

2020-05-01 来源:步旅网

自考词汇第二章练习题--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可-- --内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--



I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.

1. The following languages are all Germanic except A. Dutch B. Flemish C. Norwegian D. Spanish 2. The early inhabitants of the British Isles spoke A. English B. Celtic C. Scandinavian D. Hellenic 3. Words such as crag, bin and Avon are from A. Latin B. Greek C. Celtic D. Anglo-Saxon

4. The Indo-European is made up of most of the languages of Europe, A. the Far East and the Near East B. the Far East and the Middle East C. the Near East and India D. India and North Africa

5. The prehistoric Indo-European parent language is thought to be a/an language. A. analytic B. inflected C. isolating D. agglutinative

6. belong to the Western set of the Indo-European language family.

A. Hellenic, Germanic, Hindi and Celtic B. Germanic, Persian, Albanian and Indo-Iranian C. Celtic, Germanic, Hellenic and Italic D. Scandinavian, Germanic, Albanian and Armenian

7. In the Western set of the Indo-European language family, Greek is the modern language derived from A. Hellenic B. Scandinavian C. Italic D. Celtic 8. In the Celtic, we find , etc.

A. Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Icelandic B. Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Breton C. Flemish, Scottish, Breton, Dutch D. Norwegian, Irish, Breton, Welsh

9. Anglo-Saxon dominated and almost totally blotted out in Old English period. A. Scandinavian B. Swedish C. Sanskrit D. Celtic

10. Old English is a highly language just like modern German. A. agglutinative B. analytic C. isolating D. inflected 11. As a basic word, \"father\" is borrowed from A. Scandinavian B. Greek C. French D. Latin

12. The Norman Conquest started a continual flow of words into English. A. Latin B. Greek C. Danish D. French

13. Handbook is a word created by combing

A. two native words B. a native word and a loan word

C. two loan words D. a Celtic word and an Anglo-Saxon word

14. It is estimated that at least words of Scandinavian origin have survived in modern English. A. 1000 B .900 C. 100O0 D. 8O0

15. Between 1250 and 1500 about French words poured into English. A. 900 B. 900O C. 100O0 D. 12000

16. All of the following words are from Dutch except. A. boom B. easel C. stoop D. shirt

17. Old English was a language of _ endings, and Middle English was one of endings. A. full, leveled B. leveled, full C. partial, leveled D. full, partial

18. Since the beginning of the 20~ century, particularly after World War II, although borrowing remains a

channel of English vocabulary expansion, more words are created by means of A. analogy B. word-formation C. transfer D. conversion

19. English has evolved from a _ language (Old English) to the present language.

A. analytic, synthetic B. synthetic, analytic C. agglutinative, analytic D. isolating, synthetic

20. More than per cent of modern English words come almost directly from classical languages. A. 80 B. 25 C. 50 D. 40

21. By the end of the century, English took the place of French and gradually came back into the schools, the law courts, and government and regained social status. A. 12th B. 14 th C. 13th D. 15th

22. The translation of the Bible and the writings of and others contributed a lot to the revival of English as the dominating language in Middle English period. A. Lang land; Wycliffe, Chaucer B. Wycliffe; Lang land, Chaucer C. Chaucer; Wycliffe, Thomas More D. Bacon; Wycliffe, Chaucer


23. Old English began to undergo a great change when the invaded England in 1066. A. Romans B. Danes C. Normans D. Jutes

24. Before English regained social status in Middle English period, those in power spoke French; those who

were literate read and wrote ; those who could educate their children taught them in ; and any young man who sought to earn his living as a scribe learned or A. Latin; French; Latin, French B. French; French; French, English C. French; French; Latin, French D. Greek; French; Greek, French 25. The three main sources of new words are

A. the rapid development of modem science and technology ; social, economic and political changes; the

influence of other cultures and languages

B. the rapid development of modern science and technology; social, economic and political changes;

reviving archaic or obsolete words

C. creation, borrowing and reviving archaic or obsolete words

D. semantic change, creation, borrowing and reviving archaic or obsolete words 26. The words with \"sk\" sounds are from A. French B. Danish C. Latin D. Dutch

27. English Renaissance brought over 10000 new words from and into English language. A. Latin, Greek B. Latin, French C. French, German D. Greek, French 28. \"coolie\" is from and \"freight\" is from

A. Chinese, Dutch B. Indian, Spanish C. Japanese, Spanish D. Indian, Dutch 29. Modem English vocabulary develops through A. terminology, analogy and borrowing

B. creation, semantic change, borrowing and revival of archaic or obsolete words C. creation, archaisms and semantic change D. semantic change, denizens and argot

30. Semantic change enriches English vocabulary through A. addition of more new usages to the existing words

B. addition of new words to the existing English vocabulary

C. borrowing meanings from the similar words of other languages D. assimilation of loan words into the existing English vocabulary

31. The 3000 (some put it 5000) languages in the world can be grouped into roughly 300 language families

on the basis of similarities in their and

A. native word stock, grammar B. basic word stock, loan word stock C. basic word stock, grammar D. native word stock, loan word stock

32. The introduction of had a great influence on English vocabulary. The words such as \"abbot\and \"apostle\" are some of the example words.

