2 波前时间--Time to crest
3 半峰值时间--Time to half
value of crest
4 标幺值--Per unit value
5 标称值--Nominal value
6 避雷器--Surge arrestor
7 避雷器的残压--Residual (discharge) voltage of an arrestor
8 补角--Supplementary angle9 部门--Department (dept.) 10 磅,磅/平方寸--Pound (lb), pound per square inch (psi)
11泊,里泊--Poise, centipois, 1P=1dyne.sec/cm2
12 操作过电压--Switching overvoltage
13 磁屏蔽--Magnetic shielding
14 冲击伏秒特性
characteristics of impulse15 垂直--Perpendicular
16 乘方--Involution
17 成正比(反比)
--Proportional (inversely proportional) to…..
18 插入法--Interpolation
19 超声定位--Ultrasonic location (orientation)
20 参见…--See …, vide…
21 米--Meter
22 分米--decimeter
23 厘米--centimeter 24 毫米--millimeter
25 公里--kilometer
26 寸--inch
27 尺--Foot
28 电压组合--Voltage combination
29 电阻电压--Resistance voltage
30 电抗电压--Reactance voltage
31 电压调整率--Voltage regulation
32 短时过电压--Short time
33 大气过电压--Atmospheric
34 短时工频耐受电压
power-frequency withstand voltage
35 导电率--Admittance
36 电导--Conductance,
37 电晕放电--Corona
38 短路试验--Short-circuit
test 39 电流(电压)误差--Current
(voltage) error 40 笛卡尔坐标(直角坐标)
--Cartesian coordinate 41 钝角--Obtuse angle
42 迭加电荷--Superimposed
43 电位梯度--Potential
44 地震(地震烈度)--Seism,
earthquake (earthquake intensity)
45 额定电压--Rated voltage
46 额定电流--Rated current
47 额定容量--Rated power
48 额定电压比--Rated voltage ratio
49 额定耐受电压--Raged withstand voltage
50 额定雷电(操作)冲击耐受电压--Rated lightning (switching) impulse withstand voltage
51 额定负荷(互感器)--Rated burden (of an instrument transformer)
52 额定短时热电流--Rated short thermal current 61 放电--Discharge
53 额定连续热电流--Rated continuous thermal current 62 峰值--Peak value (crest value)
54 额定动稳定电流--Rated dynamic current 55 额定仪表保安电流--Rated instrument security current
56 二次极限感应电势(保安因数)--Secondary limiting
e.m.f (security factor)
流--Rated accuracy limit primary current
58 额定电压因数--rated voltage factor 59 负载损耗--Load loss 60 附加损耗--Additional losses 63 复合误差--Composite error
64 复数--Complex number (a+jb),
65 实数部分--real component,
66 虚数部分--Imaginary component
67 负数--Negative number
68 分数--Fraction
69 分子--numerator
70 分母--Denominator
71 反比--Inversely proportional to….
72 方波响应--Step response 73 工频--Power frequency
74 高频--High frequency
75 过电压—Over-voltage
76 感应耐压试验--Induced overvoltage withstand test77 概率--Probablity
78 归纳法--Inductive method
79 互感器的负荷--Burden of an instrument transformer80 横坐标(X-轴)--Abscissa (X-axis)
81 红外线扫描--Infrared scanning
82 海里--knot
83 激磁电流(空载电流)--Exciting current (no-load current)
84 绝缘强度--Dielectric strength, Insulation
85 介电常数--Dielectric constant
86 局部放电--Partial discharge
87 局部放电起始电压--Partial discharge inception
88 局部放电终止电压--Partial discharge extinction voltage
89 静电屏蔽--Electrostatic shielding
90 截波雷电冲击--Chopped wave lightning impulse
91 截断时间--Time to chopping
92 介质损耗--Dielectric loss 93 介损角的正切值--Loss tangent (tgδ)
94 绝缘电阻--Insulation resistance
95 绝缘电阻吸收比--Absorption ratio of insulation
resistance (R60/R15)
96 绝缘材料耐温等级--Temperature class of insulation
(A, B, F, …..H)
97 极坐标--Polar coordinate
98 假分数--Improper fraction
99 积分--Integrate, integration
100 计算机辅助设计及制造--Computer aided design and manufacturing (CADAM)
101 计算机辅助设计
--Computer aided design (CAD)
--Computer aided test (CAT)
近似于--Approximate (Approx.)
空载电流(激磁电流)--No-load current (exciting current)
空载损耗--No-load loss
extraction of root
--Zero-sequence impedance
109 method
110 exponential
111 每分钟转速
--Revolution per minute (rpm)
112 码--Yard
113 马力--Horsepower
114 insulation
内绝缘--Internal distance
n的五次方--Involve n
to the fifth power; 5th power of n
--Viscosity, Pascal.second
118 频率响应--Frequency
--Disruptive discharge
--Pascal (Pa), kPa, MPa124
wave lightning impulse
front time
锐角--Acute angle
component 130 四舍五入--Round off
131 速度--Speed, Velocity132 水平加速度(重力加速
度)--Gravitational acceleration
133 数量(件数)--Quantity
--Short-circuit test
136 图解法--Graphic
138 外绝缘--External
--Non-distructive flaw detection
145 相角差(互感器)--Phase element method (FEM)
displacement (instrument transformer)
146 虚数部分--Imaginary
为…--Hereinafter referred as …
--Oil-paper insulation system
沿面放电(爬电)--Creeping discharge
150 余角--Complement angle
151 有限元法--Finite 153
thermal unit (BTU)
157 voltage
158 英里--Mile
英制热量单位--British 压强--Intensity of
frequency 165 class
159 振荡频率--Oscillating
frequency of vibration161 insulation
162 insulation
163 breakdown
164 overvoltage
暂态过电压--Transient 166
--Transient characteristics (error)
--Accuracy limit factor
168 直角坐标--Cartesian coordinate
纵坐标(Y-轴)--Ordinate (Y-axis)
正数--Positive number171 正比(反比)--
Proportional (inversely proportional) to….
