SYNOPSYS VCS Makefile文件编写与研究
makefile 其实完全可以用csh或其他脚本来编写,只是VCS使用的linux内置的make命令定义了一个标准的仿真脚本,make命令是专门用来
# SYNOPSYS CONFIDENTIAL - This is an unpublished, proprietary work of
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# any information contained herein except pursuant to a valid written
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# SYNOPSYS公司的版权声明,没有权限不可使用
# Filename : $Id: Makefile,v 1.0 2006/07/18 23:59:59 vangundy Exp $
# Created by : Synopsys Inc. 07/17/2006
# $Author : vangundy $
# Description : Demonstrates Verilog DUT and SVTB using VCS
# makefile文件头
# The Makefile works on two seperate flows. The DEBUG flow is intended to be used
# During debugging of a testcase and/or the DUT. The REGRESSION flow is used
# During regression runs and collects coverage data.
# 该makefile模版包括两部分流程,debug(查错)流程和regress(回归测试)流程,两个流程大致步骤都相同都是:Compile,SIM(urg,覆盖
# 率的分析和采集),debug时主要是跑一个pattern,并dump VPD文件,SIM的同时可以打开DVE视图界面,结束后观察波形,regress主要用
# 于采集覆盖率,一般要跑多个pattern,这时就无需dump VPD文件(节约时间),由于是debug后有进行的重复运行,所以叫regress(回归)。
# 在我们的验证平台中,若不做代码覆盖率的功能,可以不写regress,只要写debug的流程和跑多个pattern的脚本就好了。
# The DEBUG flow turns on VPD dumping and turns off coverage collection. After
# building a testcase using the debug targets, you can debug the TB and the DUT
# source code using the testbench debugger and DVE. Of course, you can turn on
# coverage metrics and run in debug mode by changing compile and runtime options
# in the makefile. These changes are independent of the regression flow so that
# the regressions will still run optimally without the interference of VPD dumping.
# debug流程打开VPD文件的dump并关闭覆盖率在build了一个包含DUT的testcase后,可以使用VCS的debugger和DVE进行debug。当
# 然,你也以通过改变makefile文件中的compile和runtime选项参数来开启覆盖率功能。Debug流程和regress流程是各自独立的,regression
# 流程一般不生成VPD。
# The REGRESSION flow turns off VPD dumping and turns on Coverage Metrics and TB
# coverage collection. This flow is intended to support verification engineers who
# are working through the regression process and are interested in coverage
# collection and urg.
# REGRESSION流程关闭VPD dump并打开Coverage collection功能,该流程是为了支持验证引擎进行“流水线验证“(跑多个testcase)和
# 代码覆盖率功能。??在验证平台中可以将运行多个testcase的脚本命名为regress,运行单个testcase的脚本命名为regone??,这只是
# synopsys的模版,我们不必完全遵守,可以不区分debug和regress,然后将是否打开波形和coverage设置成参数。
# Command Line make命令行
# -----------------
# The Makefile supports the following command line
# makefile支持下列命令行
# % make target_name_* # makefile文件放在哪?放在仿真路径。make [-f makefile文件名][选项][宏定 义][目标] # -f 指定makefile 若没有则make程序首先在当前目录查找名为makefile的文件,如果没有找到,它就会转而查找名为Makefile的文件。 # Where target_name is the name of a testcase located in the test directory. Every # test in the test directory is named using test_{test_name}. All of the test targets # are listed in the TEST TARGETS section of the makefile. # target_name是test路径下的一个testcase的名字,test路径下的testcase的名字使用test_{test_name}来命名,例如test_1 # 所有的test target 都在makefile文件中的TEST TARGETS部分列出 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compile and Run Testcases 编译与运行testcase # ------------------------------- # To compile and run a tescase use the test_* and regress_test_* targets. # 编译与运行testcase,(test_1 就是执行了下面的两个命令先编译在运行) test_1 ==> compile_1 run_1 详见下面命令定义 # % make test_1 // Builds and runs test 1 with VPD dumping 其实就是debug的前边的流程 # % make regress_test_1 // Builds and runs test 1 with coverage turned on # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Debugging Testcases Debug 实在上面命令之后在进行的 # ------------------------ # You can use DVE and the testbench debugger to visualize waveforms and testbench # execution. You must first build the testbench using the make compile_* command. # dubug必须是在DVE(VCS的debug工具,与debussy一样的功能)下进行,因为要看波形嘛,但是debug之前必须先compile # % make compile_1 // Builds test 1 for debugging //需要重新编译一次吗? # Once you have built the environment with the proper debug switches, you can use DVE and the testbench debugger. # # testbench debugger 是否是指编译后的那个simv可执行文件呢? 其实gui_1 和上面test_1中的run_1是一样的只是增加了-gui项 # 即增加了打开gui界面的参数,其他雷同 # % make gui_1 // Debug test 1 with DVE # % make tb_gui_1 // Debug test 1 with the testbench debugger # % make both_guis_1 // Debug using both guis # % make pp_1 // Debug using the VPD file VPD文件要在执行simv之后才有吧? # If you want, you can turn on coverage for the DEBUG flow by uncommenting the # coverage flag in the makefile. If you do this, you can still look at coverage. # This may be useful in helping those who are debugging coverage related issues. # 如果在makefile中的debug流程中使用了coverage功能,那么可以使用下面命令观察覆盖率 # % make urg // Visualize coverage data from debug runs # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Regression Testcases # -------------------- # Regression tests are used to collect coverage information. To build a testcase # for coverage collection use a command similar to the following. # regress流程主要是为了收集代码覆盖率信息,在执行regress之前需要重新build testcase 类似debug时的compile # % make regress_build_1 // Build and run a regression test with a default seed # Once the test has been built, you can run it again with a new seed. # 与debug不同的是regress需要重新run(使用新的SEED)一下,【还是debug的时候也要run一下?】 # % make regress_run_1 SEED=1234 # After running one or more regression runs, you can visualize the coverage data # using urg and the following command # run完之后可以用下面命令看代码覆盖率 # % make regress_urg #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HOW TO REUSE THIS FILE ON ANOTHER DUT //如何重用该模版 # STEP 1: Update the file locations as required //设置file所属的路径 # STEP 2: Update the DUT section with directory and source location info//更新模版中DUT部分,指定DUT的路径和include的路径 # STEP 3: Update the TB section with directory and source location info//更新模版中TB部分,指定TB的路径和include的路径 # STEP 4: Update the Coverage section with name of dut top (eg top.dut) //跟新模版中Coverage部分,指定要测试代码覆盖率的dut的top # STEP 5: Add test targets to the debug and regression targets section//将debug和regress的target加入模版中对应的部分 # STEP 5: Adjust the debug and regression compile and run time arguments//调整debug和regress的compile和runtime的命令参数 # STEP 7: Adjust command line options as required//调整命令行命令(后边带百分号和冒号的就表示可以在make命令行中使用的命令) # STEP 8: Update the env class so that it extends dkm_env//更新env class(环境类)使得它可以提供dkm_env # You will need to have a copy of the dkm directory and it should //dkm是什么? # be located at $(TB_SRC_DIR)/dkm # a) Add [`include \"\"] # b) Add [extends dkm_env] to the environment class definition # c) Call the\"name\") from the constructor # STEP 9: Run the debug and regression targets # % make testbench_target_* // testbench_target_* 是指test_1之类的testcase #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 看了上文,大家应该可以简单了解这个Makefile的功能了。