Engineering Data is a resource for material properties used in an analysis system. Engineering Data是分析系统中的材料特性一个的来源,规定了材料的属性。 The Engineering Data workspace is designed to allow you to create, save, and retrieve material models, as well as to create libraries of data that can be saved and used in subsequent projects and by other users.
Engineering Data中你可以创建、保存、检索材料模型;创建并保存的材料库也可以供其他的分析方案和其他使用者使用。
Engineering Data can be shown as a component system or as a cell in any Mechanical analysis system. As a standalone component system, the workspace accesses all material models and properties by default. When viewed as a cell in a Mechanical analysis system, the workspace shows the material models and properties pertinent to that system's physics.
Engineering Data可以作为一个组成的、独立的系统,也可以作为一个分析系统的一部分。作为独立的系统,工作空间将展示所有的默认材料属性;作为一个分析系统的一部分,工作空间只展示与该分析系统相关联的材料模型和属性。 1.2进入Engineering Data (1)单击下图中的Engineering Data
或者在新建的分析系统中的Engineering Data右击并选择Edit
(2)The Engineering Data workspace appears. From here, you can navigate through the data for your analysis system, access external data sources, create new data, and store data for future use.
进入Engineering Data到界面,你可以为你的分析系统选择材料数据,进入材料库,创建新材料(注:在某个分析系统中创建的新材料属性只对该系统有效,若要在今后使用,需进入到Engineering Data source中创建自己的材料库并保存)。
If you share an Engineering Data cell with one or more other analysis systems, be
aware that changes in one system will change the data for all systems with which the data is shared.
如果你将Engineering Data的数据共享到几个分析系统中,一旦改变了里面的材料数据,那么其他所有的分析系统的材料数据都会被更改。
The data contained in Engineering Data is automatically saved when the project is saved.
当分析方案被保存时,Engineering Data的数据也被自动保存。
Data Libraries - You can create, edit, and save a library made up of the data that you use most often. This library can then be used in another project or analysis system.
2.用户界面(User Interface)
The Engineering Data workspace is an integrated feature of Workbench and displays relevant items based on the items you select (click) in the various panes. Engineering Data工作空间是整合到workbench的一个模块,并且展示了你所选择的各相关项目的窗口。
如下图所示,分别是Engineering Data的两个不同的界面,第一个图(默认界面)是你进入到的初始界面,第二个是你进入到Engineering Data source的界面。
Engineering Data Sources界面
如何进入Engineering Data source?
进入Engineering Data界面后,在空白处右击选择Engineering Data source即可进入,如下图:
分别对两个界面的不同区域做如下说明:(不同区域标记了大写字母) A B 菜单栏Menu Bar 工具条Toolbar Engineering Data和分析方案的操作 Engineering Data和分析方案的快捷操作 C 工具箱Toolbox 包括了用来定义材料属性的各项目,如密度,杨氏模量等 D E F G H Engineering Data Sources窗口 信息展开窗口Outline Pane 属性窗口Properties Pane 表格窗口Table Pane 图形窗口Chart Pane 创建,编辑,检索材料,并保存你经常使用的材料 显示该分析方案中所包含的材料 显示在Outline Pane中选择的材料的属性 显示在Properties Pane中选择的项目的表格数据 显示在Properties Pane中选择的项目的图片信息 3.用户界面深入
Engineering Data will filter the data which pertains to the project system being edited, by default. The filtering is based on the Physics, Analysis Type, and Solver. You can turn filtering on and off in the toolbar ( ). All data is transferred to the solver regardless of filtering being turned on or off.
Engineering Data具有根据当前分析方案的类型而过滤材料数据的功能,过滤器的过滤条件是基于物理模型(Physics)、分析类型(Analysis Type)和求解器(Solver)的。你可以打开或者关闭过滤器,如下图所示(当前处于打开状态):
3.2.2显示动力学分析Explicit Dynamics
3.2.4线性屈曲分析 Linear Buckling
3.2.5 电磁场分析Magnetostatic
3.2.7 自由振动及响应谱分析Random Vibration & Response Spectrum
3.2.8 静力学分析Static Structural (SAMCEF)
3.2.9 热稳态分析Steady-State Thermal
3.2.10 电热耦合分析Thermal-Electric
3.2.11 静态/瞬态结构分析Static Structural & Transient Structural
属性如下表: 密度 阻尼因数α 阻尼因数β 恒定阻尼系数 热膨胀系数 各向同性弹性 正交各向异性弹性 *Density f(T) Damping Factor (α) Damping Factor (β) Constant Damping Coefficient 说明备注 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion f(T) *Isotropic Elasticity f(T) Orthotropic Elasticity f(T) 各向异性弹性
3.2.12 Rigid Dynamics
Anisotropic Elasticity 3.2.13 瞬态热分析Transient Thermal
The minimum material properties required for a given analysis are marked with an asterisk (*).
If temperature dependency is supported, the material property will be marked with f(T).
3.3工具箱Toolbox的详细讲解 工具箱截图如下:
physical properties——物理特性参数 linear elastic——线弹性参数
experimental stress strain data——应力—应变实验数据
hyperelastic——超弹性系数 plasticity——塑性系数 creep——蠕变系数 life——疲劳寿命 strength——强度系数
gasket——垫片材料系数,用于分析密封效果 viscoelastic——粘弹性系数