专利名称:Method for using water insoluble chemical
additives with pulp and products made bysaid method
发明人:Troy Michael Runge,Louise Cynthia Ellis
Coe,Mike Thomas Goulet,Sheng-Hsin Hu
摘要:Pulp fibers can be treated with water insoluble chemical additives resulting in aminimal amount of unretained water insoluble chemical additives present afterredispersing the treated pulp fibers in the process water. One embodiment of thepresent invention is a method for preparing chemically treated pulp fiber. A fiber slurry iscreated comprising process water and pulp fibers. The fiber slurry is transported to aweb-forming apparatus of a pulp sheet machine thereby forming a wet fibrous web. Thewet fibrous web is dried to a predetermined consistency thereby forming a dried fibrousweb. The dried fibrous web is treated with a water insoluble chemical additive therebyforming a chemically treated dried fibrous web containing chemically treated pulp fibers.The chemically treated pulp fibers have an improved level of chemical retention of thewater insoluble chemical additive and retain from between about 25 to about 100percent of the applied amount of the water insoluble chemical additive when thechemically treated pulp fibers are redispersed in water.
代理人:Patricia A. Charlier