10 The Markowitz Investment Portfolio Selection Model
The first nine chapters of this book presented the basic probability theory with which any student of insurance and investments should be familiar. In this final chapter, we discuss an important application of the basic theory: the Nobel Prize winning investment portfolio selection model due to Harry Markowitz. This material is not discussed in other probability texts of this level; however, it is a nice application of the basic theory and it is very accessible.
The Markowitz portfolio selection model has a profound effect on the investment industry. Indeed, the popularity of index funds (mutual funds that track the performance of an index such as the S&P 500 and do not attempt to “beat the market”) can be traced to a surprising consequence of the Markowitz model: that every investor, regardless of risk tolerance, should hold the same portfolio of risky securities. This result has called into question the conventional wisdom that it is possible to beat the market with the “right” investment manager and in so doing has revolutionized the investment industry.
Our presentation of the Markowitz model is organized in the following way. We begin by considering portfolios of two securities. An important example of a portfolio of this type is one consisting of a stock mutual fund and a bond mutual fund. Seen from this perspective, the portfolio selection problem with two securities is equivalent to the problem of asset allocation between stocks and bonds. We then consider portfolios of two risky securities and a risk-free asset, the prototype being a portfolio of a stock mutual fund, a bond mutual fund, and a money-market fund. Finally, we consider portfolio selection when an unlimited number of securities is available for inclusion in the portfolio.
We conclude this chapter by briefly discussing an important consequence of the Markowitz model, namely, the Nobel Prize winning capital asset pricing model due to William Sharpe. The CAPM, as it is referred to, gives a formula for the fair return on a risky security when the overall market is in equilibrium. Like the Markowitz model, the CAPM has had a profound influence on portfolio management practice.
10.1 Portfolios of Two Securities In this section, we consider portfolios consisting of only two securities, S1 and S2. These two securities could be a stock mutual fund and a bond mutual fund, in which case the portfolio selection problem amounts to asset allocation, or they could be something else. Our objective is to determine the “best mix” of
S1 and S2 in the portfolio.
Portfolio Opportunity Set
Let's begin by describing the set of possible portfolios that can be constructed from S1 and S2. Suppose that the current value of our portfolio is d dollars and let d1 and d2 be the dollar amounts invested in S1 and S2, respectively. Let R1 and R2 be the simple returns on S1 and S2 over a future time period that begins now and ends at a fixed future point in time and let R be the corresponding simple return for the portfolio. Then, if no changes are made to the portfolio mix during the time period under consideration,
Hence, the return on the portfolio over the given time period is
where xd1d is the fraction of the portfolio currently invested in S1. Consequently, by varying x, we can change the return characteristics of the portfolio.
Now if S1 and S2 are risky securities, as we will assume throughout this section, then R1, R2, and R are all random variables. Suppose that R1 and
R2 are both normally distributed and their joint distribution has a bivariate normal distribution. This may appear to be a strong assumption. However, data on stock price returns suggest that, as a first approximation, it is not
unreasonable. Then, from the properties of the normal distribution, it follows that R is normally distributed and that the distributions of R1, R2, and R are completely characterized by their respective means and standard deviations. Hence, since R is a linear combination of R1 and R2, the set of possible investment portfolios consisting of S1 and S2 can be described by a curve in the plane.
To see this more clearly, note that from the identity RxR11xR2 and the properties of means and variances, we have
122222, Rx2R2x1xRR1xR1122where is the correlation between R1 and R2, Eliminating x from these two equations by substituting xRR2R1R2, which we obtain from
2the equation for R, into the equation for R, we obtain
2RRR1R2R2222R21RR2R1R2R1R22RR12R1RR2R122, R22which describes a curve in the RR plane as claimed.
Notice that R and R change with x, while R1, R1, R2, R2, remain fixed. To emphasize the fact that R and R are variables, let’s drop
2the subscript R from now on. Then, the preceding equation for R can be
written as
2, 2A020where A, 0, 02 are parameters depending only on S1 and S2 with A0 and 020. Indeed,
A1R1R222R12 2R1R2R2
(the inequality holding since 11), and
(again since 11). Further,
Consequently, the possible portfolios lie on the curve
2,0, 2A020which we recognize as being the right half of a hyperbola with vertex at 0,0. (Figure 10.1).