likelihood (method)
173 capacitance
--Gravitational acceleration
175 焦耳--Joule 186 法拉--Farad
176 千瓦时--Kilowatt-hour 187 皮可法拉--Pico-farad
177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184
(centigrade)185 特斯拉--Tesla (T) 高斯--Gauss 奥斯特--Oersted (Oe)
库仑 --Coulomb
达因--Dyne 摄氏度--Celsius 开尔文--Kelvin
188 升--Liter
189 立方分米--Cubic
193 标准国际单位制
--Standard international unit
194 厘米-克-秒单位制--CGS
unit 195 磁通密度--Flux
196 电流密度--Current
安匝数--Number of
198 轴向(径向)漏磁通
--Axial (radial) leakage flux
(hottest) spot
200 局部过热--Local
current loss
202 磁滞损耗--Hysteresis
2. 产品结构(产品类型及主要组件,零件) 1) 典型产品图解(110kV有载调压电力变压器为例)
Graphic expressions of typical product (use a 110kV power transformer with OLTC as an example)
1 变压器铁芯(磁路)--Transformer core (magnetic circuit)
2 变压器线圈(绕组)--Transformer winding
3 线圈端部绝缘--End insulation of iwnding
4 上部夹件--Upper clamping
5 下部夹件--Lower clamping
6 分接引线--Tapping leads
7 引线支架--Supporting frame for leads
8 高压套管均压球--Equipotential shielding for HV bushing
9 高压引线--High-voltage leads
10 低压引线--Low0voltage leads
11 线圈压紧螺栓--Winding compressing bolt
12 器身定位装置--Positioning device for active-part
13 垫脚--Foot-pad 14 小车支架及滚轮--Bogie frame and wheel 15 油箱--Tank 16 箱底--Tank bottom 17 箱盖及箱沿--Tank cover and tank rim 18 垫脚垫块--Supporting block for foot-pad 19 联管接头(法兰)--Tube connector (connecting flange)
20 油箱直立加强铁--Vertical stiffening channel of
tank wall
21 油样活门--Oil sampling valve
22 放油活门--Oil draining valve
23 管式散热器--Tubular radiator
24 放油塞--Oil draining plug
25 放气塞--Air exhausting plug
26 风扇支架--Supporting frame for fan motors27 风扇及电机--Fan and motor
28 风扇接线盒--Connecting box for fan motors29 储油柜联管--Elbow joint for conservator
30 气体继电器--Gas relay
31 储油柜--Conservator
32 油位指示计--Oil-level indicator
33 有载开关用储油柜--Conservator for OLTC
34 有载开关用气体继电器--Gas relay for OLTC 35 联管--Tube connector
36 铭牌--Rating plate
37 温度计--Thermometer
38 指示仪表柜--Cabinet panel for indicating instruments
39 风扇控制柜--Cabinet panel for fan motor control40 压力释放阀--Pressure-relief valve
41 主排气导管(导气管)--Main gas-conduit
42 分支导气管--Branching gas-conduit
43 滤油接口(蝶阀)--Tube connector for oil-filter (butterfly valve)
44 温度计座--Thermometer socket
45 储油柜支架--Supporting frame for conservator 46 高压O相套管--HV bushing phase O (neutral) 47 高压套管--HV bushing 48 低压套管--LV bushing 49 有载分接开关--On-load tap-changer (OLTC) 50 有载开关操作机构--Operating mechanism of OLTC51 垂直传动轴--Vertical driving shaft 52 水平传动轴--Horizontal driving shaft 53 伞齿轮盒--Bevel gear box 54 防雨罩及联轴节--Drip-proof cap and coupling
55 联轴节--Coupling
56 高压套管储油柜--Conservator for HV bushing
57 相间隔板--Interphase insulating barrier
58 吊拌--Lifting lug
59 安装轨道--Installation rail
60 相序标志牌--Designation mark of phase sequence
61 接地螺栓--Earthing bolt
2) 各类变压器名称及类型
1 电力变压器--Power transformer
2 有载调压电力变压器(无载)--Power transformer with OLTC (off-circuit tap-changer)
3 配电变压器--Distribution transformer
4 自耦变压器--Auto transformer
5 联络变压器--Interconnecting transformer 6 升压变压器(降压)--Step-up (step-down) transformer 7 发电机变压器--Generator transformer 8 电站用变压器--Substation transformer 9 变流变压器(换流变压器)--Converter transformer 10 分裂变压器--Transformer with split windings
11 厂用变压器--Power plant transformer
12 单相变压器--Single-phase transformer
13 三相变压器--Three-phase transformer
14 油浸式变压器--Oil-immersed transformer
15 浸难燃油变压器--Noninflammable medium impregnated transformer
16 干式变压器--Dry type transformer
17 塑料浇注变压器--Cast resin (resin moulded) transformer
18 H级绝缘变压器--Transformer with H class insulation
19 气体绝缘变压器--Gas insulated transformer
20 单相变压器组成的三相组合--Three-phase banks with separate single-phase transformers
21 电炉变压器--Furnace transformer
22 整流变压器--Rectifier transformer
23 列车牵引变压器--Traction (locomotive) transformer
24 矿用变压器--Mining transformer
25 防爆变压器--Flame-proof transformer
26 隔离变压器--Isolation transformer
27 试验变压器--Testing transformer 28 灯丝变压器--Filament transformer
29 电焊变压器--Welding transformer
30 钎焊变压器--Brazing transformer
31 船用变压器--Marine transformer
32 起动自耦变压器--Starting auto transformer
33 串级式试验变压器--Cascade testing transformer
34 三线圈变压器--Three-winding transformer
35 增压变压器(串联变压器)--Booster (series) transformer36 移动式变压器--Movable substation
37 成套变电站--Complete substation
38 全自动保护单相变压器--Complete self-protected single-phase transformer (CSP)
39 电流互感器--Current transformer (CT)
40 电压互感器--Voltage transformer (VT)
41 母线式电流互感器--Bus-type current transformer
42 瓷箱式电流互感器--Porcelain type current transformer
43 套管用电流互感器--Bushing current transformer 44 电容式电流互感器--Capacity type current transformer 45 倒立式电流互感器--Reverse type current transformer 46 塑料浇注式互感器--Cast resin current transformer 47 电容式电压互感器--Capacitor voltage transformer 48 接地电压互感器--Earthed voltage transformer 49 组合式互感器--Combined instrument transformer 50 移圈调压器--Moving-coil voltage regulator 51 自耦调压器--Autoformer regulator 52 接触调压器--Variac 53 感应调压器--Induction voltage regulator 54 磁饱和调压器--Magnetic saturation voltage regulator
