
外刊阅读 20200222 在线教育模式创新

2021-12-14 来源:步旅网


Machines or learning

The classic model of education—a burst at the start and top-ups through company training—is (41) ______. One reason is the need for new, and constantly updated, skills. Manufacturing (42) ______ calls for brain work rather than metal-bashing. The (43) ______ of the American workforce employed in routine office jobs declined from 25.5% to 21% between 1996 and 2015. The single, stable career has gone the way of the Rolodex.

Pushing people into ever-higher levels of (44) ______ education at the start of their lives is not the way to cope. Just 16% of Americans think that a four-year college degree (45) ______ students very well for a good job. Although a vocational education promises that vital first hire, those with (46) ______ training tend to withdraw from the labour force earlier than those with general education—perhaps because they are less (47) ______.

At the same time on-the-job training is (48) ______. In America and Britain it has fallen by roughly half in the past two decades. Self-employment is spreading, leaving more people to take responsibility for their own skills. Taking time out later in life to (49) ______ a formal qualification is an option, but it costs money and most colleges are geared towards youngsters.

The market is (50) ______ to enable workers to learn and earn in new ways. Providers from General Assembly to Pluralsight are building businesses on the (51) ______ of boosting and rebooting careers. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have veered away from lectures on Plato or black holes in favour of courses that make their students more employable. At Udacity and Coursera self-improvers pay for cheap, short programmes that bestow “microcredentials” and “nanodegrees” in, say, self-driving cars or the Android operating system. By offering degrees online, universities are (52) ______ it easier for professionals to burnish their skills. A single master’s programme from Georgia Tech could expand the annual output of computer-science master’s degrees in America by close to 10%.

Such efforts demonstrate how to interleave careers and learning. But left to its own devices, this nascent market will mainly serve those who already have (53) ______. It is easier to learn later in life if you enjoyed the classroom first time around: about 80% of the learners on Coursera already have degrees. Online learning requires some IT literacy, yet one in four adults in the OECD has no or limited (54) ______ of computers. Skills atrophy unless they are used, but many low-end jobs give workers little (55) ______ to practise them.(405) (Economists 20170214 P9)


41. A.referring to B.applying for C.coming across D.breaking down 42. A.increasingly B.obviously C.strangely D.subsequently 43. A.shift B.share C.show D.shelf 44. A.objective B.entire C.formal D.final 45. A.decorate B.prepares C.develop D.provide 46. A.detailed B.complicated C.specialized D.transformed 47. A.adaptable B.accessible C.available D.acceptable 48. A.ending B.escaping C.decreasing D. shrinking 49. A.persuade B. refuse C.pursue D.search 50. A.developing B.analyzing C.innovating D.producing 51. A.promise B.story C.advice D.context 52. A.costing B.making C.counting D.warning 53. A. ranges B.distinctions C.connections D.advantages 54. A.rand B.experience C.exposure D.possession 55. A.trend B.sign C.possibility D.chance 二、参考答案DABCB CADCC ABDBD 三、原文链接 2017年2月14日《经济学人》 P9 四、核心词汇

adaptable innovating shrinking pursue boost exposure 拓展变形为 adapt

adaptabilities adaptability adaptable adaptation adaptations adapted adapter adapters adapting adaption adaptive adaptor adaptors adapts

maladaptive unadapted



boosted booster boosters boosting boosts expose

exposed exposes exposing exposure exposures unexposed


innovated innovates innovating innovation innovations innovator innovators innovatory pursue

pursued pursuer pursuers pursues pursuing shrink shrank shrinkable shrinkage shrinkages shrinking shrinks shrunk shrunken



Machines or learning


The classic model of education—a burst at the start and top-ups through company training—is breaking down. One reason is the need for new, and constantly updated, skills. Manufacturing increasingly calls for brain work rather than metal-bashing. The share of the American workforce employed in routine office jobs declined from 25.5% to 21% between 1996 and 2015. The single, stable career has gone the way of the Rolodex.