2Notice that the hyperbola 2A00 describes a trade-off
2between risk (as measured by ) and reward (as measured by ). Indeed, along the upper branch of the hyperbola, it is clear that to obtain a greater reward, we must invest in a portfolio with greater risk; in other words, “no pain, no gain.” The portfolios on the lower branch of
FIGURE10.1 Set of Possible Portfolios consisting of S1 and S2
the hyperbola, while theoretically possible, will never be selected risk level , the portfolio on the upper branch with standard deviation will always have higher expected return (i.e., higher reward) than the portfolio on the lower branch with standard deviation and, hence, will always be preferred to the portfolio on the lower branch. Consequently, the only portfolios that need be considered further are the ones on the upper branch. These portfolios are referred to as efficient portfolios. In general, an efficient portfolio is one that provides the highest reward for a given level of risk.
Determining the Optimal Portfolio
Now let’s consider which portfolio in the efficient set is best. To do this, we need to consider the investor’s tolerance for risk. Since different investors in general have different risk tolerances, we should expect each investor to have a different optimal portfolio. We will soon see that this is indeed the case.
Let’s consider one particular investor and let’s suppose that this investor is able to assign a number UFR to each possible investment return distribution
FR with the following properties:
1.UFRaUFRb if and only if the investor prefers the investment with return
Ra to the investment with return Rb.
2. UFRaUFRb if and only if the investor is indifferent to choosing between the investment with return Ra and the investment with return Rb.
The functional U, which maps distribution functions to the real numbers, is called a utility functional. Note that different investors in general have different utility functionals.
There are many different forms of utility functionals. For simplicity, we assume that every investor has a utility functional of the form
where k0 is a number that measures the investor’s level of risk aversion and is unique to each investor. (Here, and represent the mean and standard
deviation of the return distribution FR.) There are good theoretical reasons for assuming a utility functional of this form. However, in the interest of brevity, we omit the details. Note that in assuming a utility functional of this form, we are implicitly assuming that among portfolios with the same expected return, less risk is preferable.
The portfolio optimization problem for an investor with risk tolerance level
k can then be stated as follows:
Maximize: Subject to:
2. 2A020This is a simple constrained optimization problem that can be solved by substituting the condition into the objective function and then using standard optimization techniques from single variable calculus. Alternatively, this optimization problem can be solved using the Lagrange multiplier method from multivariable calculus.
Graphically, the maximum value of U is the number u such that the
2parabola k2u is tangent to the hyperbola 2A00. (See
2Figure 10.2. The optimal portfolio in this figure is denoted by O.) Clearly, the optimal portfolio depends on the value of k, which specifies the investor’s level of risk aversion.
FIGURE10.2 Portfolio with Greatest Carrying out the details of the optimization, we find that when S1 and S2
are both risky securities (i.e.R10 and R20), the risk-reward coordinates of the optimal portfolio O are
*120, 24Ak1. 2kA*0Since xR11xR2, it follows that the portion of the portfolio that should be invested in S1 is
*R. xRR212Comment We have assumed that short selling without margin posting is
possible (i.e., we have assumed that x can assume any real value, including values outside the interval[0,1]). In the more realistic case, where short selling is restricted, the optimal portfolio may differ from the one just determined. EXAMPLE 1: The return on a bond fund has expected value 5% and standard deviation 12%, while the return on a stock fund has expected value 10% and standard deviation 20%. The correlation between the returns is 0.60. Suppose
12that an investor’s utility functional is of the form U. Determine the
100investor’s optimal allocation between stocks and bonds assuming short selling without margin posting is possible.
It is customary in problems of this type to assume that the utility functional is calibrated using percentages. Hence, if R1,R2 represent the returns on the bond and stock funds, respectively, then
11223.56, 1001UFR2101226.
100Note that such a calibration can always be achieved by proper selection of k.
UFR15From the formulas that have been developed, the expected return on the optimal portfolio is
1, 2kA*0where k1100,
52025100.60122010122 2122020.401220 21.875
12122020.401220 251010.24.
Hence, the portion of the portfolio that should be invested in bonds is
*R xRR212 26.757812510
510 3.3515625.