55 电抗器--Reactor
56 串联电抗器--Series reactor
57 并联电抗器--Shunt reactor
58 铁心电抗器--Iron core reactor
59 空心电抗器--Air core reactor
60 水泥电抗器--Concrete (cement) reactor
61 三相接地电抗器--Three-phase neutral reactor
62 起动电抗器--Starting reactor
63 平波电抗器--Smoothing reactor
64 平衡电抗器--Interphase reactor
65 消弧电抗器(线圈)--Arc-suppression reactor 66 阻波器(线圈)--Wave trap coil 67 镇流器--Ballast
68 饱和电抗器--Saturable reactor
69 密闭式,包封式--Sealed (enclosed) type
70 芯式--Core type
71 壳式--Shell type
72 户外(户内)式,柱上式--Outdoor (indoor, pole mounting) type73 移动式(列车式)--Movable (trailer mounted) type
74 自然冷却(吹风冷却)--Natural cooling (air blast cooling)75 强油风冷(水冷)--Forced oil forced air cooling (water cooling)
76 油导向冷却--Directed forced oil circulation cooling
77 油怕向吹风冷却--Directed forced oil circulation forced air cooling
81 油浸自冷--Oil-immersed natural cooling (ONAN)
82 油浸风冷--Oil-immersed forced air cooling (ONAF)
83 油浸强迫油循环风冷--Oil-immersed forced oil circulation
forced air cooling (OFAF)
84 油浸强油导向风冷--Oil-immersed forced-directed oil
circulation forced air cooling (ODAF)
3)铁芯 1 铁芯片--Core lamination 2 一叠铁芯--A lamination stack 3 铁心间叠积图--Lamination drawing (diagram) 4 450斜接缝--45o mitred joint 5 铁芯油道(气道)--Oil-duct (air ventilating duct) of core6 阶梯接缝--Stepped lap joint 7 对接铁芯--Butt jointed core
8 卷铁芯--Wound core
9 渐开线铁芯--Evolute core
10 空气隙--Air gap
11 铁芯拉板--Tensile plate of core limb
12 铁芯柱--Core limb (leg)
13 轭(上轭,下轭)--Yoke (upper yoke, lower yoke)
14 旁轭--Side yoke
15 环氧绑扎带--Epoxy-bonded bandage
16 轭拉带--Yoke tensile belt
17 上轭顶梁(侧梁)--Top jointing beam of upper yoke (side beam)
18 上夹件(下夹件)--Upper yoke clamping (lower yoke clamping) 29 夹件夹紧螺杆--Yoke clamping bolt
19 夹件腹板(肢板)--Web (limb) of yoke clamping 20 夹件加强铁--Stiffening plate of clamping 21 压线圈的压钉--Winding compressing bolt 22 压钉螺母--Nut fro compressing bolt
23 簧压钉(油缸压钉)--Compressing bolt with spring (hydraulic damper)
24 线圈支撑架(板)--Winding supporter (plate) 25 垫脚--Foot pad 26 定位孔--Positioning hole 27 带螺母的定位柱--Positioning stud 28 拉螺杆--Tensile rod 30 铁芯接地片--Core earthing strip
31 铁芯地屏(旁轭地屏)--Earthing screen of core (side yoke)32 窗口高度(中心距M0)--Window height (center line distance Mo)
33 木垫块--Wood padding block
34 叠片系数--Lamination factor
35 铁心的级--Stage of lamination stacks
36 心柱外接圆--Circumscribed circle of core leg
37 铁芯端面--Core surface perpendicular to lamination
38 木棒(木垫块)--Wood bar (padding block)
39 定位板--Positioning plate
4) 线圈Windings 11 交错式线圈--Sandwich winding
1 单层(双层,多层)圆筒式线圈--Single layer (double layer, 12 螺旋(半螺旋)式线圈--Helical (semi-helical) winding
multi-layer) cylindrical winding
2 大型层式线圈--Large size long layer winding
3 连续式线圈--Continuous winding 4 半连续式线圈--Semi-continuous winding 5 纠结式线圈--Interleaved winding 6 纠结-连续式线圈--Interleaved-continuous winding 7 部分纠结线圈--Partial-interleaved winding
8 插花纠结线圈--Sandwich-interleaved winding
9 插入电容式线圈--Capacitor shield winding
10 饼式线圈(双饼线圈)--Disk winding (twin-disk winding)13 单列(双列、三列、四列)螺旋--Single-row (double-row,
three-row, four-row) helical winding
14 分裂线圈--Split winding
15 箔式线圈--Foil winding
16 分段式线圈--Sectional winding
17 全绝缘(分级绝缘)线圈--Uniformly insulated (gradedly insulated) winding
18 第三线圈--Tertiary winding
19 高压(低压、中压)线圈--High voltage (low voltage,
mid-voltage) winding
20 辅助线圈--Auxiliary winding 21 调压线圈--Regulating winding 22 星形(三角形,曲折形,T形)联结--Star (delta, zigzag, scott) connection
23 开口三角联结--Open-delta connection 24 线段(线层)--Winding disk (winding layer) 25 层(段)绝缘--Layer insulation (insulation between disks)26 端绝缘--End insulation 27 分接头(分接区)--Tapping terminal (tapping zone) 28 段间横垫块--Radial spacer between disks 29 轴向撑条--Axial strip
30 径向油道(段间)--Radial spacer between disks
31 段间过渡联线--Transfer connection between disks
32 段间换位联线--Transposed connection between disks
33 线圈起始(终)端--Initial terminal (final terminal) of winding
34 绝缘纸筒--Insulating cylinder
35 匝间绝缘--Turn insulation
36 绝缘角环--Insulating angled ring (collar ring)
37 线匝间垫条--Insulating filling strips between turns
38 分数匝(整数匝)--Fractional turn (integral turn)
39 并绕导线--Parallel wound conductors
40 复合导线--Composite conductor 41 换位导线--Transposed conductor 42 纸包线--Paper wrapped conductor 43 漆包线(圆线)--Enameled conductor (round wire)44 硬拉铜导线--Hard drawn copper conductor 45 退火导线--Annealed conductor 46 玻璃丝包线--Glass-fibre covered conductor 47 纸槽--Paper channel 48 绑线(绳)--Binding wire (rope) 49 静电板(环)--Electrostatic plate (ring) 50 绝缘包扎--Insulation wrapping
51 线圈总高度--Overall height of winding
52 铜线高度--Copper height of winding
53 线圈修整--Trimming of winding
54 线圈浸漆--Varnish impregnation of winding
55 线圈的换位--Transposition of winding
56 分组换位--Transposition by group
57 标准换位--Standard transposition
58 线圈展开图--Planiform drawing of winding
59 线圈的干燥与压缩--Drying and compressing of winding60 绝缘的压缩下缩率--Shrinkage of insulation under compression
61 无氧铜导线--De-oxygenized copper conductor
