1. 高分求英文读后感套话句子
1. I have a thousand words to say after reading this book/article.
2. I feel that I have learned a lot from the book. 我从中获益良多。
3. I learn what fortitude/confidence/。 is by reading the book.
3. What a wonerful and meaningful articel it is! 这是一篇发人深省的好文章。
4. I realize that what we ought to do and the rest not. 我从中学到了什么应该做而什么不该做。
5. I should learn to the spirit of fighting/philanthropy from what the author told us in the book/article.
6. We should realize who we are and what we want to be,from the leading character in the book.
我们应该像书中主角那样,明白我们是谁,我们想成为谁。 7. We should cherish what we own now and never let it go, or we would regetted for a life long time,as the author told us in the book.
8. We should be friendly to our family and friends,according to the author, for they are people who are always supportting and accompaning with us.
9. I learn that I should never give up my dream, no matter how hard is it to come true.
10. I learn that I should never do anything illegal and try to crime, for justice has long arms.
我学会了永远不要尝试犯罪,因为法网恢恢,疏而不漏。 2. 英语读后感50字
[英语读后感50字]英语读后感50字Snow WhiteI read Snow White last week, I to this book as well as the inside master public some views and the feeling, below am my some ideas. I thought that this book is very interesting, moreover is also exciting, story plot unconstrained fluctuation, confusing. A bright side won certainly finally. inside the story\\'s leading character is also may encircle may select. Snow White, is chaste, lovable; Seven dwarves, is friendly, good. Stepmother, is also empress, is virulent, cruel-hearted .Inside this\\'s each characters have filled the unique individuality, after enabling we looked, to the character to have the nearly completely unified view. I thought I most like the character is seven dwarves, they are good, friendly, is willing to help other people, this is worth us studying, I most repugnant character is empress, she is virulent, is cruel-hearted, does not have a spot good performance, only wants to raise oneself, disparages others. the relation life, inside this\\'s leading character many are worth us studying actually, certainly, also has some people not to be worth us studying. Generally speaking, this written unusual good. After this is I read this book the view and the opinion.Madam Curie(居里夫人读后感)Madam Curie, a world famous woman scientist, was born into a techer\\'s family in Poland in 1867 and died in 1934. She finished her middle school at the age of 16. Eight years later, when she was 24, she
went to study at Paris University. All her lige was devoted to scientific research and her efforts were rewarded. She had won the Nobel Price twice.Today, as a famous female, Madam Curie is sill remembered by the whole world. People will remember her forever for her courage, determination and her spirit of sharing knowledge with others.【扩展阅读篇】所谓“感”可以是从书中领悟出来的道理或精湛的思想,可以是受书中的内容启发而引起的思考与联想,可以是因读书而激发的决心和理想,也可以是因读书而引起的对社会上某些丑恶现象的抨击、讽刺,英语读后感50字.读后感的表达方式灵活多样,基本属于议论范畴,但写法不同于一般议论文,因为它必须是在读后的基础上发感想.要写好有体验、有见解、有感情、有新意的读后感,必须注意以下几点:首先,要读好原文“读后感[1]”的“感”是因“读”而引起的.“读”是“感”的基础.走马观花地读,可能连原作讲的什么都没有了解,哪能有“感”?读得肤浅,当然也感得不深.只有读得认真,才能有所感,并感得深刻.如果要读的是议论文,要弄清它的论点(见解和主张),或者批判了什么错误观点,想一想你受到哪些启发,还要弄清论据和结论是什么.如果是记叙文,就要弄清它的主要情节,有几个人物,他们之间是什么关系,以及故事发生在哪年哪月.作品涉及的社会背景,还要弄清楚作品通过记人叙事,揭示了人物什么样的精神品质,反映了什么样的社会现象,表达了作者什么思想感情,作品的哪些章节使人受感动,为什么这样感动等等.其次,排好感点只要认真读好原作,一篇文章可以写成读后感的方面很多.如对原文中心感受得深可以写成读后感,对原作其他内容感受得深也可以写成读后感,对个别句子有感受也可以写成读后感.总之,只要是原作品的内容,只要你对它有感受,都可能写成读后感,你需要把你所知道的都表示出来,这样才能写好读后感.第三、选准感点一篇文章,可以排出许多感点,但在一篇读后感里只能论述一个中心,切不可面面俱到,所以紧接着便是对这些众多的感点进行筛选比较,找出自己感受最深、角度最新,现实针对性最强、自己写来又觉得顺畅的一个感点,作为读后感的中心,然后加以论证成文.第四、叙述要简
既然读后感是由读产生感,那么在文章里就要叙述引起“感”的那些事实,有时还要叙述自己联想到的一些事例.一句话,读后感中少不了“叙”.但是它不同于记叙文中“叙”的要求.记叙文中的“叙”讲究具体、形象、生动,而读后感中的“叙”却讲究简单扼要,它不要求“感人”,只要求能引出事理.初学写读后感引述原文,一般毛病是叙述不简要,实际上变成复述了.这主要是因为作者还不能把握所要引述部分的精神、要点,所以才简明不了.简明,不是文字越少越好,简还要明.第五,联想要注意形式联想的形式有相同联想(联想的事物之间具有相同性)、相反联想(联想的事物之间具有相反性)、相关联想(联想的事物之间具有相关性)、相承联想(联想的事物之间具有相承性)、相似联想(联想的事物之间具有相似性)等多种.写读后感尤其要注意相同联想与相似联想这两种联想形式的运用.编辑本段如何写读后感格式一、格式和写法读后感通常有三种写法:一种是缩写内容提纲,一种是写阅读后的体会感想,一种是摘录好的句子和段落.题目可以用《读后感》;还可以用自己的感受(一两个词语)做题目,下一行是——《读有感》,第一行是主标题,第二行是副标题.二、要选择自己感受最。 3. 英语读后感常用句子