Thus, for a portfolio of $1000, it is optimal to sell short $33351.56 worth of bonds and ■
Special Cases of the Portfolio Opportunity Set
We conclude this section by high lighting the form of the portfolio opportunity set in some special cases. Throughout, we assume that S1 and S2 are securities such that
RR and RR.
1212(The situation where R1R2 and R1R2 is not interesting since then S2 is always preferable to S1.) We also assume that no short positions are allowed. Assets Are Perfectly Positively Correlated Suppose that 1 (i.e. R1 and
R2 are perfectly positively correlated). Then the set of possible portfolios is a straight line, as illustrated in Figure 10.3a.
Assets Are Perfectly Negatively Correlated Suppose that 1 (i.e, R1 and
R2 are perfectly negatively correlated). Then the set of possible portfolios is as illustrated in Figure 10.3b. Note that, in this case, it is possible to construct a perfectly hedged portfolio (i.e., portfolio with 0).
d. One of the
FIGURE 10.3 Special Cases of the Portfolio Opportunity Set
Assets Are Uncorrelated Suppose that 0. Then the portfolio opportunity set has the form illustrated in Figure 10.3c. From this picture, it is clear that
starting from a portfolio consisting only of the low-risk security S1, it is possible to decrease risk and increase expected return simultaneously by adding a portion of the high-risk security S2 to the portfolio. Hence, even investors with a low level of risk tolerance should have a portion of their portfolios invested in the high-risk security S2. (See also the discussion on the standard deviation of a sum in §8.3.3.)
One of the Assets Is Risk Free Suppose that S1 is a risk-free asset (i.e.,
R0) and put Rrf, the risk-free rate of return. Further, let S denote
11S2 and write S, S in place of R2, R2. Then the efficient set is given by
Srfrf, 0.
SThis is a line in risk-reward space with slope SrfS and -intercept rf (see Figure 10.3d).
10.2 Portfolios of Two Risky Securities and a Risk-Free Asset Suppose now that we are to construct a portfolio from two risky securities and a risk-free asset. This corresponds to the problem of allocating assets among stocks, bonds, and short-term money-market securities. Let R1, R2 denote the returns on the risky securities and suppose that R1R2 and R1R2. Further, let
rf denote the risk-free rate.
The Efficient Set
From our discussion in §10.1, we know that the portfolios consisting only of the two risky securities S1, S2 must lie on a hyperbola of the type illustrated in Figure 10.4.
We claim that when a risk-free asset is also available, the efficient set consists of
the portfolios on the tangent line through (0,rf) (Figure 10.5). Note that rf in this figure is the -intercept of the tangent line through T.
FIGURE 10.4 Portfolio Opportunity Set for Two Securities FIGURE 10.5 Efficient Set as a Tangent Line
FIGURE 10.6 Portfolios Containing the Tangency Portfolio Dominate All Others To see why this is so, consider a portfolio P consisting only of S1 and S2 and let T be the tangency portfolio (i.e., the portfolio which is on both the hyperbola and the tangent line). From our discussion in §10.1, we know that every portfolio consisting of the risky portfolio P and the risk-free asset lies on the straight line through P and (0,rf), and every portfolio consisting of the tangency portfolio T and the risk-free asset lies on the tangent line through T and (0,rf) (Figure 10.6). Hence, from Figure 10.6, it is clear that every portfolio consisting of P and the risk-free asset is dominated by a portfolio consisting of
T and the risk-free asset. Indeed, for any given risk level , there is a portfolio on the line through T and (0,rf) with greater than the corresponding portfolio on the line through P and (0,rf). Hence, given a choice between holding P as the risky part of our portfolio and holding T as the risky part, we should always choose T.
Consequently, the efficient portfolios lie on the line through (0,rf) and T as claimed. Note, in particular, that the efficient portfolios all have the same risky part T; the only difference among them is the portion allocated to the risk-free asset. This surprising result, which provides a theoretical justification for the use of index mutual funds by every investor, is known as the mutual fund separation theorem. In view of this separation theorem, the portfolio selection problem is
reduced to determining the fraction of an investor’s portfolio that should be invested in the risk-free asset. This is a straightforward problem when the utility functional has the form Uk2(Figure 10.7). The investor’s optimal portfolio in this figure is denoted by O. Details are left to the reader.