A. Renaissance B. Christianity C. Buddhism D. Islam

33. The second major known language known in England was of the Roman Legions. A. Greek B. Latin C. Celtic D. Anglo-Saxon

34. Native words are words brought to Britain in the fifth century by the tribes : the Angles, the Saxons, and the

Jutes, thus known as Anglo-Saxon words.

A. Scandinavian B. Celtic C. Roman D. Germanic 35. Native words are in style and in use.

A. appreciative, frequent B. pejorative, neutral C. neutral, frequent D. frequent, neutral

36. According to Stuart Robertson, et al (1957), the nine functional words, namely, \"and\


\"will\" and \"you\" assume of the task of expression in English. A. one third B. one fourth C. a half D. one fifth

37. \"but\use frequency.

A. functional, basic B. basic, functional C. native, basic D. content, native 38. The word \"quoth\" (said) is a/an

A. neologism B. archaism C. translation-loan D. semantic-loan 39. The word \"shift\" from \"skipta\" is a/an in English.

A. translation-loan B. semantic-loan C. denizen D. alien


40. The English language is noted for the remarkable and of its vocabulary. A. complexity, heterogeneity B. purity, simplicity

C. naturalness, simplicity D. naturalness, conventionality

II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. 1. is the language of the early inhabitants of the British Isles.

3,000 (some put it 5,000) languages, which can be grouped into roughly language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar.

, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish are generally known as languages. first people known to inhabit England were

words such as \"Kent\

words such as \"window\ 7. Old English was a highly inflected language just like modem

8. Considering the changes in vocabulary, it is necessary to subdivide into Early (1500- 1700)and Late (1700--up to the present) Modem English.

10,000 new words entered the English language during English Renaissance. Many of these were taken

from Latin

and Greek by scholars who wanted to replace the forms earlier adopted from

10. English has evolved from a synthetic language (Old English) to the present language.

11. Gozzi, the author of New Words and Changing American Culture(1990), discovered that terms make up approximately 45 percent of new words.

English vocabulary develops through three channels creation, , borrowing.

refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials, namely , affixes and other elements.

14. change means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new need.

15. has played a vital role in the development of English vocabulary, especially in earlier times. 16. In earlier stages of English, French, Latin, Greek and were the major contributors.

17. \"loan\" used as a transitive verb in American English is an instance of revival of or obsolete words. 18 .The Indo-European is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and 19. Old English has about words.

20. Native words are words brought to Britain in the fifth century by the Germanic tribes: the Angles, the

Saxons, and the

Jutes, thus known as words, or Old English words.

21. In the early period of Modern English, Europe saw a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek and Roman

classics. This

is known as the

22. The words \"dress\

23. Generally speaking, the English words are simple and common compared with the borrowed Latin, Greek

and French words.

24. The word \"judge\" is borrowed from

25. A/An language is a language in which the various forms of a given word show its relationship to other words

in a sentence.

26. The word \"hamburger\" is borrowed from

27. The native English word originally a name of the-spring festival honoring the goddess of dawn, takes on the

present meaning, the most important and oldest festival of the Christian church, celebrating the resurrection of Christ.

28. It is estimated that borrowings constitute per cent of the modem English vocabulary. 29. English and Scandinavian shared many words. word \"teepee\" is a word borrowed from

31. Many words relating to government, social scales, law, religion, moral matters, military affairs, food and

fashion entered English in Middle English period.

32. Rapid growth of breeds such new words as \"green revolution\ 33. changes bring about such words as \"fast food\ words containing \"-by\" and \"-thrope\" are all Words.


35. Of all the borrowed words in English, about are from French. word \"kangaroo\" is from one language of the 37. Anglo-Saxon is also called English.

38. In 55-54 B. C, the invaded the British Isles and were to occupy the land until about 410.

39. Latin-speaking Roman missionaries under St. Augustine came to spread in Britain at the end of the 6~ century.

40. During Renaissance, Latin and were recognized as the languages of the western world's great literary heritage

and of great scholarship.

III. Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to(1)modes of vocabulary development; (2)sources of new words; (3)language families;(4)sources of borrowing and (5)dassification of words by origin, by use frequency and by notion. A B

1. them A. Celtic 2. duke B. Spanish 3. Flemish C. Indian 4. druggist D. Italic 5. pita bread E. Latin 6. Scottish F. Japanese

7. handbook G. the influence of other cultures and languages 8. lichee H. Germanic 9. neck ( originally that I. French part of man or animal joining the head to the body)

10. deck J. empty word 11. plaza K. German 12. judo L. Hellenic 13. Nehru jackets M. Greek 14. Greek N. creation

15. French O. Scandinavian 16. ascend P. Dutch

17. biology Q. revival of archaic or obsolete words 18. blitzkrieg R. Indo-Iranian 19. Hindi S. Chinese

20. be (auxiliary) T. semantic change 21. sun U. Arabic 22. skirt V. Argot 23. emir W. Slang

24. can-opener(all- X. Old Norse purpose key)

25. X-rays (radar) Y. native word

IV. Study the following words and expressions and identify(1) types of non-basic English words; (2)language families; (3)modes of vocabulary development; (4)types of loan-words and (5)classification of words by notion. 1. troth ( = pledge) ( ) ( = talk) ( )

3. change (from changier) ( ) 4. bazaar (Persian) ( ) 5. have ( = own) ( ) ( )

7. Welsh ( ) 8. fingertip ( ) 9. Dutch ( )

10. treacle (originally wild animal) ( ) V. Define the following terms.


1. creation

2. semantic change

3. three modes of modem English vocabulary development 4. the Germanic family

VI. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the

space given below.

1 .What is the Indo-European language family and what major families can be found in it

are the modes of English vocabulary development What is the role of each in English vocabulary


3 .What are the characteristics of Middle English

4. What are the main reasons for the growth of present-day English vocabulary 5 .What are the characteristics of Modem English 6. What are the characteristics of Old English

VII. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below. 1. He has been sick since this fall.

Tell what \"sick\" and \"fall\" mean respectively and explain why they take on those meanings in modem

American English.

2.\"shirt\" was originally written as \"skyrta\" and the pronunciations of the two words are different, too. Explain the reasons for the change in spelling and pronunciation.


I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.

21. C 26. B

29. B 31 .C 33 .B 36. B 38. B 39. C 40. A

II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. 1. Celtic 3. Scandinavian 4. Celts 5. Celtic 6. Scandinavian 7. German

8. Modem English 9. French 10. analytic 11. science and technology 12. semantic change 13. roots 14. Semmatic 15. Borrowing 16. Scandinavian 17. archaic 18. India

19. 50000 to 60000 20. Anglo-Saxon 21. Renaissance 22. French 23. native 24. French 25. inflected 26. German 27. Easter 29. Old 30. Russian and technology 33. Social, economic and political 34. Latin 35. a half 36. Aborigines 37. Old 38. Romans 39. Christianity 40. Greek

the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to (1)modes of vocabulary development;(2)sources of new words; (3)language families;(4)sources of borrowing and (5)classification of words by origin, by use frequency and by notion. 21 .Y

IV. Study the following words and expressions and identify(1) types of non-basic English words; (2)language families; (3)modes of vocabulary development; (4)types of loan-words and (5) classification of words by notion.

1. archaism 2. slang 3. denizen 4. alien 5. notional/content word 6. functional/empty/form word 7. Celtic 8. creation 9. Germanic 10. semantic change 11. Define the following terms.

1. Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials, namely roots, affixes and

other elements.

change means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new need.

3. Modem English vocabulary develops through three channels: creation, semantic change, borrowing. Germanic family consists of the four Northern European languages : Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and


and German, Dutch, Flemish and English.

IV. Answer the following questions .Your answers should be dear and short. Write your answers in the

space given


1. The Indo-European is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. The

surviving languages


fall into eight principal groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern set : Bah Slavic, Indo-Iranian,

Armenian and

Albanian; a Western set: Celtic, Italic, Hellenic, Germanic.

2. Modem English vocabulary develops mainly through three channels : creation, semantic change,


Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials, namely roots, affixes and

other elements. In modem times, this is the most important way of vocabulary expansion. Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new need. This does not

increase the number of word forms but create many new usages of the existing words, thus enriching the vocabulary.

Borrowing is still working but it is not as important' as it was in earlier times.

3. Middle English (1150- 1500) borrowed a tremendous number of words mainly from French and had a

much larger vocabulary. Middle English retained much fewer inflections and it was a language of leveled endings.

4. Generally, there are three main sources of new words the rapid development of modem science and

technology; social, economic and political changes; the influence of other cultures and languages. 5. Modem English has a huge vocabulary of different elements. Word endings were mostly lost with just a

few exceptions. English has evolved from a synthetic language to the present analytic language.

6. Old English was largely Germanic. It had vocabulary of about 50,000- 60,000 words. It was a highly

inflected language just like modern German.

.Analyze and comment on the following. Write you’re answers in the space given below. 1. (1) \"sick\" means \"ill\" and \"fall\" means \"autumn\" in present American English.

(2) \"sick\" meant \"ill\" and \"fall\" meant \"autumn\" in British English, but these words no longer have such

meanings in present British English.

(3)American English has revived the old meaning of \"sick\" and that of \"fall\" .This is the revival of archaic

or obsolete words.

2. (1) \"skyrta\" is an early borrowed word but the original form did not conform to the English way of

pronunciation and spelling.

(2) In later development, the word became well assimilated into English language.

(3)At present \"skyrta\" is written as \"skirt\