接下来就按照step1~9来填空即可: .PHONY : default help clean regress_clean default: help #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DIRECTORIES 总路径 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT_DIR = ./output //为什么debug和regress没有分开? debug和regress的Coverage在COV_DIR下是有区分的 COV_DIR = ./coverage //为什么没有VPD的路径? LOG_DIR = ./logs //output是做什么的? VPD文件 simv文件 还有一写其他文件在这里 # Set this to the location where you installed the designware models. This # depends on whether you ran the setup_vip_dw_home to install the models or # the setup_vip_here script. #DW_MODELS_DIR = $(DESIGNWARE_HOME) DW_MODELS_DIR = /user/synopsys/designware //软件路径 VCS的路径? #DESIGNWARE_HOME = ~synopsys/bk/designware #DW_MODELS_DIR = ./designware #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEVICE UNDER TEST DUT路径 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUT_SRC_DIR = ./source/Verilog //SRC source DUT_SRC = -f $(DUT_SRC_DIR)/rtl_list.f //待编译的rtl文件列表文件 SRC是什么意思? DUT_INC += +incdir+/user/myproj/PROJECT/RTL/SRC/mymodule/ DUT_INC +incdir+/user/myproj/PROJECT/RTL/SRC/mymodule/mymodule_inc.v += DUT_CMP_OPTIONS += +libext+.v+.V //这个参数是干什么的?指定VCS搜索文件时的文件后缀.v #DUT_CMP_OPTIONS += -timescale=1ps/1ps //CMP是compile的意思 不是compare #DUT_CMP_OPTIONS += -override_timescale=1ps/1ps #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TESTBENCH TB路径设置 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TB_SRC_DIR = ./source/svtb # AXI TESTBENCH, VIP Sources first #TB_SRC += -f $(TB_SRC_DIR)/mac_if_tb/vip/gslv_model_package.f TB_SRC += $(TB_SRC_DIR)/mpdu_trx_tb/tests/ TB_SRC += $(TB_SRC_DIR)/mpdu_trx_tb/tests/$(TB_TEST).sv //为什么有两个SV TB_INC += +incdir+$(TB_SRC_DIR)/mpdu_trx_tb/vip TB_INC += +incdir+$(TB_SRC_DIR)/mpdu_trx_tb/env TB_INC += +incdir+$(TB_SRC_DIR)/mpdu_trx_tb/tests TB_INC += +incdir+$(DW_MODELS_DIR)/include/svtb //这部分为了支持sv吗? TB_INC += +incdir+$(DW_MODELS_DIR)/include/verilog TB_INC += +incdir+$(DW_MODELS_DIR)/svtb #TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -tb_timescale=1ns/1ps #TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -lca Y-2006.06-SP2 TB_CMP_OPTIONS += +pkgdir+$(DW_MODELS_DIR)/include/svtb //TB的编译选项和DUT不同?sv 和verilog的区别吗? TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DW_MODELS_DIR)/include/vera TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DESIGNWARE_HOME)/vip/vmt/latest/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DESIGNWARE_HOME)/vip/amba/latest/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DESIGNWARE_HOME)/vip/amba/latest/axi_master_vmt/vera/src //TB中使用的一些模型 TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DESIGNWARE_HOME)/vip/amba/latest/axi_master_rvm_vera_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DESIGNWARE_HOME)/vip/amba/latest/axi_slave_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DESIGNWARE_HOME)/vip/amba/latest/axi_slave_rvm_vera_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DESIGNWARE_HOME)/vip/amba/latest/axi_monitor_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DESIGNWARE_HOME)/vip/amba/latest/axi_monitor_rvm_vera_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DESIGNWARE_HOME)/vip/amba/latest/axi_port_monitor_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DESIGNWARE_HOME)/vip/amba/latest/axi_port_monitor_rvm_vera_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DESIGNWARE_HOME)/vip/amba/latest/axi_interconnect_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir $(DESIGNWARE_HOME)/vip/amba/latest/axi_interconnect_rvm_vera_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir ${DESIGNWARE_HOME}/vip/amba/latest/ahb_master_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir ${DESIGNWARE_HOME}/vip/amba/latest/ahb_slave_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir ${DESIGNWARE_HOME}/vip/amba/latest/ahb_monitor_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir ${DESIGNWARE_HOME}/vip/amba/latest/ahb_bus_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir ${DESIGNWARE_HOME}/vip/amba/latest/ahb_master_rvm_vera_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir ${DESIGNWARE_HOME}/vip/amba/latest/ahb_slave_rvm_vera_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir ${DESIGNWARE_HOME}/vip/amba/latest/ahb_monitor_rvm_vera_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_incdir ${DESIGNWARE_HOME}/vip/amba/latest/ahb_bus_rvm_vera_vmt/vera/src TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_define NTB TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_define DW_VIP_AXI_MAX_NO_MSTRS=6 TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_define DW_VIP_AXI_MAX_NO_SLVS=2 TB_CMP_OPTIONS += +define+DW_VIP_AXI_MAX_NO_MSTRS_6 TB_CMP_OPTIONS += +define+DW_VIP_AXI_MAX_NO_SLVS_2 TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_opts rvm TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_opts dtm TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_opts use_sigprop TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_opts interop TB_CMP_OPTIONS += -ntb_opts dw_vip TB_CMP_OPTIONS += +define+NT # AIP Related files and compilation options #TB_CMP_OPTIONS += +incdir+../BP062-BU-01000-r0p0-00rel0/sva \\ +incdir+../BP062-BU-01000-r0p0-00rel0/verilog \\ ../BP062-BU-01000-r0p0-00rel0/sva/ \\ ../BP062-BU-01000-r0p0-00rel0/verilog/Axi.v \\ ./source/svtb/platform_tb/env/ #${VCS_HOME}/packages/aip/DDR2_AIP/src/ \\ -assert enable_diag \\ +incdir+.+${VCS_HOME}/packages/aip/DDR2_AIP/src/ \\ ./source/svtb/platform_tb/env/ \\ +incdir+../BP062-BU-01000-r0p0-00rel0/sva \\ +incdir+../BP062-BU-01000-r0p0-00rel0/verilog \\ ../BP062-BU-01000-r0p0-00rel0/sva/ \\ ../BP062-BU-01000-r0p0-00rel0/verilog/Axi.v \\ ./source/svtb/platform_tb/env/ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # COVERAGE 覆盖率的设置 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COV_TREE += '+tree mpdu_tb_top' COV_CM_OPTIONS += -cm line+cond+fsm+assert 注意CM和CMP不一样 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TEST TARGETS 总命令 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # debug targets test_1: compile_1 run_1 与前边对应test_1 就是debug流程(debug还可以将run_1 换成 gui_1);regress_test_1就是regress流程 test_11: compile_11 run_11 test_12: compile_12 run_12 test_13: compile_13 run_13 test_14: compile_14 run_14 test_2: compile_2 run_2 test_perf: compile_perf run_perf # regression targets regress_test_1: regress_build_1 regress_run_1 regress_test_11: regress_build_11 regress_run_11 regress_test_12: regress_build_12 regress_run_12 regress_test_13: regress_build_13 regress_run_13 regress_test_14: regress_build_14 regress_run_14 regress_test_2: regress_build_2 regress_run_2 regress_test_perf: regress_build_perf regress_run_perf #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMPILE AND RUN TIME ARGUMENTS 编译与运行时的参数设置(run和sim可以看成一个意思,run就是run simv) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Debug compile time arguments DBG_CMP += $(COV_CMP_OPTIONS) //debug 编译的参数 DBG_CMP += -debug_all //使能DVE debugging (包括 line stepping) //DBG_CMP += -debug_pp //使能VPD dump 和assertion debug DBG_CMP += +define+VPD_ON //debug compile的时候定义一个 VPD_ON的宏,注意VPD是SIM时生成的 #DBG_CMP += +define+VPD_OFF //若CMP时参数把VPD关了,但是在SIM时输出一个VPD会怎么样? #DBG_CMP += +define+LOG_FMT_OFF //应该是这样,在verilog代码中将VPD dump的代码写在 ifdefine VPD_ON 后面 # Debug run time arguments DBG_RUN $(COV_SIM_OPTIONS) //COV_SIM_OPTION 和 COV_CMP_OPTION的区别 += # Regression compile time arguments REG_CMP += $(COV_CMP_OPTIONS) REG_CMP += +define+VPD_OFF //regress compile的时候定义了VPD_OFF, debug和regress的区别其实主要就是这, //因为debug时也可以做urg,所以在CMP和SIM参数中关于覆盖率实际上是一致的 # Regression run time arguments //注意在debug和regress各自的流程中urg命令(make 命令行命令)是不同的 REG_RUN += $(COV_SIM_OPTIONS) # Define where the coverage data is for URG //覆盖率数据,这个是给后边urg命令用的,产生覆盖率实在CMP和SIM之后进行的 COV_DBG_DATA += -dir $(COV_DIR)/debug/simv.vdb -dir $(COV_DIR)/debug/ COV_REG_DATA += -dir $(COV_DIR)/regress/simv.vdb -dir $(COV_DIR)/debug/ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS make命令行参数 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEED = 766 #234567 #DEFINES = \"+rvm_log_default=DEBUG\" DEFINES = \"+vmm_log_default=DEBUG\" #DEFINES = \"+vmm_log_default=NOTE\" #DEFINES = \"+rvm_log_default=WARNING\" #DEFINES = \"+vmm_log_default=ERROR\" ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # PRIVATE //私有部分,用户可以不改 # You should not need to modify anything below this point # The following code supports a SV DUT and SVTB. ############################################################################## ############################################################################## DIR = $(/user/synopsys/Gaon/Platform) ########################################################################## # DEVICE UNDER TEST DUT CMP和SIM参数设置,之前已经设置过debug和regress在Compile时的参数 ########################################################################## DUT_CMP_OPTIONS += -sverilog +v2k DUT_CMP_OPTIONS += -o $(DUT_SIM_EXEC) DUT_CMP_OPTIONS += -Mdir=$(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(TB_TEST_ID)_csrc DUT_CMP_OPTIONS += -l $(LOG_DIR)/$(TB_TEST).cmp_log DUT_CMP_OPTIONS += +vcs+lic+wait +plusarg_save DUT_CMP_OPTIONS += $(DUT_INC) DUT_SIM_OPTIONS += -l $(LOG_DIR)/$(TB_TEST_ID).run_log DUT_SIM_OPTIONS += +vcs+lic+wait DUT_SIM_OPTIONS += +vpdfile+$(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(TB_TEST_ID).vpd //vpd实在执行sim后生成的,但是在debugcompile的时候为什么有个vdp_on的参数呢? #DUT_SIM_OPTIONS += +ntb_random_seed=$(SEED) DUT_SIM_OPTIONS += +ntb_random_seed_automatic DUT_SIM_OPTIONS += -assert nopostproc+report=$(LOG_DIR)/$(TB_TEST_ID).sva_log DUT_SIM_OPTIONS += -cm_assert_name $(TB_TEST_ID) DUT_SIM_OPTIONS += $(DEFINES) DUT_SIM_EXEC += $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(TB_TEST)_simv ########################################################################## # TESTBENCH TB CMP和SIM参数设置,之前已经设置过debug和regress在Compile时的参数 ########################################################################## TB_TEST += test_$* //$*是什么意思,$* :去掉后缀的当前目标名(?)。例如,若当前目标是pro.o,则$*表示pro。 TB_TEST_ID += $(TB_TEST)_$(SEED) # VK ENVIRONMENT TB_INC += +incdir+$(TB_SRC_DIR)/vk TB_CMP_OPTIONS += $(TB_INC) ########################################################################## # COVERAGE 覆盖率设置 ########################################################################## #COV_CM_OPTIONS += +tb_cov_db_name=$(TB_TEST_ID) COV_CM_OPTIONS += -cm_name $(TB_TEST_ID) COV_CMP_OPTIONS += $(COV_CM_OPTIONS) -cm_hier $(COV_HIER) COV_SIM_OPTIONS += $(COV_CM_OPTIONS) COV_SIM_OPTIONS += -cm_log $(LOG_DIR)/$(TB_TEST_ID).cm_log COV_HIER += $(OUTPUT_DIR)/vcm.cfg # Coverage options for build and run with debug COV_CM_DBG += -cm_dir $(COV_DIR)/debug/ #COV_CM_DBG += -ova_dir $(COV_DIR)/debug/simv.vdb #COV_CM_DBG += +tb_cov_db_dir=$(COV_DIR)/debug/simv.vdb # Coverage options for build and run with regressions COV_CM_REG += -cm_dir $(COV_DIR)/regress/ COV_CM_REG += -ova_dir $(COV_DIR)/regress/simv.vdb COV_CM_REG += +tb_cov_db_dir=$(COV_DIR)/regress/simv.vdb ########################################################################## # DEBUG TARGETS ########################################################################## compile_%: echo $(COV_TREE) > $(COV_HIER); //debug 编译时主要有下面几个参数 TB_CMP DUT_CMP DBG_CMP COV_CM_DBG vcs $(TB_CMP_OPTIONS) \\ //请详细查看上面几个变量的设置 $(DUT_CMP_OPTIONS) \\ $(DUT_SRC) \\ $(TB_SRC) \\ $(SVA_SRC) \\ $(SVA_OPTIONS) \\ $(COV_CM_DBG) \\ $(DBG_CMP) run_%: $(DUT_SIM_EXEC) $(DUT_SIM_OPTIONS) $(DBG_RUN) $(COV_CM_DBG) //run 是上面说的test_1中的第二步,属于debug流程,其实就是执行simv,参数有DUT_SIM和DBG_RUN //注意TB在run(sim)时没有相关参数 gui_%: //gui_1和run_1的区别就是打开了视图界面,他们都是执行sim $(DUT_SIM_EXEC) $(DUT_SIM_OPTIONS) $(DBG_RUN) $(COV_CM_DBG) \\ -gui tb_gui_%: //-tb_gui 和-gui的区别是什么(上文提到DVE和testbenchdebugeer的含义),猜测-gui是打开DVE软件,-tb_gui就不知道是神马 $(DUT_SIM_EXEC) $(DUT_SIM_OPTIONS) $(DBG_RUN) $(COV_CM_DBG) \\ -tb_gui +ntb_debug_on_start both_guis_%: $(DUT_SIM_EXEC) $(DUT_SIM_OPTIONS) $(DBG_RUN) $(COV_CM_DBG) \\ -gui \\ -tb_gui +ntb_debug_on_start new_gui_%: //打开一个新的 DVE软件窗口? $(DUT_SIM_EXEC) $(DUT_SIM_OPTIONS) $(DBG_RUN) $(COV_CM_DBG) \\ -gui \\ -tbug pp_%: //这个命令应该就是打开VPD波形 dve -vpd $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(TB_TEST_ID).vpd urg: //执行代码覆盖率操作? 代码覆盖律不是在sim的时候产生的吗(在CMP和SIM的时候都有COV的参数啊)? 这个要具体查一下 urg $(COV_DBG_DATA) -report $(COV_DIR)/debug/urgReport -lca mozilla $(DIR)/$(COV_DIR)/debug/urgReport/dashboard.html & dve_cov: //该命令应该是使用DVE软件查看coverage结果 @echo \"\" @echo \"WARNING: Did you run this command?