

2020-10-25 来源:步旅网


课程号 英文名称 先修课程 01630723 Discovery of Psychology 无 人们渴求去更好地了解自我,他人和我们生存的这个社会,心理学是帮助人们达到这个目的的科学。但是我们日常生活中接触到的心理学充斥着非科学的,江湖的内容;我们需要更为科学、有效地认知自己的能力。 中文简介 本课程的目的就是为了帮助大家了解什么是科学的心理学,掌握科学的心理学思维方法,从客观的角度去审视内心和周围熟悉的生活,从而更加清晰地认识自我,把握自我。课程自成体系,拥有贯穿整个课程的核心主线,通过经典心理学实验的结论作为证据引出理论,着重于培养心理学思维模式的建立而非单纯知识点介绍。 Psychologists study human nature at many levels, from the cells that constitute us to the collectives that comprise us. This course will take you on a journey from the microscopic to the macroscopic, showing you how social and natural scientists answer basic questions about human nature. The course is an introduction to the sciences of mind, including foundational concepts from neuroscience, evolution, genetics, philosophy, and experimental methods, and specific topics such as perception, memory, consciousness, child development, ,emotion, motivation,sexuality, survival in the world, and social relations. The route of the journey will be like this: We will first know how psychology science works, that is, how we use varied technology to find why and how people speak, response and act like this(Psychology science). And then using these technology, psychologists have found a lot of evidences so that we can use them to build a brain, to learn how the brain works that 英文简介 way(The brain). In order to survival in the world, brains that animals and human being have must be capable of receiving information from the world (sensation and perception), retaining that information (memory), and using that information to modify its own behavior (learning). Although we share some hardware and functions with other animals, human beings have a few “added functionalities” that make them unusual. For example, we experience complex feelings (emotion & motivation), we engage in conscious thought (consciousness). Some of these abilities are learned and others are hardwired (cognitive development), and they are not evenly distributed across people (self and personality). They are also unusually susceptible to damage (psychopathology). Although we appear to be autonomous individuals, we are actually parts of a larger organism known as the collective. Socialty is our species’ single greatest adaptation and we will examine how people acquire and use it. We will examine how we control others’ behavior

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(social influence), and understand what others think, feel, and do (social cognition). Hope you enjoy the journey! 开课院系 通选课领域 是否属于艺术与美育 平台课性质 平台课类型 授课语言 教材 参考书 心理与认知科学学院 否 中文 心理学与生活; 心理学与生活, 了解什么是科学的心理学 掌握科学的心理学思维方法,从客观的角度去审视内心和周围熟悉的生活 更加清晰地认识自我,把握自我。 线上线下混合式课程《探索心理学的奥秘》教学大纲 线上:绪论 课程引言(2学时) 线上:第一章 科学心理学研究方法(2学时) 线上:第二章 性与浪漫关系(2学时) 线上:第三章 生存(2学时) 线上:第四章 大脑(3学时) 线上:第五章 儿童认知发展(2学时) 线上:第六章 情绪(2学时) 线上:课程总结(1学时) 教学大纲 线下:1:科学心理学的公理假设 (2学时) 线下:2:感觉与知觉 (2学时) 线下:3:学习 (2学时) 线下: 4:记忆(2学时) 线下:5:意识(2学时) 线下: 6:社会影响 (2学时) 线下: 7:社会认知(2学时) 线下: 8:自我(2学时) 线上线下混合式课程,翻转课堂教学。其中,视频课程在线学习 16 学时,见面课 16 学时。采取线上互动,论坛问答,线下答疑,面对面授课结合的方式。 课程总成绩 = 平台成绩 x 60% + 线下成绩 x 40%,其中, 1.平台成绩 总分100分,包含: 1)平时成绩 24 【学习行为14 (学习习惯 12 +学习互动 2 ) +在线进度10】 2)章测试 14

3)见面课 32【(考勤3+测试分1)*8】 4)期末考试 30 具体考核比例最终以智慧树平台为准。 2.线下成绩 总分100分,包含: 1)1小时免费心理学实验被试 10 2)期中小论文 90 因为本学期特殊情况,2020春季学期见面课日程安排待定,请大家随时关注教学网。 但是,8次见面课的时间都会安排在周二的,13:30-15:00,授课地点理教308,具体开课周数待定。 注:选课完成后请务必登录教学网《016-01630723-0006172200-1: 探索心理学的奥秘》查看详细课程要求及说明。 教学评估 毛利华:
