与每一个国家及其人民息息相关。

(5) 第一次以“城市”作为主题的2010世界博览会将吸引全球的200个国家和国际组织参与盛会,国内外参访人数预计达7000万。

China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international community’s support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The World Exposition will be the first one in a developing country since it was first held in 1851 in London, UK, which gives expression to the expectations the world’s people place on China’s future development.

The theme of World Expo 2010 shanghai is “BetterCity, Better Life”. The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns every nation and its people. Being the first world Exposition on the theme of city, Expo 2010will attract about 200 nations and international organizations to participate in it, with an estimate of 70 million visitors from home and abroad.
