声明:此后处理适用MasterCAM 9.1,其它版本请自行研究。如何要使用此后处理,请务必核对程式!凡使用此后处理一切后果自负!(经反馈,两段程式合并一起处理时,会出现换刀指令!如不用刀库的必须注意!)
force_wcs : no #删除程式中的G54,默认是yes。
#fstrsel sm09 coolant scoolant #程序名,日期,时间等
# *progno, e #去除程序名 # pbld, n, *smetric, e #去除G21
# ptoolcomment # comment
#删除程式中的“G0 T0202(刀具号)” # pbld, n, *sgcode, *toolno, e #以下两段调换顺序,可以调换“G0快速定位”和“主轴转动”的顺序。黄色的第一段输出“快速定位和冷却开关”。
sav_absinc = absinc
if home_type > one, absinc = zero
pcan1, pbld, n, psccomp, *sgcode, pwcs, pfxout, pyout, pfzout, pfscool, strcantext, e
if lcc_cc_pos, plcc_cc_pos #Use sav_xa to position with comp. LCC pcom_movea #Update previous, pcan2 ps_inc_calc #Reset current absinc = sav_absinc
#Added for 'css_start_rpm' logic (09/05/01) if css_actv, [
if css_start_rpm,
prpm # Direct RPM startup for programmed CSS else,
pcssg50, pcss # NO RPM start - just output the CSS ]
else, # Direct RPM was programmed [
prpm # Output programmed RPM ]
#回参考点。删除程式中的“G28 U0. W0. M05”和刀号
# [
#Retract to reference return # pbld, n, `sgcode, psccomp, e
# if home_type = m_one, pbld, n, *toolno, e
# pcan1, pbld, n, *sg28ref, \"U0.\# pnullstop, strcantext, e
# if home_type > m_one, pbld, n, *toolno, e # ]
#回参考点。删除程式中的“G28 U0. W0.”和刀号;保留“M05”。(带删除线的文字表示要删除掉,下同) [
#Retract to reference return pbld, n, `sgcode, psccomp, e
if home_type = m_one, pbld, n, *toolno, e
pcan1, pbld, n, *sg28ref, \"U0.\ pnullstop, strcantext, e
if home_type > m_one, pbld, n, *toolno, e ]
prpm #Output for start spindle speed = speedrpm if speed = zero,
pbld, n, *spindle_l, e #RPM = '0', output just an 'M05' else,
pbld, n, *sg97, *speed, *spindle_l, pgear, e !css_actv #Added (8/27/2002)
pcssg50 #Output Constant surface speed clamp if css_actv, pbld, n, *sg50, *maxss, e #输出恒线速度。删除程式中的G96及转速。
pcss #Output Constant surface speed speed = g_speed
if css_actv, pbld, n, *sg9697, *speed, spindle_l, !css_actv, e
----------------------------------------------------------Edited by Linc,2015---------