Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceObjective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateActionSection 1 - Management Responsibility and Quality PlanningTo ensure readily available expertise, there shall be a dedicated and qualified platingperson on the site. This individual shall be a full-time employee and the position shallbe reflected in the organization chart. A job description shall exist identifying thequalifications for the position including chemical and plating knowledge. Thequalifications shall include a minimum of 5 years experience in plating and surfacefinishing or a combination of formal chemistry/chemical engineering education andplating experience totaling a minimum of 5 years. 为确保在生产过程中随时得到专业人员的援助,在生产现场应安排一位精通于电镀和具资格的人员。该人员应是全职的,其具体职责应在组织架构图中进行阐明。其工作的描述应包括确定此位置所应具备的资格(包括化工以及电镀方面的知识)。上述的资格包括:在电镀及表面处理方面至少有5年经验,或接受过正式的化学或化工教育及从事电镀方面的工作至少5年1.1Is there a dedicated andqualified plating person on-site?在生产现场是否具备一位精通电镀、具资格的人员?1.2The plater shall incorporate a documented advance quality planning procedure. Afeasibility study shall be performed and internally approved for each part. Similarparts can be grouped into part families for this effort as defined by the plater. Afterthe part approval process is approved by the customer, no process changes areDoes the plater performallowed unless approved by the customer. The plater shall contact the customeradvanced quality planning? 电when clarification of process changes is required. This clarification of process镀厂是否执行了先期质量计划changes shall be documented.(AQP)?小组应编制一个具文件证明的先期质量计划程序(AQP),并执行相应的可行性分析及对每个部件的内审。相似的部件可并入一类,具体如何划分由小组定义。在客户批准了部件生产过程后,任何过程更改未经客户同意不得通过。当确实需要更改时,电镀厂应与客户联系。对该过程更改的具体阐述应进行归档处理。© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceThe plater shall incorporate the use of a documented Failure Mode and EffectsAnalysis (FMEA) procedure and ensure the FMEAs are updated to reflect currentpart quality status.The FMEA shall be written for each part or part family or they may be process-specific and written for each process. In any case, they shall address all processsteps from part receipt to part shipment and all key plating process parameters asdefined by the plater. A cross-functional team shall be used in the development ofthe FMEA. All characteristics, as defined by the plater and its customers, shall beidentified, defined, and addressed in the FMEA. 小组应并入已归档的FMEA 程序并确保其已进行更新以及反映当前最新的部件质量状况。FMEA应针对每道工序、每个部件或每类部件或其过程是针对每个被指定的过程。在任何情况下,FMEA中应列出所有加工工序(从部件的接收到出货),所有关键的电镀过程参数应由项目小组进行定义。一个交叉功能的小组应被FMEA的发展所应用。所有特殊特性(项目小组以及客户所指定的)应该被定义、详细阐明于FMEA中Objective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction1.3Are plater FMEA's up to dateand reflecting currentprocessing?电镀商所提供的FMEA是否已更新并反映当前的状况?1.4The plater shall incorporate the use of a documented Control Plan procedure andensure the Control Plans are updated to reflect current controls. The Control Plansshall be written for each part or part family or they may be process-specific andwritten for each process. In any case, they shall address all process steps from partreceipt to part shipment and identify all equipment used and all key plating processparameters as defined by the plater. A cross-functional team, including a productionoperator, shall be used in the development of Control Plans, which shall beconsistent with all associated documentation such as work instructions, shopAre finish process Controltravelers, and FMEAs. All special characteristics, as defined by the plater and itsPlans up to date and reflectingcustomers, shall be identified, defined, and addressed in the Control Plans. Samplecurrent processing?sizes and Frequencies for evaluation of process and product characteristics shall所有整理完善的控制计划是否also be addressed consistent with the minimum requirements listed in the Process进行了更新并反映当前的最新Tables.状况?小组应编入具证明文件的控制计划程序的使用并确保该控制计划是已更新的、反映当前的控制状态的。控制计划应针对每个部件或相似部件群或指定的加工过程以及针对每个加工过程步骤。在任何情况下,CP应对所有加工工序进行阐述(从部件的接收到出货),且所有确定需用的设备以及电镀过程中的关键参数(由小组定义)均需列入其中。一个具交叉功能的小组,包括生产操作员,也应列入控制计划的进程中,其应与所有相关的文件如作业指导书,工作指令以及FMEA相一致。对于所有特殊特性(小组或客户所指定的),应被识别、定义并注明于控制计划中。样品的尺寸以及过程评估的频率,部件的特性也应列入并与过程表中所列的最低要求相一致© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceObjective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction1.5Are all plating related andreferenced specificationscurrent and available? Forexample: SAE, AIAG, ASTM,General Motors, Ford, andChrysler.所有与电镀相关的技术规范是否是当前的、适用的?如:SAE, AIAG, ASTM, GeneralMotors, Ford, andDaimlerChrysler.To ensure all customer requirements are both understood and satisfied, the platershall have all related plating and customer referenced standards and specificationsavailable for use and a method to ensure that they are current. Such standards andspecifications include, but are not limited to, those relevant documents published bySAE, AIAG, ASTM, General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler. The plater shall have aprocess to ensure the timely review, distribution, and implementation of all customerand industry engineering standards and specifications and changes based oncustomer-required schedule. This process shall be executed as soon as possibleand shall not exceed two weeks. The plater shall document this process of reviewand implementation, and it shall address how customer and industry documents areobtained, how they are maintained within the plating organization, how the currentstatus is established, and how the relevant information is cascaded to the shop floorwithin the two-week period. The plater shall identify who is responsible for performingthese tasks.为确保对所有客户要求的理解和满足,小组应具备适用的所有与电镀相关的以及客户参考的标准及技术规范,且需确保均是当前的。这些标准和技术规格包括(但并不限于)那些由SAE, AIAG, ASTM, General Motors, Ford以及DaimlerChrysler所发行的相关文件。对于所有的客户、IE标准及技术规范和客户要求的变更,小组应具备一过程计划以确保能够进行及时的审核、放行和执行。此过程应尽快实施(不得超过两周)。该小组应对审核、执行的过程进行检验,并应阐明客户以及工业文件是如何获得,在组织内部是如何进行维护,当前的状况是如何建立,在两周的周期内相关的信息是如何传达到车间的。该组织应确定执行以上任务的人员© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceThe plater shall have written process specifications for all active processes andidentify all steps of the process including relevant operating parameters. Examples ofoperating parameters include process temperatures, cycle times, load rates, rectifiersettings, etc. Such parameters shall not only be defined, they shall have operatingtolerances as defined by the plater in order to maintain process control. All activeprocesses should have a written process specification. These process specificationsmay take the form of work instructions, job card, computer-based recipes, or othersimilar documents.电镀商应对所有现行的过程作一份过程技术规范,并确定所有过程步骤(包括相关的操作参数,如:加工温度,周期,负载率以及整流器的参数设置等)。为了维护过程控制,这些参数应有相关的操作公差(小组所定义的)。所有现行的过程具有相应的过程技术规范。这些过程技术规范可以作业指导书,工作卡,计算机系统,或其他类似的文件形式存在。Objective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction1.6Is there a written processspecification for all activeprocesses?对于所有现行的过程是否具备一过程技术规范?1.7To demonstrate each process is capable of yielding acceptable product the platershall perform product capability studies for the initial validation of each process, afterrelocation of any process equipment, and after a major rebuild of any equipment.The plater shall define what constitutes a major rebuild. Initial product capabilitystudies shall be conducted for all plating processes per line as defined in scope ofwork and in accordance with customer requirements. Capability study techniquesshall be appropriate for the plating product characteristics, e.g. plate thickness,Has a valid product capabilitycorrosion resistance, etc.. Any specific customer requirements shall be met. In thestudy been performed initiallyabsence of customer requirements, the plater shall establish acceptable ranges forand after process change?measures of capability. An action plan shall exist to address the steps to be followed在首次和过程更改后是否对该in case capability indices fall outside customer requirements or established ranges.部件的制程能力进行了研究?为证明每个过程是能够让客户所接受的,小组应针对每道工序的首次确认后、任何加工设备的重置后以及任何设备的主要重建后进行产品的制程能力分析。小组应定义什么情况为主要重建。首件的能力分析应对电镀的所有过程(根据工作范围所决定的生产线路)有积极的指导作用,其应与客户要求相一致。能力分析技术应适于电镀部件的特性,如:膜厚,抗腐蚀等。