Pushing people into ever-higher levels of formal education at the start of their lives is not the way to cope. Just 16% of Americans think that a four-year college degree prepares students very well for a good job. Although a vocational education promises that vital first hire, those with specialized training tend to withdraw from the labour force earlier than those with general education—perhaps because they are less adaptable.


At the same time on-the-job training is shrinking. In America and Britain it has fallen by roughly half in the past two decades. Self-employment is spreading, leaving more people to take responsibility for their own skills. Taking time out later in life to pursue a formal qualification is an option, but it costs money and most colleges are geared towards youngsters.


The market is innovating to enable workers to learn and earn in new ways. Providers from General Assembly to Pluralsight are building businesses on the promise of boosting and rebooting careers. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have veered away from lectures on Plato or black holes in favour of courses that make their students more employable. At Udacity and Coursera self-improvers pay for cheap, short programmes that bestow “microcredentials” and “nanodegrees” in, say, self-driving cars or the Android operating system. By offering degrees online, universities are making it easier for professionals to burnish their skills. A single master’s programme from Georgia Tech could expand the annual output of computer-science master’s degrees in America by close to 10%.



Such efforts demonstrate how to interleave careers and learning. But left to its own devices, this nascent market will mainly serve those who already have advantages. It is easier to learn later in life if you enjoyed the classroom first time around: about 80% of the learners on Coursera already have degrees. Online learning requires some IT literacy, yet one in four adults in the OECD has no or limited experience of computers. Skills atrophy unless they are used, but many low-end jobs give workers little chance to practise them.



Top 5 Possible Limitations Of Online Learning

If eLearning, however, is not based on solid instructional design theories and models it may lead to the following limitations:

1.It may be a \"solo\" act.

It is true that, although online learning might be convenient and flexible, it is also a solo act. It will not be easy for all of your learners to feel comfortable when participating in online discussions and engaging more actively with their online instructors or their virtual classmates. Furthermore, some people absolutely need personal contact with their educators or trainers in order to learn successfully. Constructive feedback can be very effective, but if not given properly or in time, it might also be limited. In addition, some types of learning problems may be difficult to be addressed online, and some questions can be lost in a sea of requests and inquiries. This sometimes makes learners feel they lack support and reassurance. 2.It may be impersonal.

No matter how hard we try to fully transfer human communication to online platforms, no matter how natural it seems to form relationships behind computer screens, a virtual environment is just not human. Nothing can replace human contact. Too much time spent in front of a computer screen may be harmful.


Being constantly online is the new reality, but the truth is that using a computer or a tablet all the time can cause poor vision, strain injuries, and other physical problems. Consider sending guidelines about right sitting posture, desk height, etc. along with your eLearning course; it might be very useful to your audience. 3.It requires self-discipline.

If your eLearning audience lacks self-discipline, it is unlikely that they will be motivated to self study. Traditional learning and training have the benefit of easily tracking both progress and falling behind; this works for many learners as well, as some people prefer their progress to be closely monitored in order to perform. 4.Possible lack of control.

No matter how carefully you design your eLearning course, there is no guarantee that your messages will get across. You offer your learners control over their eLearning experience and this is great, but are they going to use it effectively? There is always the risk of your learners just going through the material without paying any attention. If your eLearning content is not built to make the most of the medium it will easily become disengaging. Furthermore, unless you know exactly what you’re doing with new technologies, it is very likely that you overwhelm or distract your audience. Creating effective online learning courses requires knowledge, time, experience, talent, commitment, great communication skills, and a true passion for learning. Have you got all that? If the answer is yes, then be sure that the advantages of your online training, outweigh its limitations. (466)


absolute absolutely absolutes absolutism absolutist absolutists act acted acting action actionable actioned actioning actions actor actors actress


acts inaction unactioned active actively activism activist activists activities activity inactive inactivity add added adding addition



additionality additionally additions additive additives adds address addressed addressee addressees addresses addressing

advantage advantaged advantageous advantageously

advantages advantaging answer answerable answered answering answers unanswerable unanswered assure assurance assurances assured assuredly assurer assurers assures assuring reassurance reassurances reassure reassured reassures reassuring reassuringly attention attentional attentions inattention audience audiences base based baseless baser bases basest basing