The story tell us about 。 First。
..把情节简单介绍I think (人物的突出品质)I admire(欣赏)Who because…I think we should (学习什么品质)结束语可以再修改修改,这是一个大纲。推荐句子:It's time us to(是时候do sth)Let's begin toIt's our duty(这是我们的责任)本人初中,没什么经验,错误指出,望纳。 4. 英语读后感
If all the people left you in a cruel world,what would you do?If everything is aginst you,what would you do?Maybe you
think this world is not worthy for you to stay, but after reading the book , you will find the beauty of life.The Protagonists of the book experienced all the bad things in the world,every Relatives left him and leave the world,a Poverty life ,even when he is old,he cant buy a Coffee for himself,but he still alive,for aginest with the world.这句话请你把中文完整的句子发上来才好给你准确翻译.不然我只能大概理解你的意思,翻译出来可能不能准确表达你的原意.The sentence i still remember \"try the way laugh to cry,alive whit the death\"i think this Attitude of life we must to learn,改为:I still remember the sentence \"try the way laugh to cry, alive with the death\". I think all of us need to learn this attitude towards life.everyones' life is not perfect and everywhere is death, faced with these we must learn to alive and laught,改为:No one has a perfect life, anyone must die. We must learn to face these with a smile. because the world cant control us,we must control the world,only do like thiswe can have the life of ourselfes.改为:We shouldn't let the world control us, we should control the world, and only through this way we lead our own lives.the writer of this book is yu hua,he is a Vanguard literature writer,改为:The author is a Vanguard literature writer named Yu Hua.maybe you have already read his book calledbut i think is the best book he has ever written.改为:You probably have already read his bool , however in my point of view, is the best book he has ever written.for the last things, remember alive is a beautiful things, you can control your fate改为:All in all, remember that life is beautiful, and we can control our own fortune.。 5. 英文观后感 5句话
<Spider-Man 3>
I kept thinking after I watched < Spider-Man 3>.I felt Peter Parker was just a normal man.
He had been once blind when popularity and vanity came into him like everybody else.He had also cried for his loved ones.Every time he risked his own life to save humans as Spiderman, and had to face the reality alone as suffering Peter. I admire him for his courage and great spirit. His my hero.
我看完这部片子 自己写的,望采纳! 6. 求一篇英文小说读后感,300词
Hamlet, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, is the story of Prince Hamlet, whose father, the king of Denmark, is murdered by Hamlet's uncle. This murderous uncle then marries Hamlet's mother. The play centers around Hamlet's angst and indecision about how to avenge his father's death. It's Shakespeare's most famous play about Shakespeare's most famous character (that would be Hamlet), and it contains Shakespeare's most famous line: “to be or not to be, that is a question.”
It marks the emergence of a new kind of literature that focuses on the struggles and conflicts within a single individual, rather than the external conflicts between individuals. Hamlet was one of the first characters ever to have such a developed, and mysterious, inner life.
Throughout Shakespeare's plays, the maintenance of identity is a very common conflict, as it was shown in Hamlet. In this play Shakespeare has portrayed young hamlet to convey the two sides to him; one side shows his insane behavior towards his family, the other side determines his thoughts of either doing right or wrong according to what he has seen. The play trembles with conflicts: one being identity, which shows all the characters in different disputes of their own. We also see the problems of
lack of self-confidence, misjudgment, and betrayal.
To be or not to be, that is a question.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?