应满足客户所指定的所有要求。若不存在客户要求,对于产能的测定小组应建立一个可接受的范围。当产能指数降到低于客户要求或所建立的范围时,应执行一注明随后应进行的工序的行动计划。© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceObjective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction1.8Does the plater collect andanalyze data over time, andreact to this data?随着时间的过去,电镀商是否对资料进行收集和分析,并对其采取相应的措施?The analysis of products and processes over time can yield vital information fordefect prevention efforts. The plater shall have a system to collect, analyze, andreact to product or process data over time. Methods of analysis shall includeongoing trend or historical data analysis of special product or process parameters.The plater shall determine which parameters to include in such analysis.随着时间的过去,对部件以及过程的分析能导出不良防护的重要信息。小组应具备集收集、分析以及对部件或过程的过期资料所采取的行动于一体的系统。分析方法应包括对目前的趋势或对特殊部件或过程参数的历史纪录的分析。该组织应确定对哪些参数进行此类分析。1.9 Are records retained andavailable?记录是否保存并可得? All process control and testing records must be retained for a minimum of onecalendar year after the year in which they were created.所有过程控制和测试报告在其创建以后,至少保存一年的记录。1.10Does management review andverify bake oven logs for partsrequiring hydrogenembrittlement relief every 24hours?对于要求降低氢脆现象的部件,管理人员是否每24小时对该烤箱日志进行审查和校验?Management shall review the oven monitoring systems/logs at intervals not toexceed 24 hours or prior to parts being released for shipment. The plater shall havereaction plans for non-conformances to process requirements. This is to contain, atminimum, requirements for quarantining material and notifying customer.管理人员应对烤箱的监控系统进行间歇性的审查(不能超过24小时)或在出货之前进行。电镀厂对于电镀不均的现象应有相关的措施计划,这些至少包括对隔离材料的处理以及知会客户。© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceObjective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction1.11Are internal assessmentsbeing completed on an annualbasis, at a minimum,incorporating AIAG PSA?至少结合了AIAG 中的PSA进行的内部审核是否每年进行一次?The plater shall conduct internal assessments on an annual basis, at a minimum,using the AIAG PSA. Concerns shall be addressed in a timely manner.小组应至少根据AIAG 中的PSA每年进行一次内部审核过程,并将审核中所出现(关注的)问题点进行及时地注示。1.12The quality management system shall include a documented process forreprocessing that shall include authorization from a designated individual. Thereprocessing procedure shall describe product characteristics for which reprocessingis allowed as well as those characteristics for which reprocessing is not permissible.Is there a system in place toAll reprocessing activity shall require a new processing control sheet issued byauthorize reprocessing and isqualified technical personnel denoting the necessary plating modifications. Recordsit documented?shall clearly indicate when and how any material has been reprocessed. The Quality是否具备经批准的返工体系,Manager or a designee shall authorize the release of reprocessed product.其是否已进行归档处理?质量管理体系,应包括一份对返工(应包括经被指定人的批准)的具证明文件的程序。该返工计划应对允许返工的产品特性以及不允许返工的那些特性进行阐明。所有的返工应有相应的注明所需电镀更改的新加工控制表(由品质部人员发行)。对于任何材料返工的时间和过程应进行详尽的记录。品质部经理或被指定人员应批准返工件的放行。1.13Does the Quality Departmentreview, address, anddocument customer andinternal concerns?品质部是否进行审核、确定和检验客户、小组内部所关注的问题?The quality management system shall include a process for documenting, reviewing,and addressing customer concerns and any other concerns internal to theorganization. A disciplined problem solving approach shall be used.品质管理体系应包括文件的存档,审核以及确定注明客户所关注的问题点和其他有关小组内部的问题。应采用严格的解决问题方案© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceThe plater shall define a process for continual improvement for each plating processidentified in the scope of the PSA. The process shall be designed to bring aboutcontinual improvement in quality and productivity. Identified actions shall beprioritized and shall include timing (estimated completion dates). The plater shallshow evidence of program effectiveness.在PSA范围内所定义的每个电镀过程的连续性改善方案,电镀商对其应进行定义。该连续性改善过程应设计发生在品质和生产力方面。所定义的行动应先执行且应确定相应的时间(估计完成日期)。小组应出示该计划有效性的客观依据。Objective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction1.14Is there a continualimprovement plan applicableto each process defined in thescope of the assessment?