became becomes becoming benefit benefited benefiting benefits benefitted benefitting build builder builders building buildings builds built prebuilt rebuild rebuilding rebuilds rebuilt unbuilt care cared careful carefully carefulness careless carelessly carelessness carer carers cares caring uncared uncaring cause causation causative



causes causing classmate classmates close closely closeness closer closest comfort comfortable comfortably comforted comforting comfortingly comforts uncomfortable uncomfortably uncomforted commit commitment commitments commits committal committals committed committing uncommitted

communicate communicated communicates communicating communication communications communicative communicatively communicator communicators

uncommunicative computer computable computation computational computationally computations compute computed computerisation computerise computerised computerises computerising computerization computerize computerized computerizes computerizing computers computes computing consider consideration considerations considered considering consideringly considers reconsider reconsideration reconsiderations reconsidered reconsidering reconsiders unconsidered constant constantly constants inconstantly


constructed constructing construction constructional constructions constructive constructively constructivist constructivists constructor constructors constructs reconstruct reconstructed reconstructing reconstruction reconstructions reconstructs unreconstructed contact contactable contacted contacting contacts uncontactable content contents control controllable controlled controller controllers controlling controls uncontrollable uncontrollably uncontrolled

convenient conveniently



inconveniently course courses create created creates creating creation creations creative creatively creativity creator creators recreate recreated recreates recreating design designed designer designers designing designs difficult difficulties difficulty discipline disciplinarian disciplinary disciplined disciplines disciplining indiscipline interdisciplinary undisciplined discuss

discussed discusses discussing discussion discussions undiscussed disengage disengaged disengagement disengagements disengages disengaging distract distracted distractedly distracter distracters distracting distractingly distraction distractions distractor distractors distracts easy easier easiest easily easiness educate educated educates educating education educational educationalist educationalists educationally educationist educationists


educative educator educators miseducated uneducated effective effectively effectiveness ineffective ineffectively ineffectiveness ineffectivenesses engage engaged engagement engagements engages engaging engagingly

environment environmental environmentalism environmentalist environmentalists environmentally environments exact exactly exactness inexact inexactness

experience experienced experiences experiencing experiential experientially inexperience



fall fallen falling falls fell feedback feedbacks feel feeler feelers feeling feelings feels felt unfeeling flexible flexibility flexibly inflexibility inflexible inflexibly follow ff followed follower followers following follows form formed forming formless formlessness forms preform preformed preforming

preforms unformed front forefront forefronts frontage frontages frontal frontally fronted fronting frontmost fronts frontwards full fuller fullest fullness fully get gets getting got gotten give gave gimme given giver givers gives giving ungiven go goer goers goes goin going


gone goner goners gonna gunna went great greater greatest greatly greatness greats guarantee guaranteed guaranteeing guarantees guideline guidelines hard harden hardened hardener hardeners hardening hardens harder hardest hardness hardship hardships harm harmed harmful harmfully harmfulness harming harmless harmlessly



unharmed height heights human humanism humanist humanistic humanists humanity humanly humanness humans inhuman inhumanity nonhuman nonhumans impersonal impersonality impersonally in inner innermost inward inwardly inwardness inwards injure injured injures injuries injuring injurious injury uninjured inquire inquired inquirer

inquirers inquires inquiries inquiring inquiry instruct instructed instructing instruction instructional instructionally instructions instructive instructively instructor instructors instructs know knew knowable knowed knowing knowingly known knows unknowable unknowing unknowingly unknown unknowns

knowledge knowledgable knowledgeable knowledgeably knowledges lack lacked lacking lacks


leader leaderless leaders leadership leaderships leading leads led mislead misleading misleadingly misleads misled learn learned learnedly learner learners learning learns learnt relearn relearned relearning relearns unlearn unlearned likely likelier likeliest likelihood unlikeliest unlikely limit limitation limitations limited limiting limitless limitlessly



ltd unlimited lose loser losers loses losing lost make made maker makers makes making makings remade remake remakes remaking unmade unmake material materialism materialisms materialist materialistic materialistically materialists materiality materially materials matter mattered mattering matters medium mediums

