链路预测论文:链路预测 加权网络 结构相似性
【英文摘要】Structure and evolution is one of the basic research problems of complex networks.On one hand, many networks are incomplete as a certain number of links are not testedout in the experiments. On the other hand, the structure of networks is dynamic, whichmeans there are new links emerging over time. Link prediction is to estimate thepossibility of link appearance between two nodes that are not linked directly. Especiallyfor networks of huge size, effective link prediction methods would be helpful for furtherexperiments to check the missing links and even the future links in evolving networks.In theory, link prediction also provides another perspective to the understanding of thestructure and function of complex networks.Nowadays, many link prediction algorithms are developed based on the structuresimilarity of networks. Our thesis aims at developing new effective and
efficientalgorithms based on structure similarity as well. And there are two works had been done:1) In unweighted and undirected networks, we propose a semi-local index
whichintroduces the idea of resource allocation to the local path index, and design theprediction algorithm based on this index. We test it on 6 real networks from differentdisciplines. The prediction results show that, as well as maintaining the lowcomputational complexity, our algorithm has better prediction accuracy than thesealgorithms based on local information of networks. 2) Secondly, we extend the index toweighted case, and get good prediction accuracy on some real weighted networks, too.The thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the significance andresearch development of link prediction. Chapter 2 reviews the structure characteristicsof networks which are relevant to prediction accuracy, including the microscopic andmacroscopic
statistical characteristics. In Chapter 3, we give our work on unweightedand undirected networks and the work on weighted networks is presented in Chapter 4.The conclusion and prospect of link prediction are summarized in the end.
【关键词】链路预测 加权网络 结构相似性
【英文关键词】link prediction weighted networks
structure similarity
【目录】复杂网络的链路预测摘要4-5Abstract5第1章 绪论8-121.1 链路预测问题的提出及意义8-91.2 链路测预的研究进展9-101.3 本文关注的内容10-12第2章 结构相似性与复杂网络的结构特征12-262.1 结构对等与节点相似性12-132.2 网络最基本的单元—节点和边的性质13-162.2.1 节点的重要性评价—度、点权、点介数13-152.2.2 边的重要性评价—边权、边介数、桥15-162.2.3 网络的矩阵描述162.3 大规模网络的宏观结构特征16-232.3.1 小世界性质16-182.3.2 组分182.3.3 高聚类性质18-192.3.4 网络的异质性19-222.3.5 度-度关联和度-强度关联22-232.4 网络的层次性—模体、模块、社团及等级结构23-26第3章 无权无向网络的链路预测26-373.1 链路预测的评价方法26-273.2 已知的结构相似性算法小结27-323.2.1 全局相似度指数举例27-283.2.2 10 种局域相似度指数28-313.2.3 半局域相似度指数31-323.3 改进的半局域相似度指数32-333.4 采用的真实网络数据33-343.5 预测结果及分析34-37第4章 加权网络的链路预测37-394.1 加权网络预测算法374.2 预测结果比较37-39总结与展望39-40参考文献40-44致谢44-46个人简历与攻读硕士期间完成的论文46
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