FIGURE 10.7 Optimal Portfolio for a Given Utility Functional Determining the Tangency Portfolio
The tangency portfolio T has the property of being the portfolio on the hyperbola for which the ratio
rf is maximal. (Convince yourself that this is so.) Hence, one method of determining the coordinates of T is to solve the following optimization problem:
Maximize: Subject to:
rf 2. 2A020We will determine the coordinates of T in a slightly different way, which is more easily adapted when the number of risky securities is greater than two. Recall that the efficient portfolios are the ones with the least risk (i.e., smallest ) for a given level of expected return . Hence, the efficient set,
which we already know is the line through (0,rf) and T, can be determined by solving the following collection of optimization problems (one for each ):
Minimize: Subject to:
VarR ER.
Let y1, y2, y3 be the amounts allocated to S1, S2, and the risk-free asset, respectively. Then the return on such a portfolio is
and so
where jERj, 2jVarRj, and ijCovRi,Rj. Note that VarR does not contain any terms in y3! Consequently, the optimization problem can be written as
Minimize: Subject to:
Note that the conditions in the optimization are equivalent to the conditions
(Substitute y1y2y31 into the first condition.) Since the only place that
y3 now occurs is in the condition y1y2y31, this means that we can solve
the general optimization problem by first solving the simpler problem
Subject to:
and then determining y3 by y31y1y2. Indeed, will still be minimized because the required y1, y2 will be the same in both optimization problems. The simpler optimization problem can be solved using the Lagrange multiplier method. In general, we will have
g and g0,
where g1rfy12rfy2rf and is the Lagrange multiplier. The letter is generally reserved in investment theory for the reward-to-variability ratio rf2 and, hence, will not be used to represent a Lagrange multiplier here. Performing the required differentiation, we obtain
1212y11rf2122y222rfor equivalently,
, 1212z11rf2122z22rfwhere
z122, y1, z2y2.
Note that the Lagrange multiplier will depend in general on .
Now the tangency portfolio T lies on the efficient set and has the property that y30 (i.e., no portion of the tangency portfolio is invested in the risk-free asset). Hence, the values of y1 and y2 for the tangency portfolio are given by
y1z1z2y, 2,
z1z2z1z2where (z1,z2) is the unique solution of the preceding matrix equation. Indeed,
since T lies on the efficient set, we must have (y1,y2)=(z1,z2), and since
