Nowadays, many university graduates find it difficult to get a job on recruiting fairs because the employing units usually assume that the experienced outweigh those green hands. Facing the obstacles laid before them, the college students feel very helpless. In this regard, I am quite convinced that companies should not exclude the potential talents just because they lack certain experience.
To start with, being a student means study occupies their time and consumes their energy for the greater part., which makes it less possible for the college students to work. Given such a dilemma they are coping with, the companies might as well be considerate and understand no wonder that they are far from being qualified. As a result, it is obviously unrealistic of the companies to make a request that fresh gradates have working experience. Where there is no job, how does the experience come into being?
While in terms of the companies, they take it for granted that skilled labor would get familiar with a new job as quickly as possible so that they can generate the greatest efficiency. Unfortunately, they are blind to the fact that it will only bring them short-term interest which is fatal for the development of the company in the long run. Externally, it turns those promisingly creative talents down; internally, it tends to encourage the values of arranging based on seniority, which may eventually decrease the vitality of the whole team. A company needs something fresher to maintain its success.
Last but not least, it is somehow irresponsible of those employing units to reject the fresh gradates just because they want to shorten the talent cultivation cycle and cut down the costs on human resources’ training. They are expected to shoulder their social obligations and fulfill their own accomplishment about talents reserve program.
Although college students lack experience since they are just stepping into society, but they are more enthusiastic and energetic; they know less about the rules, however, they are bold enough to think out of the boxes; they take more time to get skilled, but they may be more loyal to the company. Thus I will naturally draw a conclusion that the E should really think twice before they can make a wise decision.