62 铝合金导线--Aluminium-alloy conductor 5) 油箱及其附件 Tank and its fittings 1 钟罩式油箱--Bell type tank
2 上节(下节)油箱--Upper part (bottom part) of tank3 箱壁(带磁屏蔽)--Tank wall (with magnetic shield)4 箱底--Tank bottom
5 联管头--Tube connecting flange
6 放油活门--Draining valve
7 油样活门(塞)--Oil sampling valve (plug)
8 闸阀(蝶阀,球阀)--Gate (butterfly, ball) valve
9 压力释放阀--Pressure relief valve
10 安全气道(防爆筒)--Explosion-proof pipe
11 真空接头(滤油接头)--Connecting flange for evacuation (for oil filter)
12 水银温度计座--Pocket for mercury thermometer
13 名牌底板--Base plate of rating plate
14 手孔(人孔)--Handhole (manhole)
15 箱沿--Tank rim
16 箱沿护框--Pad frame for tank rim gasket
17 升高座--Ascending flanged base
18 吊拌与千斤顶支座--Lifting lug with bearing plate for jacks
19 定位钉--Positioning pin
20 盖板(临时)--Cover plate (temporary)
21 带隔膜(胶囊)储油柜--Conservator with rubber diaphragm (bladder)
22 沉淀盒(集污盒)--Precipitation well
23 导气管--Air exhausting pipe
24 导油管--Oil conduit
25 吊拌(吊环)--Lifting lug (lifting eyebolt)
26 有围栏的梯子--Ladder with balustrade
27 适形油箱--Form-fit tank
28 呼吸器--Breather
29 气体继电器--Gas relay (Buchholz relay)
30 皮脱继电器--Pitot relay
31 流动继电器--Flow relay
32 风(水)冷却器--Air (water) cooler
33 冷却器托架(拉杆)--Bracket (tensile rod) for cooler
34 潜油泵--Oil-submerged pump
35 流量(米3/分)--Flow quantity (m3/min)
36 扬程--Lift
37 控制箱(盘)--Control box (panel) 38 端子箱(排)--Terminal box (block) 39 风扇接线盒--Connecting box for fan-motors 40 金属软管--Metallic hose 41 封闭母线联结法兰--Joint flange for enclosed bus-bar 42 管式油位指示器--Tubular oil-level indicator 43 磁铁式油位指示器--Magnetic type oil-level indicator (6)变压器装配Transformer assembly 1 引线附加绝缘--Additional insulation of lead 2 引线夹(支架)--Leads clamping (supporting frame) 3 线圈围屏(围屏拉带)--Winding screen (fastening belt of screen)
4 软电缆--Flexible cable
5 有载开关--On-load tap-changer (OLTC)
6 切换开关--Diverter switch
7 选择开关--Selector switch
8 软接线片--Flexible connecting strip
9 线圈直流电阻测试--Winding d.c. resistance measurement
10 联结组(极性)校验--Check on connection group (polarity)11 铜焊机--Brazing transformer
12 磷铜焊料--Phosphor-copper brazing metal
13 铜焊钳(夹)--Brazing pliers
14 锡焊--Soldering
15 气相加热真空干燥--Vacuum drying with vapour phase heating 25 高压套管导杆头--Inner connecting stud of HV 16 循环热风干燥--Drying with hot-air circulation
17 真空浸油--Oil impregnation under vacuum
18 真空干燥罐--Vacuum drying autoclave
19 真空系统--Vacuum plant
20 真空泵(真空阀,真空计)--Vacuum pump (vacuum valve, vacuum gauge)
21 增压泵--Booster (pump) 22 自动记录仪表-Autographic recording instrument
23 干燥的终点判断--Terminus determination of drying process
24 露点测量--Dew point measurement bushing
26 接地套管(端子)--Earthing bushing (terminal)
27 热油循环--Hot-oil circulation
28 注油后静放--Standstill after oil-filing
29 密封试漏--Leakage test on sealed parts
30 穿缆式高压套管--Cable through type HV bushing
31 高压套管绝缘护筒--Cylindrical insulating barrier of HV bushing
32 大电流套管--Heavy current bushing
33 加强式套管--Long-creepage bushing
34 接地标志--Earthing mark
35 中性点套管--Neutral bushing 36 有载开关操动机构--Driving mechanism of OLTC 37 操动机构手柄--Operating handle of driving mechanism
38 活性氧化铝--Active aluminium oxide (activated alumina)
39 硅胶--Silica gel
40 电阻温度计--Resistance thermometer
41 信号温度计--Signaling thermometer
42 线圈温度指示器--Winding temperature indicator
43 远距离温度计--Thermometer with remote indication44 瓷箱(互感器)--Porcelain casing (instrument
45 瓷箱压圈(互感器)--Clamping ring for porcelain casing (instrument trans.)
46 膨胀器--Expander
47 二次端子箱--Secondary terminal box
48 胶囊--Rubber bladder
49 电线夹--Cable clip
(7)包装、运输 1 包装箱--Package 2 装箱单--Packing list 3 板条箱包装--Packaged in crate 4 铁路(公路)运输--Railway (highway) transportation5 水路(海路)运输--Water (sea)transportation 6 凹形车(元宝车)--Saddle bottomed wagon 7 落孔车--Open web girder wagon 8 拖车--Trailer 9 卡车--Truck 10 油罐车--Tanker 11 钳夹式车(抬骄式车)--Schnabel wagon
12 起重机--Hoisting crane
13 浮吊--Floating crane
14 履带吊--Caterpillar crane
15 铁路轨道员--Railway crane
16 钢丝绳--Steel cable
17 手拉葫芦--Chain block
18 集装箱运输--Container transport
19 绞盘与滑轮组--Capstan and pulley block
20 发货日期--Delivery date
21 到站(港)--Destination
22 唛头--Shipping mark 23 小心轻放--Handled with care! 24 不准叠放--Don’t stack up! 25 不准倒置--Don’t turn over! 26 发货人--Consignor 27 收货人--Consignee 28 毛重(净重)--Gross weight (net weight)29 箱号--Case No. 30 发货单--Dispatch list (invoice) 31 底托--Pallet 32 叉车--Fork lift 33 重心--Center of gravity
34 限速运输--Oversize transport
35 不准溜放--Don’t uncouple with slipping!36 装载量--Loading capacity
37 装货港口--Port of loading
38 铁路编组站--Marshalling yard
39 产品总重--Total weight of product
40 器身重量--Weight of active part
41 油重--Weight of oil
42 运输重--Transport weight
43 拆卸附件--Dismantled accessories
44 备件--Spare parts 45 易损件--Parts subjected to wear 46 充氮运输--Transported with nitrogen filling 47 带油运输--Transported with oil filling
48 运输尺寸图--Transportation dimension drawing
49 名牌数据--Rating plate data
50 名牌(标志牌,说明牌)--Rating plate (designation
plate, illustration plate)
51 指示标记--Indication mark
52 标准号(设计标准)--Design code
53 产品代号--Symbol of product
54 产品序号--Serial No.