2y1y21y31, we must have 21z1z2. The risk-reward coordinates
(R,R) for the tangency portfolio are then determined using the equations
where y1, y2 are the fractions just calculated.
Markowitz组合选择模型已经对投资产业有一个深刻作用。确实,共同基金的普及(跟踪一个指数的表现譬如S&P 500和不试图“击打市场”的共同基金)可以被跟踪成Markowitz模型的一个惊奇后果: 每个投资者,不考虑风险容忍,应该拿着同样风险保障的组合。这个结果表示了对于传统经验的置疑,用“正确的”投资管理人击打市场是理性的,并且这样做改革了投资产业。
我们由简要地谈论Markowitz模型的一个重要结果,即归功于William Sharpe的诺贝尔奖赢取资本资产定价模型结束本章。资本定价模型(CAPM),如所提到的,当整体市场是处于平衡时给对于风险保障公平的回报一个公式。像Markowitz模型一样,资本定价模型(CAPM)对组合管理实践有着深刻的影响。
10.1 两个保障的组合
本节, 我们考虑只包括两个保证金S1和S2的组合。这两保证金可以是一个股票共同基金和一个债券共同基金, 在这种情形组合选择问题相当于资产分配, 或可能是其它别的。我们的目标是要在组合中确定S1和S2的“最佳匹配”。
122222, Rx2R2x1xRR1xR1122这里是R1和R2的相关系数,从R的方程中得到xRR2R1R2,将
2, 2A020其中A,0,02是只依赖S1和S2的参数,且A0,020。的确,
A1R1R2122R12 2R1R2R2
0 (不等式成立是因为11)
R1R22221R1R20 (同样因为11)
2,0, 2A020这是以0,0为顶点的一个双曲线的右边一半(见图10.1)。
2 注意,双曲线2A00描述的是在风险(用测量)和收益(用
益,我们必须以更大的风险去投资一份组合投资;换句话说,“没有痛苦,没有取得。”在双曲线的下半分支的组合,虽理论上是可能,但不会在实际中被选择。原因是对任一个选择的风险水平, 具有标准差为的上半支的投资组合总比具有标准差为的下半支的投资组合有更高的期望回报(即有更高的收益)。所以,将总是更喜欢在下半支的组合。结果,只需要被进一步考虑的组
1. UFRaUFRb当且仅当这个投资者更喜欢以回报Ra投资,而不是以回报
2. UFRaUFRb当且仅当这个投资者对选择以回报Ra投资和以回报Rb投资漠不关心。
其中k0是一个测量投资者风险厌恶水平的值并且它对各个投资者是唯一的。(这里,和代表回报概率分布FR的平均值和标准差) 。对于假设一个这种形式的效用函数有真正的理论原因。但是,为简单起见,我们略去细节。注意到在假设一个效用函数具有这种形式时,我们暗含着假设在具有同样风险水平的投资组合中,您是选择期望收益更大的,而在具有同样期望收益的投资组合中,选择风险较少的。
对于一个有风险承受力水平k的投资者,投资组合最优化问题可以被如下陈述: 最大化: 满足:
2. 2A020
2*12, 024Ak1。 2kA*0从xR11xR2,可得出应该在S1上投资的投资组合比例是
RR212评述 我们已经假设,没有保证金的短期销售是可能的(即我们已经假设x可以是任一个实数值,包括在区间[0,1]之外的值)。在短期销售被限制的更加现实的条件下,最优的投资组合也许与刚决定的不同。
例1: 设债券基金的收益期望值为5%和标准差为12%,股票基金的收益期望值为10%和标准差为20%。两种收益的相关系数是0.60。假设一个投资者的效用函
UFR15UFR211223.56, 1001101226。
注意,这样的度量也总可由k的适当选择而达到。 由已推出的公式,最优组合的期望收益是
1, *02kA这里k1100,
52025100.60122010122 2122020.401220 21.875
12122020.401220 2510 10.24。
*R x
510 3.3515625。
资产是完全正相关的 假设1(即R1和R2完全正相关的)。则可能的投资组
资产是完全负相关的 假设1(即R1和R2完全负相关的)。则可能的投资组合集合如图10.3.b所示。注意,在这种情形,构造一个完全套期保值资产组合是可能的(即0的投资组合) 。
资产是不相关的 假设0。则投资组合机会集合具有如图10.3.c所示的形式。从这张图,很明显从只包括低风险保证金S1的投资组合开始,利用将高风险保证金S2的一部分加到投资组合来减少风险和同时增加期望回报是可能的。因此,即使具有低风险承受力水平的投资者也应该让他们投资组合的一部分投资在高风险保证金S2里(也可参见在§8.3.3关于一个和的标准差的讨论)。 资产之一是无风险的 假设S1是无风险资产(即R10),令R1rf,无风险回报率。进一步,让S表示S2,并且用S,S代替R2,R2。则有效集如下给出
10.2 两个风险保证金和一个无风险资产的投资组合
服自己它就是这样的)。因此,确定T的坐标的一个方法是解以下最优化问题: 最大化: 满足:
rf 2。 2A020我们将用一个稍微不同的方式确定T的坐标,当风险保证金的数量大于2的时候
回顾一下有效的投资组合是对于给定期望收益的一个水平,具有最少风险(即最小的)的组合。因此,有效集(我们已经知道它是过(0,rf)和T的直线)可以由解下列最优化问题集族确定(对每一个): 最小化: 满足:
VarR ER。
这里jERj,2jVarRj,且ijCovRi,Rj。注意VarR不含y3的任何项!因此,最优化问题可以被写成 最小化: 满足:
加简单的问题 最小化:
, 1212z11rf2122z22rf其中
z122, y1,z2y2。
y1z1z2,y2 z1z2z1z2给出,这里(z1,z2)是前面矩阵方程的唯一解。的确,因为T位于有效集上,我们必须有(y1,y2)=