元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comPhilips SemiconductorsProduct data5-channel I2C hubPCA9516PIN CONFIGURATIONSCL0116VCCSDA0215EN4SCL1314SDA4DESCRIPTIONThe PCA9516 is a BiCMOS integrated circuit intended forSDA1413SCL4application in I2C and SMBus systems.EN1512EN3While retaining all the operating modes and features of the I2CSCL2611SDA3system, it permits extension of the I2C bus by buffering both the dataSDA2710SCL3(SDA) and the clock (SCL) lines, thus enabling five buses of 400 pF.GND89EN2The I2C bus capacitance limit of 400 pF restricts the number ofdevices and bus length. Using the PCA9516 enables the systemdesigner to divide the bus into five segments off of a hub where anySU01395segment to segment transition sees only one repeater delay.Figure 1. Pin configurationIt can also be used to run different buses at 5 V and 3.3 V or400 kHz and 100 kHz buses where the 100 kHz bus is isolatedPIN DESCRIPTIONwhen 400 kHz operation of the other bus is required.PINSYMBOLFUNCTIONFEATURES1SCL0Serial clock bus 0•5 channel, bi-directional buffer2SDA0Serial data bus 0•3SCL1Serial clock bus 1I2C-bus and SMBus compatible4SDA1Serial data bus 1•Active high individual repeater enable input5EN1Active High Bus 1 enable Input•Open-drain input/outputs6SCL2Serial clock bus 2•Lock-up free operation7SDA2Serial data bus 2•8GNDSupply groundSupports arbitration and clock stretching across the repeater9EN2Active High Bus 2 enable Input•Accommodates standard mode and fast mode I2C devices and10SCL3Serial clock bus 3multiple masters11SDA3Serial data bus 3•Powered-off high impedance I2C pins12EN3Active High Bus 3 enable Input•Operating supply voltage range of 3.0 V to 3.6 V13SCL4Serial clock bus 4•14SDA4Serial data bus 45 V tolerant I2C and enable pins15EN4Active High Bus 4 enable Input•0 to 400 kHz clock frequency116VCCSupply power•ESD protection exceeds 2000 V HBM per JESD22-A114,200 V MM per JESD22-A115, and 1000 V CDM perJESD22-C101.•Latch-up testing is done to JEDEC Standard JESD78 whichexceeds 100 mA.•Package offerings: SO and TSSOPORDERING INFORMATIONDESCRIPTIONTEMPERATURE RANGEORDER CODEDRAWING NUMBER16-pin plastic SO (narrow)–40 to +85 °CPCA9516DSOT109-116-pin plastic TSSOP–40 to +85 °CPCA9516PWSOT403-1Standard packing quantities and other packaging data is available at www.philipslogic.com/packaging.1.The maximum system operating frequency may be less than 400 KHz because of the delays added by the repeater.2002 May 132853–2234 28185元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comPhilips SemiconductorsProduct data5-channel I2C hubPCA9516VCCPCA9516SCL0BufferBufferSCL4HubSCL1BufferLogicBufferSCL3SCL2BufferSDA0BufferBufferSDA4HubSDA1BufferLogicBufferSDA3SDA2BufferEN1EN4EN2EN3SU01396GNDFigure 2. Block Diagram: PCA9516A more detailed view of Figure 2 buffer is shown in Figure 3.To outputDatazInIncEnableSW00712Figure 3. The output pull-down of each internal buffer is set for approximately0.5 V, while the input threshold of each internal buffer is set about0.07 V lower, when the output is internally driven low. This preventsa lock-up condition from occurring.2002 May 133元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comPhilips Semiconductors5-channel I2C hubFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe PCA9516 BiCMOS integrated circuit is a five way hub repeater,which enables I2C and similar bus systems to be expanded withonly one repeater delay and no functional degradation of systemperformance.The PCA9516 BiCMOS integrated circuit contains five bi-directional,open drain buffers specifically designed to support the standardlow-level-contention arbitration of the I2C-bus. Except duringarbitration or clock stretching, the PCA9516 acts like five pairs ofnon-inverting, open drain buffers, one for SDA and one for SCL.EnableThe enable pins EN1 through EN4 are active high and have internalpull-up resistors. Each enable pin ENn controls its associated SDAnand SCLn ports. When low the ENn pin blocks the inputs from SDAnand SCLn as well as disabling the output drivers on the SDAn andSCLn pins. The enable pins should only change state when both theglobal bus and the local port are in an idle state to prevent systemfailures.The active high enable pins allow the use of open drain driverswhich can be wire-ORed to create a distributed enable where eithercentralized control signal (master) or spoke signal (submaster) canenable the channel when it is idle.I2C SystemsAs with the standard I2C system, pull-up resistors are required toprovide the logic HIGH levels on the Buffered bus. (Standardopen-collector configuration of the I2C-bus). The size of thesepull-up resistors depends on the system, but each side of therepeater must have a pull-up resistor. This part designed to workwith standard mode and fast mode I2C devices in addition to SMBusdevices. Standard mode I2C devices only specify 3 mA output drive,this limits the termination current to 3 mA in a generic I2C systemwhere standard mode devices and multiple masters are possible.Under certain conditions higher termination currents can be used.Please see Application Note AN255 “I2C & SMBus Repeaters, Hubsand Expanders” for additional information on sizing resistors andprecautions when using more than one PCA9515/PCA9516 in asystem or using the PCA9515/16 in conjunction with the P82B96.APPLICATION INFORMATIONA typical application is shown in Figure 4. In this example, thesystem master is running on a 3.3 V I2C-bus while the slave isconnected to a 5 V bus. All buses run at 100 kHz unless slave 3 and4 are isolated and then the master bus and slave 1 and 2 can run at400 kHz.Any segment of the hub can talk to any other segment of the hub.Bus masters and slaves can be located on all five segments with400 pF load allowed on each segment.The PCA9516 is 5 V tolerant so it does not require any additionalcircuitry to translate between the different bus voltages.When one side of the PCA9516 is pulled low by a device on theI2C-bus, a CMOS hysteresis type input detects the falling edge andcauses an internal driver on the other side to turn on, thus causing2002 May 13Product dataPCA9516the other side to also go low. The side driven low by the PCA9516will typically be at VOL = 0.5 V.In order to illustrate what would be seen in a typical application,refer to Figures 5 and 6. If the bus master in Figure 4 were to writeto the slave through the PCA9516, we would see the waveformshown in Figure 5 on Bus 0. This looks like a normal I2Ctransmission until the falling edge of the 8th clock pulse. At thatpoint, the master releases the data line (SDA) while the slave pulls itlow through the PCA9516. Because the VOL of the PCA9516 istypically around 0.5 V, a step in the SDA will be seen. After themaster has transmitted the 9th clock pulse, the slave releases thedata line.3.3 V5 VSDASDA0SDA1SDASLAVE 1SCLBUSSCL0SCL1SCLMASTERPCA9516400 kHz3.3 VEN1EN2EN3EN4400 kHzSDA2SDASLAVE 2SCL2SCL5 V400 kHzSDA3SDASLAVE 3SCL3SCL5 V100 kHzSDA4SDASLAVE 4SCL4SCL100 kHzSW00923Figure 4. Typical application4元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comPhilips SemiconductorsProduct data5-channel I2C hubPCA95162 V/DIV9th CLOCK PULSEVOL OF PCA9516VOL OF MASTERSW00965Figure 5. Bus 0 waveformOn the Bus 1 side of the PCA9516, the clock and data lines wouldIt is important to note that any arbitration or clock stretching eventshave a positive offset from ground equal to the VOL of the PCA9516.on Bus 1 require that the VOL of the devices on Bus 1 be 70 mVAfter the 8th clock pulse, the data line will be pulled to the VOL of thebelow the VOL of the PCA9516 (see VOL – Vilc in the DCslave device that is very close to ground in our example.Characteristics section) to be recognized by the PCA9516 and thentransmitted to Bus 0.9th CLOCK PULSE2 V/DIVVOL OF PCA9516VOL OF SLAVESW00966Figure 6. Bus 1 waveform2002 May 135元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comPhilips SemiconductorsProduct data5-channel I2C hubPCA9516ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSLimiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134).Voltages with respect to pin GND.LIMITSSYMBOLPARAMETERMIN.MAX.UNITVCC to GNDSupply voltage range VCC–0.5+7VVbusVoltage range I2C-bus, SCL or SDA–0.5+7VIDC current (any pin)—50mAPtotPower dissipation—300mWTstgStorage temperature range–55+125°CTambOperating ambient temperature range–40+85°CDC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSVDD = 3.0 to 3.6 V; GND = 0 V; Tamb = –40 to +85 °C; unless otherwise specified.SYMBOLPARAMETERTESTTEST CONDITIONSCONDITIONSLIMITSMIN.TYP.MAX.UNITSuppliesVCCDC supply voltage3.03.33.6VICCHQuiescent supply current, V—710mAboth channels HIGHCC = 3.6 V; SDAn = SCLn = VCCICCLQuiescent supply current, V = 3.6 V; —6.810mAboth channels LOWone SDA