55 使用条件--Service condition
56 绝缘水平--Insulation level
57 海拔高度--Working altitude (… meters above sea level)
58 环境温度--Ambient temperature
59 线圈温升(油顶层温升)--Winding temperature-rise60 线圈端子位置示意图--Illustrative drawing for
winding terminals
61 线圈联结组图--Illustrative drawing for winding
62 中华人民共和国--The People’s Republic of China 63 中国制造--Manufactured in China (Made in China) 64 最大(最小)分接--Maximum (minimum) tapping 65
额定分接--Rated tapping (principal tapping)
III.图纸和技术文件用语Terminology for drawings and technical documents
1 零件--Parts (details)
2 部件(组件)--Component (assembly) parts
3 基础件--Basic parts
4 借用件(从…借用)--Shared parts (shared with …)
5 标准件(通用件)--Standard parts
6 外购件--General parts
7 附件--Accessories
8 配合件--Mating parts
9 可拆卸件--Dismountable parts
10 成套设备--A complete set of equipment
11 初步设计--Preliminary design
12 技术设计--Technical design
13 技术设计说明书--Instruction for technical design14 施工图设计--Working drawing design
15 技术协议--Technical agreement
16 技术任务书--Assignment for technical design
17 技术条件(技术要求)--Technical condition
18 合同附件--Annex (appendix) to the contract 28 总图--General layout
19 检验鉴定大纲--Examination and appraisal program, 29 外形尺寸图--Overall dimension drawing
20 试制总结--Summary of trial production 21 型式试验报告--Type test report 22 出厂试验报告--Routine test report 23 技术经济分析--Technical and economical analysis 24 可行性分析--Feasibility study 25 出厂技术文件--Technical documents for product delivery
26 产品合格证--Quality certificate
27 变压器使用说明书--Operation instruction of
30 安装图--Installation drawing
31 示意图--Illustrative drawing
32 线路原理图(系统图)--Principle circuit diagram
33 方框图--Block diagram
34 表(图表)--Table (graph)
35 运输图(运输尺寸图)--Shipping dimension drawing36 地基(基础)图--Foundation drawing
37 原图(底图)--Originals (transparent print)
38 蓝图--Blue print
39 复制图--Duplicates 50 隶属装配图号--Pertaining to assembly drawing No.
40 图样(文件)目录--Contents of drawing (documents) 51 比例--Scale
41 零件明细表--Detail list of parts 42 外购件明细表--Detail list of purchased parts 43 产品用户一览表--Reference list of customers
44 图纸标题栏--Title block of drawing
45 项号--Numbers (Nos.), Items
46 名称--Name
47 图号--Drawing No.
48 单个重量(总重量)--Unit weight (total weight)
49 设计(校核、审定)者--Designed (checked, approved) by
52 纸型--Paper size
53 其余--For unmarked surfaces
54 其余倒角1×45o--For unmarked edges: 1×45o 55 淬火HRC52-56 o--Hardening HRC 52-56 o
56 表面淬火(发蓝)--Surface hardening (bluing) 57 镀锌--Galvanized 58 镀镍(铬、镉、锡)--Nikel (Chromium, Cadmium, Tin) plating
59 酸洗--Pickling
60 磷化(钝化)--Phosphorated (Passivation) 61 涂两遍底漆--Coated with two layers of primer 62 表漆--Surface coating 63 半导体涂层--Semi-conducting coating 64 热浸(搪)--Hot-dipping 65 防晕层--Anti-corna coating 66 点固焊(角焊)--Tack (fillet) weld 67 点焊--Spot weld
68 螺杆桩焊--Stud weld
69 配焊--Welded according to practical condition
70 与配合件同时钻孔--Drilled together with mating
71 钻后铰孔--Ream after drilling
72 透孔--Through hole
73 吹砂(抛丸)--Shot-blast
74 焊后磨平--Grinding to flat after welding
75 支毛刺--Clear away burrs
76 回火--Tempering
77 校直(校平)--Straightening (flattenong)
78 对称件--Symmetrical parts 79 锥度孔--Tapered hole 80 锻件(压铸件)--Forging (die casting) 81 角钢(槽钢)长850--Angle (channel) L=850
82 整齐度--Evenness
83 表面光洁度(粗糙度)--Finish (roughness)
84 倾斜度--Inclination
85 圆度(椭圆度)--Circularity (Ellipticity)
86 偏心度(同心度)--Eccentricity (Concentricity)87 不同心度--Inconcentricity
88 平(不平)度--Flatness (unflatness)
89 直(不直)度--Straightness (unstraightness)
90 平行(不平行)度--Parallelism (imparallelism)
91 垂直(不垂直)度--Perpendicularity (imperpenducularity)
92 展开图--Unfolded view
93 A-A放大--A-A enlarged
94 B-B转90o
--B-B turned by 90o
95 K向--Viewed from K
96 A-A剖面--A-A section
97 对中心(不对中心)--Alignment (disalignment)
98 冲铆三点锁紧螺母--Nut locked by punching three
99 拼接--Pieced together 100 改版--Revise, revision
IV. 产品制造 Manufacturing of products
1. 铁心制造 Core manufacturing
1 硅钢片纵剪(横剪)--Silicon steel sheet slitting
(cutting to length)
2 选片--Pre-selection of lamination
3 叠片--Lamination stacking
4 两片一叠--Stacked by two-sheet
5 打(敲)齐--Knock to even
6 叠装滚转台--Core assembly tilting platform
7 不叠上轭--Core stacking without upper yoke
8 打铁心用垫块--Knock block
9 铁心料盘--Lamination stocking tray
10 卷铁心机--Core winding machine
11 铁心退火--Core annealing
12 铁心中间试验--Interprocess core test
13 片的角度偏差--Angular misalignment of lamination 24 螺旋千斤顶--Screw jack
