专利名称:Method and apparatus for decomposing I/O
tasks in a RAID system
发明人:Srinivasan Viswanathan,James Leong,Rajesh
Sundaram,Douglas P. Doucette,ScottSchoenthal,Stephen H. Strange
摘要:A data access request to a file system is decomposed into a plurality of lower-
level I/O tasks. A logical combination of physical storage components is represented as ahierarchical set of objects. A parent I/O task is generated from a first object in responseto the data access request. A child I/O task is generated from a second object toimplement a portion of the parent I/O task. The parent I/O task is suspended until thechild I/O task completes. The child I/O task is executed in response to an occurrence ofan event that a resource required by the child I/O task is available. The parent I/O task isresumed upon an event indicating completion of the child I/O task. Scheduling of anychild I/O task is not conditional on execution of the parent I/O task, and a state diagramregulates the child I/O tasks.
申请人:Srinivasan Viswanathan,James Leong,Rajesh Sundaram,Douglas P.Doucette,Scott Schoenthal,Stephen H. Strange
地址:Fremont CA US,Hillsborough CA US,Mountain View CA US,Freeland WA US,SanRamon CA US,Mountain View CA US
代理机构:Cesari and McKenna, LLP