专利名称:System and method of securing removable
components for distribution of fluids
发明人:Greg Patrick Mulligan,Philip Ryan
Barros,Joshua David Anderson
摘要:A system for enabling a distribution of fluids includes a backplane and at leasttwo component bases. Each component base has a first flange segment on one side and a
second flange segment on an opposite side. Each of the first flange segment and thesecond flange segment has through holes formed therein. Fasteners secure the twocomponent bases to the backplane. The fasteners extending through the through holesformed in the first flange segment of a first component base and through holes formedin the second flange segment of a second component base and into the backplane.Methods of assembling a distribution system are further provided.
申请人:Greg Patrick Mulligan,Philip Ryan Barros,Joshua David Anderson
地址:Milpitas CA US,San Jose CA US,San Jose CA US