对于评估范围内所确定的每个过程是否具备可用的连续性改善方案?1.15Does the Quality Manager ordesignee authorize thedisposition of material fromquarantine status?品质经理或被指定人员是否批准了隔离部件的处理方式?The Quality Manager or designee is responsible for authorizing and documentingappropriate personnel to disposition quarantine material.品质经理或被指定人员负责对处理隔离材料的适当人员的授权和监督过程。1.16Are there procedures or workinstructions available toplating personnel that definethe plating process?对于某电镀工序中的工作人员,是否为其提供了适用的程序或作业指导书?There shall be procedures and work instructions available to plating personnelcovering the plating process. These procedures or work instructions shall includemethods of addressing potential emergencies (such as power failure), equipmentstart-up, equipment shut-down, product segregation (See 2.8), product inspection,and general operating procedures. These procedures or work instructions shall beaccessible to shop floor personnel.在电镀过程中,应具备电镀工作人员所适用的相关程序文件和作业指导书。这些程序文件或作业指导书应涵盖潜在紧急情况的处理方法(如停电),开机,停机(查看2.8),部件的隔离、检测以及通用的操作程序。且其也应易于让车间工作人员所接受。© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceObjective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction1.17The plater shall provide employee training for all plating operations. All employees,including backup and temporary employees, shall be trained. Documented evidenceshall be maintained showing the employees trained and the evidence shall includeIs management providingan assessment of the effectiveness of the training. Management shall define theemployee training for plating?qualification requirements for each function, and ongoing or follow-up training shall管理层是否为员工提供了关于also be addressed.电镀方面的技能培训?小组应为员工提供所有关于电镀操作方面的技能培训,所有员工(包括后备的以及临时的)均应参加。另外,应对该培训进行归档处理,其应包括对此次培训成效的评估结果。管理层应对每个功能的质量要求进行定义,且对于正在进行或接下来的培训也应进行阐明。Is there a responsibility matrixto ensure that all keymanagement and supervisoryfunctions are performed byqualified personnel?是否具备责任矩阵图以确保所有关键的操纵及监控功能均由具资格的人员执行?The plater shall maintain a responsibility matrix identifying all key management andsupervisory functions and the qualified personnel who may perform such functions. Itshall identify both primary and secondary (backup) personnel for the key functions(as defined by the plater). This matrix shall be readily available to management at alltimes.小组应对已定义了所有关键的操作、监控功能以及具资格执行这些功能的人员的责任矩阵图进行维护。对于关键的功能(由小组确定),其应确定主要以及次要(备用)的人员。在任何时候此矩阵图应易于使用。The plater shall have a documented preventive maintenance program for keyprocess equipment (as identified by the plater). The program shall be a closed-loopprocess that tracks maintenance efforts from request to completion to assessment ofeffectiveness. Equipment operators shall have the opportunity to report problems,and problems shall also be handled in a closed-loop manner. Company data, e.g.,downtime, quality rejects, first time-through capability, recurring maintenance workorders, and operator-reported problems, shall be used to improve the preventivemaintenance program. Maintenance data shall be collected and analyzed as part ofa predictive maintenance program. 对于关键的加工设备(小组所定义的),小组应具备一经相关文件验证的防御性维护计划。其应是一个闭环过程(跟踪该维护计划对从提出要求到项目完成的整个过程的影响)对效用的评估。设备操作人员应上报生产中所遇到的问题,且这些问题应以闭环的方式解决。应利用公司资料(如:停工,因质量问题而拒收,首次产能,再维修工作通知单以及工作人员上报的问题)改善防御性维护计划。应收集和分析相关的维护资料以作具预见性维护计划的一部分。1.181.19Is there a preventivemaintenance program? Ismaintenance data beingutilized to form a predictivemaintenance program?是否具备防御性维护计划?该资料能否形成具预见性的维护计划?© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceObjective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction1.20Has the plater developed acritical spare part list and arethe parts available to minimizeproduction disruptions?镀膜机是否已具备一关键备件的清单?这些备件能否将生产中断的现象降到最低?The plater shall develop and maintain a critical spare parts list and shall ensure theavailability of such parts to minimize production disruptions.镀膜机应具备一整套备件,且要对其进行定期的维护以确保其能将中断生产的发生几率降到最低。© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceObjective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateActionSection 2 - Floor and Material Handling ResponsibilityDoes the facility ensure thatthe data entered in thereceiving system matches theinformation on the customer'sshipping documents?电镀厂应确保录入到接收系统里的资料与客户的货运单据上的信息相一致。2.1Documented processes and evidence of compliance shall exist, e.g., shop travelers,work orders, etc. The facility shall have a detailed process in place to resolvereceiving discrepancies.经文件证明的过程和所遵循的依据应保留,如:工作通知书等。对于所遇的问题,电镀厂应有一个详细的解决方案2.2Is product clearly identifiedand staged throughout theplating process?在整个电镀过程中,能否对部件进行准确的识别以及分类?Procedures for part and container identification help to avoid incorrect processing ormixing of lots. Appropriate location and staging within the facility also help to ensurethat orders are not shipped until all required operations are performed. Customerproduct shall be clearly identified and staged throughout the plating process. Non-plated, in-process, and finished product shall be properly segregated and identified.All material shall be staged in a dedicated and clearly defined area.识别部件和包装箱的程序有助于避免加工不当或混件现象的出现。在车间内合适的摆放位置和运送也有助于确保在完成所有要求的加工步骤后才出货。在电镀过程中,客户产品应进行清晰的识别和分类。未电镀、电镀中以及已电镀的部件应进行正确的隔离和识别。所有材料应区分、摆放在标示清晰的区域。Out-going lot(s) shall be traceable to the incoming lot(s). The discipline of preciselyidentifying lots and linking all pertinent information to them enhances the ability to doroot cause analysis and continual improvement.输出批可追溯于输入批,准确的识别批次和联系所有与之相关信息的方法纪律有助于提高对其根本原因进行分析以及连续性改善的能力。2.3Is lot traceability and integritymaintained throughout allprocesses? 在整个过程中,产品批次的可追溯性以及完整性是否得到有效的维护?© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceObjective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction2.4Are procedures adequate toprevent movement of non-conforming product into theproduction system?预防不合格产品流入生产过程中的程序是否足够?The control of suspect or non-conforming product is necessary to preventinadvertent shipment or contamination of other lots. Procedures shall be adequate toprevent movement of non-conforming product into the production system.Procedures shall exist addressing proper disposition, product identification andtracking of material flow in and out of hold area. Non-conforming hold area shall beclearly designated to maintain segregation of such material.为防止不良品流出或与其他批次产品相混,对不合格品或疑似不良品的监控是必要的。相关的措施应足以保证防止不良品进入生产系统。程序应注明对这些不良品的正确处理过程,产品的鉴别以及对物料的流入和流出过程的跟踪(挂具区)。出现不良品的挂件区应进行清晰的标示以对这些材料进行有效的隔离。2.5Is there a system to identifyand inspect trap points in theentire plating process toreduce risk of mixed parts(inappropriate, unfinished, orThere shall be a list of trap points and work instructions detailing inspectionimproperly plated parts)? 是否frequencies.有一个系统识别整个电镀过程应该有死角区域清单和作业指导书,细化检验频次。潜在的死角区,以降低混料的风险(不当物质、没有完成电镀的产品或电镀不当的产品)。Containers handling customer product shall be free of inappropriate material. Afteremptying and before re-using containers, containers shall be inspected to ensurethat all parts and inappropriate material have been removed. The source ofinappropriate material shall be identified and addressed. This is to ensure that nononconforming plating parts or inappropriate material contaminate the finished lot.客户产品的包装箱应当避免含有不当材料。在清空之后与再使用包装箱之前,应对该包装箱进行检查以确保所有部件和不当材料已被清理。对不当材料的来源应进行定义和注明,以确保不合格电镀产品或不当材料污染成品批次。2.6Are containers free ofinappropriate material?容器是否不含有不当的材料。© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceObjective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction2.7Is part loading specified,documented and controlled?产品上料是否有文件话的标准,并得到控制。Loading parameters shall be specified, documented and controlled. Examplesinclude parts per rack and load size.装载(上料)参数应该被规定,文件化和控制。例如:包括产品的尺寸(对应的)装载量。2.8Are operators trained inmaterial handling,containment action andproduct segregation in theevent of an equipmentemergency including powerfailure?