message messages messaging model modeled modeler modelers modeling modelled modeller modellers modelling models monitor monitored monitoring monitors unmonitored motive motivate motivated motivates motivating motivation motivational motivations motivator motivators motiveless motives unmotivated nature natural naturalism naturalist naturalistic naturalistically naturalists naturally naturalness


naturedly natures unnatural unnaturally new newer newest newish newly newness renew renewable renewables renewal renewals renewed renewing renews offer offered offeree offerees offerer offerers offering offerings offeror offerors offers order ordered ordering orderlies orderliness orderly orders reorder reordered reordering reorders



other otherness others outweigh outweighed outweighing outweighs

overwhelm overwhelmed overwhelming overwhelmingly overwhelms

participate participated participates participating participation participations participative participatory passion passionate passionately passionless passions pay paid payable payed payee payees payer payers paying payment payments pays

prepaid prepay prepayment prepayments unpaid people peopled peoples peopling perform performance performances performed performer performers performing performs person interpersonal personal personalism personalistic personally personhood persons physical physicality physically platform platforms poor poorer poorest poorly poorness possible impossibility


impossibly possibilities possibility possibles possibly posture postural postured postures posturing posturings prefer preferable preferably preference preferences preferential preferentially preferment preferments preferred preferring prefers unpreferred problem problematic problematical problematically problems unproblematic progress progressed progresses progressing progression progressions progressive progressively progressives


proper improper improperly properly question questionable questionably questioned questioner questioners questioning questioningly questions unquestionability unquestionable unquestionably unquestioned unquestioning unquestioningly real realism realisms realist realistic realistically realists realities reality unreal unrealistic unrealistically unreality relate interrelate interrelated interrelates interrelating interrelation interrelations interrelationship

interrelationships related relatedness relates relating relation relational relations relationship relationships unrelated replace irreplaceable replaceable replaced replacement replacements replacer replacers replaces replacing request requested requester requesters requesting requests require required requirement requirements requires requiring right righthand righthanded righthander righthanders rightist rightists


risk risked riskier riskiest riskiness risking riskless risks risky screen screened screening screenings screens sea seas seaward seawards seem seemed seeming seemingly seems self selfhood selfish selfishly selfishness selfless selflessly selflessness selves unselfish unselfishly unselfishness send sender



sending sends sent unsent sit resat resit resits resitting sat sits sitter sitters sittin sitting sittings skill skilful skilfully skilled skillful skillfully skilling skills unskilfully unskilled unskillfully solid solidification solidified solidifies solidify solidifying solidities solidity solidly solids solo soloed

soloing soloist soloists solos spend misspent spender spenders spending spends spent unspent strain strained strainer strainers straining strains study studied studies studious studiously studying success successes successful successfully unsuccessful unsuccessfully support supported supporter supporters supporting supportive supports unsupported


surely sureness surer surest unsure tablet tablets talent talented talents untalented

technology tech technological technologically technologies technologist technologists theory theories theorist theorists time anytime timed timeless timelessness timeliness timely timer timers times timing timings untimed untimeliness untimely



topless topmost topped topper toppers topping toppings tops untopped track tracked tracker trackers tracking trackless tracks tradition trad traditional traditionalism traditionalist traditionalists traditionally traditions train trained trainee trainees trainer trainers training trains untrained transfer transferability transferable transferee transferees transference

transferer transferers transferor transferors transferral transferrals transferred transferring transfers true truer truest truism truisms truly untrue truth truthful truthfully truthfulness truthiness truths untruth untruthful untruthfully untruthfulness untruths try triable tried tries trying untried type subtype subtypes types use misuse


misuser misusers misuses misusing reusable reuse reused reuses reusing unusable unused usability usable useable used useful usefully usefulness useless uselessly uselessness user users uses using virtual virtually vision visionaries visionary visions will unwilling unwillingly unwillingness willed willing willingly willingness



rework reworked reworking reworks unworkable unworked workable worked worker workers working workings works