14 宽度(长度)偏差--Width (length) deviation 15 铁心的垂直度--Verticality of core 16 铁心起立--Tilt the core into vertical position 17 叠片的定位档板--Positioning stopper for core assembly
18 硅钢片涂漆--Varnish coating of silicon sheet steel 19 片间绝缘试验--Lamination insulation test 20 半导体粘带--Semi-conductive adhesive tape 21 半干环气粘带--Semi-cured epoxy adhesive tape 22 粘带的固化--Cure of adhesive tape 23 夹紧铁心工具--Core clamping tools 25 水平尺--Level gauge (instrument)
26 专用套筒扳手--Special socket spanner
27 叠片的工艺孔--Punching hole on the lamination for manufacturing purpose
28 叠板导棒--Guiding bar for core assembly
29 力矩扳手--Torque spanner (wrench)
30 角度测量平台--Angular measuring platform
31 切口防锈漆--Antirust coating for cutting edges
32 铁心油道撑条--Strips for core oil-ducts
33 撑条粘结--Sticking of strips
34 级间衬纸--Insulating paper between core stages
35 冲孔模--Hole punching die 36 缺口模--Notch punching die 2. 线圈制造 Winding manufacturing 1 卧式绕线机--Horizontal winding machine 2 立式绕线机--Vertical winding machine
3 线盘架(导线盘)--Conductor drum bracket (conductor drum)
4 导线拉冯装置--Conductor tensile device 5 导线复绕机(校平机)--Conductor rewind (straitening) machine
6 可调节绕线模--Adjustable winding drum 7 装配式绕线模--Fabricated winding drum 8 钢板筒绕线模--Steel-plate rolled winding drum
9 木撑条--Wood supporting strips
10 正段(线饼)--Normally wound disks
11 反段(线饼)(临时段)--Reversely wound disks (temporarily wound disks)
12 匝数表--Winding-turn recorder
13 碰焊(铜焊)--Butt welding (brazing)
14 附加绝缘--Additional insulation
15 出头固定(锁紧)--Winding terminal fixing (fastening)
16 打圈出头--Terminal eld out by looping
17 压弯工具--Bending tool
18 扁嘴钳--Flat nosed pliers 19 克丝钳--Wire-cutting pliers
20 铅锤--Plummet
21 恒压干燥--Drying under constant compression
22 线圈压板--Winding compression plate
23 拉紧螺杆--Tensile screw rod
24 弹簧压紧--Spring compression
25 木(铅)垫块--Wood (aluminium) padding block
26 线圈的稳定处理--Isostatic treatment of winding27 股间绝缘试验--Insulation test between strands
28 导线包纸(纸带盘)--Insulation wrapping of conductor (paper tape reels)
29 立式(卧式)包纸机--Vertical (horizontal) paper wrapping machine
30 恒湿箱--Humidistat
31 裁纸机--Paper slitting machine
32 螺旋柱形弹簧--Helical spring
33 碟形(盘形)弹簧--Belleville spring washer
34 绉纹纸带--Crepe paper tape
35 金属编织带--Metal wire woven tape
36 线圈干燥后的修整--Trimming of winding after drying
37 卧式真空干燥罐--Side-loading vacuum drying
38 线圈油压机--Winding compressing hydraulic press
39 多根撑条铣切机--Multi-strip milling cutter
3. 油箱制造 Tank manufacturing
1 钢板表面处理--Steel plate surface pre-processing
2 划线--Layout
3 剪切--Shearing
4 刨边--Edge shaping
5 气割(自动气割)--Gas cutting (automatic gas
6 等离子切割--Plasma cutting
7 折板机(液压)--Bending press (brake)
8 埋弧自动焊--Automatic submerged-arc wilding
9 CO2保护焊--CO2protected welding
10 氩弧焊--Argon protected welding
11 型材冷弯机--Cold bending machine for profiles12 弯管机--Pipe bending machine
13 钢管压弯模--Bending die for steel tube
14 双动冲床--Double-action punching machine
15 龙门冲床--Double column punching machine
16 单点液压矫正机--Single pole correction press 17 移动式摇臂钻床--Movable radial drilling machine 18 深颈冲床--Deep-throat punching machine 19 夹件焊装翻转架--Revolving fixture for core clamping fabrication
20 焊接变位架--Welding transposition fixture
21 螺杆桩焊机--Stud welder
22 点焊机--Spot welder
23 缝焊机--Seam welder
24 多点焊机--Multi-point spot welder
25 端面车床--Surface lathe
26 火油着色试漏--Coloured kerosene leakage test
27 莹光试漏--Fluorescent leakaged test
28 真空强度试验--Vacuum strength test
29 超声探伤--Ultrasonic flaw detection
30 磁力探伤--Magnetic flaw detection
31 清除焊药皮--Clear away welding flux
32 清除焊渣飞溅--Clear away welding splashes33 防锈底漆--Antirust primer
34 环氧铁红底漆--Iron red epoxy primer
35 淋漆(喷漆)--Lacquer showering
36 溶剂(稀释剂)--Thinner
37 硝基漆--Nitrocellulose lacquer
38 醇酸漆--Alkyd base lacquer 6. 装配、干燥、油处理 1 绝缘装配--Insulation assembly 2 器身装配--Active part assembly 3 总装配--Final assembly 4 自动升降装配架--Automatic assembly scaffold
5 线圈吊具(双爪、三爪)--Winding hoisting tool (two-leg, three-leg)
6 插板刀--Lamination inserting knife
7 折除上轭--Dismantle of upper yoke
8 插板--Reinsertion of upper yoke
9 线圈油压千斤顶--Hydraulic jacks for winding
10 油压泵站--Hydraulic pump station
11 引线绝缘包扎机--Lead insulation wrapping machine12 冷压焊钳--Cold pressing pliers
13 线圈纸筒绞紧器--Tightening device for winding cylinder
14 轭片n形夹--n-shaped clips for upper yoke
15 斜纹布带--Twill cotton tape 16 箱壁绝缘隔板--Insulation diaphragm on the tank wall