是否对操作人员进行有关物料处理,防漏措施以及产品的隔离(在设备出现紧急情况时,包括停电)方面的培训?Unplanned or emergency downtime greatly raises the risk of improper processing.Operators shall be trained in material handling, containment action, and productsegregation in the event of an equipment emergency including power failure.Training shall be documented. Work instructions specifically addressing potentialtypes of equipment emergencies and failures shall be accessible to and understoodby equipment operators. These instructions shall address containment/reactionplans related to all elements of the process. Evidence shall exist showing dispositionand traceability of affected product.非计划或紧急停工的情况大大增大了异常加工情况出现的几率。应对操作人员进行有关物料处理,遏制性措施以及部件的隔离(在设备出现紧急情况时,如:停电)方面的培训。培训记录应归档处理。特别阐明设备出现紧急和失效情况的潜在类型的作业指导书应让设备操作人员容易接受与理解。对于加工过程中所有的问题,这些作业指导书应注明相应的措施计划。对受影响部件的处理过程以及其可追溯性的客观依据应保留。© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceObjective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction2.9Is the handling, storage andpackaging adequate topreserve product quality?处理、存储以及包装对产品的质量是否具足够防护措施?The plater's loading/unloading systems, in process handling and shipping processshall be assessed for risk of part damage or other quality concerns.电镀厂上料/下料系统,制程中的处理以及出货过程应对部件的损坏或其他质量问题进行风险性评估。2.10Are plant cleanliness,housekeeping andenvironmental and workingconditions conducive tocontrol and improved quality?工厂的清洁情况,内务管理以及周围的工作环境是否利于控制和质量的改良?Plant cleanliness, housekeeping, environmental, and working conditions shall beconducive to controlling and improving quality. The plater should evaluate suchconditions and their effect on quality. A housekeeping policy shall be clearly definedand executed. The facility shall be reviewed for the following items: loose parts onfloor, spillage around tanks, overall plant lighting, fumes etc.工厂的清洁情况,内务管理,周围的工作条件应利于控制和质量的改善。电镀厂应对诸如环境以及其对质量方面的影响进行评估。内务管理方面的策略应进行清晰定义和实施。应对车间的以下几个方面进行审核:地上散放着的部件;镀液槽的溢出量;整个车间的灯光情况;废气排放情况等。Process control parameters shall be monitored per frequencies specified in ProcessTables. Computer monitoring equipment with alarms and alarm logs satisfy theverification requirement. A designated floor person shall verify the processparameters, e.g., by initialing a strip chart or data log. 过程控制参数应根据过程表中所指定的频率进行监控。设有报警装置以及报警记录的计算机监控设备应满足校验要求。一指定的一线工作人员应对加工参数进行校验,如:通过带状记录纸或资料日志。2.11Are process controlparameters monitored perfrequencies specified inProcess Tables?过程控制参数是否根据过程表中所指定的频率进行监控?2.12Are out of control/specificationparameters reviewed andreacted to?对于不受控制或超出技术规格范围的参数是否经审核并作出相应的措施?Are there documented reaction plans to both out of control and out of toleranceprocess parameters? Is there documented evidence that reaction plans arefollowed?对于失控以及超出技术规格范围的参数是否具备相关的具有证明文件的措施计划?这些措施计划是否被执行?© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceObjective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction2.13Are In-Process / Final TestFrequencies performed asspecified in Process Tables?在制程中或最后的测试频率是否根据过程表所指定的执行?In-Process / Final Test Frequencies shall be performed as specified in ProcessTables. Refer to Process Tables.制程中或最后的测试频率应该根据过程表所指定的执行。参考相关的过程表© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)AssessmentQuestionNumberQuestionRequirements and GuidanceTest equipment shall be verified/calibrated per applicable customer specific standardor per an applicable consensus standard, e.g., ASTM, SAE, ISO, NIST, etc.Verification/calibration results shall be internally reviewed, approved anddocumented.Refer to Process Tables for frequency of checks.测试设备应根据客户所指定的或通用的标准(如:ASTM,SAE,ISO,NISI等)进行校验或校正。其校验或校正的结果应通过内部的审核、批准,并归档。参考过程表中的检查频率Objective EvidenceNotSatisfaN/ASatisfacctorytoryNeedsImmediateAction2.14Is product test equipmentverified?是否对产品的测试设备进行校验?2.15Identify operating parameters including:- number of rinse tanks between process stages,- tank type (single rinse, counter flowing, stationary rinse, spray rinse)- flow rate,Are the water rinses controlled- water requirements (city or deionized water, reverse osmosis),- filtration (if applicable)and detailed in the process- control methods.Control Plan to reflect full识别操作参数包括:process parameters?整个水清洗过程是否控制并在过程阶段的清洗槽数量 ;箱式(单一冲洗,逆流,固定冲洗,喷淋冲洗);过程控制计划中详细说明。流量;需水量(自来水或去离子水,反渗透);过滤(如有适用);对比方法;© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)