and one SCL = GND,CCother SDA and SCL openICCLcQuiescent supply current in contentionV—710mASDAn = SCLn = GNDCC = 3.6 V; Input SCL; input/output SDAVIHHigh-level input voltage0.7 VCC—5.5VVILLow-level input voltage (Note 1)–0.5—0.3 VCCVVILcLow-level input voltage contention–0.5—0.4V(Note 1)VIKInput clamp voltageII = –18 mA——–1.2VIIInput leakage currentVI = 3.6 V——±1µAIILInput current LOW, SDA, SCLVI = 0.2 V, SDA, SCL——5µAVOLLow level outputIOL = 0 or 6 mA0.47.520.6VVOL–VILcLow level input voltage belowGuaranteed by design——70mVoutput low level voltageIOHOutput high level leakage currentVO = 3.6 V——10µACIInput capacitanceVI = 3 V or 0 V—610pFEnable 1–4VILLOW level input voltage–0.5—0.8VVIHHIGH level input voltage2.0—5.5VIILInput current LOW, EN1–EN4VI = 0.2 V, EN1–EN4—1030µAILIInput leakage current–1—1µACIInput capacitanceVI = 3.0 V or 0 V—67pFNOTE:1.Vseen by the SDAx/SCLx lines.IL specification is for enable input and the first low level seen by the SDAx/SCLx lines. VILc is for the second and subsequent low levels2002 May 136元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comPhilips SemiconductorsProduct data5-channel I2C hubPCA9516AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSYMBOLPARAMETERTESTTEST CONDITIONSCONDITIONSLIMITSMIN.TYP.MAX.UNITtPHLPropagation delayWaveform 157115170nstPLHPropagation delayWaveform 1335578nstTHLTransition timeWaveform 167nstTLHTransition timeWaveform 1; Note 1135nstSETEnable to Start condition100nstHOLDEnable after Stop condition100nsNOTE:1.The tTLH transition time is guaranteed with loads of 1.35 kΩ pull-up resistance and 7 pF load capacitance, plus an additional 50 pF loadcapacitance. Different load resistance and capacitance will alter the RC time constant, thereby changing the propagation delay andtransition times.AC WAVEFORMSTEST CIRCUIT3.3 VVCCVCCINPUT1.5 V1.5 V0.1 VVINVOUTRLtPHLtPLHPULSEGENERATORD.U.T.80%80%3.3 VRTCLOUTPUT1.5 V1.5 V20%20%VOLtTHLtTLHTest Circuit for Open Drain OutputsSW00646DEFINITIONSWaveform 1. RL =Load resistor; 1.35 kΩCL =Load capacitance includes jig and probe capacitance;7 pFRT =Termination resistance should be equal to ZOUT ofpulse generators.SW007922002 May 137元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com
Philips Semiconductors
Product data
5-channel I2C hub
SO16:plastic small outline package; 16 leads; body width 3.9 mmSOT109-1
2002 May 138
Philips Semiconductors
Product data
5-channel I2C hub
TSSOP16:plastic thin shrink small outline package; 16 leads; body width 4.4 mmSOT403-1
2002 May 139
Philips Semiconductors
Product data
5-channel I2C hub
Purchase of Philips I2C components conveys a license under the Philips’ I2C patentto use the components in the I2C system provided the system conforms to theI2C specifications defined by Philips. This specification can be ordered using thecode 9398 393 40011.Definitions
Short-form specification — The data in a short-form specification is extracted from a full data sheet with the same type number and title. Fordetailed information see the relevant data sheet or data handbook.
Limiting values definition — Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Stress above oneor more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these orat any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extendedperiods may affect device reliability.
Application information — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. PhilipsSemiconductors make no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing ormodification.
Life support — These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products canreasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips Semiconductors customers using or selling these products for use in such applicationsdo so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any damages resulting from such application.
Right to make changes — Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes, without notice, in the products, including circuits, standardcells, and/or software, described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. Philips Semiconductors assumes noresponsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to theseproducts, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unlessotherwise specified.
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Date of release: 05-02
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