17 绝缘成型件--Paper moulded insulating part 18 真空干燥--Vacuum drying 19 气相加热阶段--Vapour-phase heating period 20 高真空阶段--High vacuum period 21 真空注油阶段--Vacuum oil filling period
22 煤油蒸发器--Kerosene evaporator
23 煤油回收泵--Kerosene recycling pump
24 蒸汽加热排管--Steam heating radiators
25 立式真空罐--Top loading vacuum drying autoclave26 罐开启开油缸--Opening mechanism of autoclave cover
27 移动式净油站--Movable oil-purificator
28 油脱气装置--Oil-degasing device
29 油脱水装置--Oil-dehydrating device
30 油过滤芯子--Cartridge of oil-filter
31 油基(石蜡基,环烷基)--Oil base (paraffin base, naphthene base)
32 油的析气性--Gas-separating property of oil
33 油闪点(凝固点)--Flash point (congealing point)
of oil
34 酸值(PH值)--Acid value (pH value)
35 抗氧化剂--Antioxidant 36 抗凝剂--Anticoagulent 37 阻化油(非阻化油)--Inhibited (uninhibited) oil 38 油试验器--Oil tester 39 油的胶体污染--Colloidal contamination of oil
40 胶体颗粒--Colloidal particle 41 吸附剂--Absorbent 42 油中含气量(含水量)--Gas (moisture) content of oil43 油中颗粒数--Particle content of oil 44 气相色谱分析--Chromatography 45 甲烷(乙烷)--Methane (CH4), Ethane (C2H6) 46 乙炔--Acetylent (C2H2)
47 乙烯--Ethylene (C2H4)
48 一氧化碳(二氧化碳)--Carbon monoxide (CO)
49 丙烯--Acryl (C3H6)
50 氧(氮、氢)--Oxygen, (Nitrogen, Hydrogen)
51 总烃含量--Overall hydrocarbon content
52 百万分之一--Parts per million (ppm)
7.质量控制 Quality control
1 质量(质量控制)--Quality (quality control)
2 质量方针(质量计划)--Quality policy
3 质量管理(全面质量管理)--Quality management
4 质量保证体系--Quality guarantee system 5 质量监督(质量审核)--Quality supervision 6 质量成本--Quality related cost 7 可靠性(安全性)--Reliability 8 可用性--Availability 9 合格(不合格)--Conformity 10 缺陷(故障)--Nonconformity 11 设计评审--Design review
12 关键工序--Critical process
13 控制点--Control point
14 验收检验(试验)--Acceptance inspection
15 准确度(精密度)--Accuracy
16 校准--Calibration
17 误差--Error
18 产品鉴定--Product appraisal
19 投运试验--Commissioning test
20 首件检验--First item inspection
21 工序间--In-process inspection
22 最终检验--Final inspection 23 出厂试验--Routine test 24 型式试验--Type test 25 特殊试验--Special test 26 标准偏差--Standard deviation
27 正态分布--Normal distribution
28 设计定型--Finalization of design
29 定型改版--Finalized revision
30 市场调查--Market survey
31 试验用仪器仪表--Testing instruments mad meters32 冲击电压发生器--Impulse voltage generator
33 截断装置--Chopping device
34 试验发电机组--Testing generator set
35 电容补偿装置--Capacitor compensation device
36 高压示波器(同步示波器—)--High-voltage oscilloscope (synchronous socilloscope)
37 分压器--Voltage divider
38 标准电容器--Standard capacitor
39 法拉第笼--Faraday cage
40 局放测试仪--Partial discharge tester
41 数字电压表(瓦特表)--Digital display voltmeter
42 低功率因数瓦特表--Low-power factor wattmeter
43 西林电桥--Schering bridge 44 变比电桥--Bridge for testing of voltage transformation ratio
45 频率表--Frequency meter
46 热电偶--Thermoelectric couple
47 红外扫描仪--Infrared scanner
48 水电阻(金属电阻)--Water resistance (metallic
49 球极--Sphere-gap
50 峰值电压表--Peak value voltmeter
51 表面温度计--Surface thermometer
52 记忆示波器--Memory-scope
53 钳形电流表--Tong-type ammeter
54 万用表--Universal tester
VV 常用一般设备及工具
1 车床--Lathe
2 立式车--Vertical lathe
3 端面车床(大头车床)--Surfacing lathe
4 导鞍车床--Saddle bed lathe
5 自动车床--Automatic lathe
6 数控车床--Computer and numerical control (CNC)
7 大角车床--Turret lathe
8 铲背车床--Backing-off (relieving) lathe
9 旋压车床--Bulging lathe 10 钻床--Drill 11 台钻(立钻)--Bench drill (vertical drill)12 摇臂钻--Radial drill 13 镗床--Boring machine 14 座标镗床--Jig boring machine 15 落地镗床--Facing boring lathe 16 铣床--Miller (milling machine)
17 螺旋铣床--Screw miller
18 万能铣床--Universal miller
19 花键铣床--Spline miller
20 龙门铣床--Planer type miller
21 插床--Slotting machine
22 插齿机--Gear slotter
23 双柱龙门刨床--Double housing planer24 单臂刨床--Open side planer
25 刨边机--Edge planer
26 液压刨床--Hydraulic planer
27 牛头刨床(液压)--Shaper (hydraulic) 28 拉床--Broaching machine 29 手锯床--Hacksaw 30 圆锯床--Disk saw 31 带锯床--Band saw 32 压力机(液压机)--Press (hydraulic press) 33 冲压床--Punch press 34 剪板机--Shearing machine (guillotine shear)35 剪断机--Punch shear 36 折板机--Bending press (bending brake) 37 滚丝机--Thread hobbing machine 38 磨床--Grinder
39 外圆(内圆)磨床--Circular 9internal) grinder
40 螺纹磨床--Thread grinder
41 万能工具磨床--Universal tool grinder
42 砂带机--Finisher belt grinder
43 单臂吊车--Cantilever hoisting crane
44 机动装配架--Movable and adjustable scaffold
45 多层热压机--Multi-layer heat press
46 曲线锯--Jigsaw
47 冲模--Bunch dies
48 拉伸(落料)模--Stretch drawing die (cupping die)
49 级进模(双动模)--Progressive (double-action) die 60 样板--Sampler
50 挤压模(压印模)--Extrusion (stamping or embossing) 61 剥线钳--Wire-stripping pliers
51 翻边模(卷边模)--Curling die
52 凸(凹)模--Male (female) die
53 模座--Die holder
54 导柱--Guide post (pole)
55 闭合高度--Die height
56 钻具--Drilling guide (drilling jig)
57 夹具--Fixture, jig
58 夹块--Fixture block
59 铣削(焊接)夹具--Filling fixture (welding fixture)
62 虎钳--Bench vice
63 管钳--Pipe wrench
64 克丝钳--Wire-cutting pliers
65 螺丝刀(十字头)--Screw-driver (cross head)66 丝锥(机用丝锥)--Tap (machine tap)
67 圆板牙--Round screw die
68 手锯(刀锯)--Hand saw (blade saw)
69 皮尺(钢皮尺)--Band tape (steel tape)
70 钢卷尺--Convex rule
71 万能角度尺--Universal angle meter 72 千(百)分表--Dial gauge 73 水平仪--Level gauge 74 表架(磁力表架)--Dial gauge stand (magnetic stand)75 油厂(长方、三角)--Oil-stone (rectangular, triangular)
76 锉刀(组锉)--File (group file)
77 气焊枪(气割枪)--Gas welding troch (cutting torch)78 麻花钻--Twist drill
79 钻库(套)--Drill socket
80 刀具--Cutter
81 组合铣刀--Cutter block
82 镗杆(铣刀轴杆)--Cutter spindle
83 端面铣刀--Face cutter
84 三角刮刀--Triangular scraper
85 钳工案--Fitter’s bench
VI.材料及标准件 1.材料 Materials 1 黑色金属(有色金属)--Ferrous metal (non-ferrous metal)
2 绝缘材料(保温材料)--Insulating material (heat-resistant material)
3 纸碳钢(合金钢)--Low carbon steel (alloy steel)4 抗磁钢(低温钢)--Antimagnetic steel
(low-temperature steel)
5 不锈钢--Stainless steel
6 热轧(冷轧)硅钢片--Hot-rolled (cold rolled)
silicon sheet steel
7 冷轧晶粒取向硅钢片--Cold rolled grain oriented
silicon sheet steel
8 紫铜(黄铜、青铜、磷青铜)--Copper (brass, bronze, phosphor bronze)
9 铅(锡、锑、锌)--Lead (tin, antimony, zinc)
10 铂(金、银、汞)--Plumbum (gold, silver, mercury)
11 绝缘纸(纸板)--Insulating paper (pressboard)
12 高密度纸板--High-density pressboard
13 纸桨--Pulp
14 绉纹纸(压光绉纹纸)--Crepe paper (calendered crepe
15 压光绝缘纸(纸板)--Calendered insulating paper
16 电缆纸(电话纸)--Cable paper (telephone paper) 17 电容器纸--Condenser paper (Capacitor paper) 18 牛皮纸--Kraft paper (fish paper) 19 硬化纤维纸板(管)--Fibreboard (fibretube) 20 层压木板--Plywood 21 胶纸板(环氧玻璃板)--Bakelized paper board )epoxy resin glass-fibre board)
22 聚醋酸乙烯酯--Polyvinyl acelated
23 聚乙烯醇--Polyvinyl alcohol
24 聚酰亚胺--Polyimide 25 聚酰胺--Polyamide 26 聚氯乙烯--Polyvinyl chloricde (PVC) 27 聚乙烯树脂--Polyvinyl resin
28 聚乙烯缩醛--Polyvinyl acetal
29 聚缩醛(聚酯)树脂--Polyacetal (polyester)resin
30 聚丙烯酸树脂--Polyacrylic resin, polyacrylate
31 聚碳酸脂--Polycarbonate
32 聚丙烯脂--Polyacrylonitrile
33 聚胺酯--Polyurethane
34 有机玻璃(聚甲荃丙烯酸甲酯)--Perspex
35 醋酸--Acetic acid, ethylic
36 水曲柳--Northeast China ash tree
37 胺基醇酸漆--Lacquer of amidoalkyd base
38 硝基漆(硝基清漆)--Lacquer of nitrocellulose 39 稀释剂--Lacquer thinner 40 丙酮--Acetone 41 龙胆紫--Gentian violet 42 绝缘材料丙酮抽出物--Acetone extraction of insulating material
43 挥发物含量--Volatile content
44 上胶绝缘纸--Bakelite coated insulating paper
45 半导体纸--Semiconducting paper
46 金属化纸(金属化皱纹纸)--Metallized paper (crepe
47 铜(铝)箔--Copper (aluminium) foil
48 铜带(排)--Copper tape (busbar)
49 铜网(100目)--Copper wire screen (100 mesh)
50 试管--Test tube
51 烧杯--Beaker
52 干燥器--Desiccator
53 滴定管,量管--Buret
54 比色计,色度计--Colorimeter
55 长颈(曲颈)瓶--Flask
56 蒸发器--Evaporating dish
57 坩埚--Crucible
58 锥形杯--Beaker flask
59 量瓶--Measuring flask
60 轧制方向(钢板)--Rolling direction (steel plate)
61 抄纸方向(纸)--Machine direction )paper) 72 辫子线--Braided wire
62 网面(毡面)(纸板)--Wire (felt) side (pressboard) 73 橡胶电缆--Cabtyre cable
63 层压纸板--Laminated pressboard 64 成型绝缘件(纸板)--Moulded insulating parts (pressboard)
65 紧缩带--Shrinkable tape
66 白布带--Plain cotton tape
67 斜纹布带--Twill cotton tape
68 玻璃丝带--Glass fibre woven tape
69 透明粘带--Transparent adhesive tape
70 稀纬布带--Reduced weft cotton tape
71 单芯(多芯)电缆--Single-lead (multi-lead) cable
74 交联聚合物电缆--Cross-linked polymer cable
75 铠装电缆--Sheathed cable
76 屏蔽电缆--Shielded cable
77 单丝漆包线--Single silk covered enamel wire78 双纱包线--Double cotton covered wire
79 合成橡胶--Synthetic rubber
80 氯丁橡胶--Polychloroprene rubber
81 抗油橡胶--Oil-proof rubber
82 软木橡胶--Cork rubber
2.标准零件 standard parts 1 无头螺杆--Button head cap screw 2 光螺栓(螺母)--Bright bolt (nut) 3 方头螺栓--Coach bolt 4 半元头(T形头)螺栓--Cup head (Tee head) bolt5 六角头螺栓--Hexagonal head bolt
6 内大角头螺栓--Hexagonal socket head bolt
7 镀锌螺栓--Galvanized bolt
8 全螺纹螺栓--Full thread bolt
9 地脚螺丝--Foot bolt, anchor bolt
10 吊环螺丝--Eyebolt
11 木螺丝--Lag bolt
12 圆螺母(滚花螺母)--Ring nut (knurled nut)
13 联结螺母(管络用)--Union nut (for pipe lines)14 锁螺母--Locking nut
15 开口螺母--Slit nut