\" @echo \"\" @echo \" % source ./utils/setup_dve_cov\" @echo \"\" dve -cov & ########################################################################## # REGRESSION TARGETS ########################################################################## regress_clean: clean @rm -rf $(COV_DIR)/* @mkdir -p $(COV_DIR)/debug //怎么把debug的路径也给删除了? @mkdir -p $(COV_DIR)/regress @mkdir -p $(LOG_DIR) @mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR) regress_build_%: //regress compile 的时候就$(REG_CMP)和debug不同仔细检查两者的差异 echo $(COV_TREE) > $(COV_HIER); vcs $(TB_CMP_OPTIONS) $(DUT_CMP_OPTIONS) \\ $(DUT_SRC) \\ $(TB_SRC) \\ $(SVA_SRC) \\ $(SVA_OPTIONS) \\ $(COV_CM_REG) \\ $(REG_CMP) regress_run_%: //观察各参数和debug流程的有什么差异 $(DUT_SIM_EXEC) $(DUT_SIM_OPTIONS) $(REG_RUN) $(COV_CM_REG) regress_urg: //看来VPD是SIM时产生的,但是覆盖率不是SIM时产生的,可能因为覆盖律要跑多个case才有意义 urg $(COV_REG_DATA) -grade -report $(COV_DIR)/regress/urgReport mozilla $(DIR)/$(COV_DIR)/regress/urgReport/dashboard.html & regress_dve_cov: @echo \"\" @echo \"WARNING: Did you run this command?\" @echo \"\" @echo \" % source ./utils/setup_dve_cov\" @echo \"\" dve -cov & # 综上,debug和regress流程类似,都是四步,compile,sim,urg,dve_cov ########################################################################## # ADMINISTRATIVE 管理命令 ########################################################################## help: @echo ==================================================== =================== @echo \" \" @echo \" USAGE: %make target_name_* @echo \" \" @echo \" ------------------------ DEBUG TARGETS ----------------------------\" @echo \" test_* => Compile TB and DUT files, runs the simulation. \" @echo \" clean => Clean the intermediate files. \" @echo \" compile_* => Compile the TB and DUT. \" @echo \" run_* => Run the simulation. \" @echo \" gui_* => Run simulation interactively with DVE. \" @echo \" tb_gui_* => Runs simulation interactively with TB Debugger. \" @echo \" both_guis_* => Run both debuggers. \" @echo \" new_gui_* => Run new integrated debuggers. \" @echo \" pp_* => Post process VPD with DVE. \" @echo \" urg => Make a coverage report for debug runs. \" @echo \" dve_cov => Brings up DVE for coverage reporting. \" @echo \" \" @echo \" ----------------------- REGRESSION TARGETS ------------------------\" @echo \" regress_test_* => Compile and run with coverage. \" @echo \" regress_clean => Remove all coverage files. \" @echo \" regress_build_* => Build test_*. \" @echo \" regress_run_* => Run test * collecting coverage information. \" @echo \" regress_urg => Make a coverage report for regression runs. \" @echo \" regress_dve_cov => Brings up DVE for coverage reporting. \" @echo \" \" @echo \" -------------------- ADMINISTRATIVE TARGETS -----------------------\" @echo \" help => Displays this message. \" @echo \" init => Clean all files, including coverage files. \" @echo \" tar => Tar and zip kit and place at ../ \" @echo \" \" @echo \" e.g. gmake test_1 \" @echo ======================================================================= tar: clean cd ..; \\ tar cvf ${DIR}.tar ${DIR}; \\ rm -f ${DIR}.tgz; \\ gzip ${DIR}.tar; \\ mv ${DIR}.tar.gz ${DIR}.tgz clean: @rm -rf $(OUTPUT_DIR)/* $(COV_DIR)/debug/* $(LOG_DIR)/* ./DVEfiles @rm -rf urgReport *.tcl *.tcl.old vc_hdrs.h testbench_debugger_rc @rm -rf ucli.key vcs.key vera_debugger_rc .vera_debugger_rc.lock @rm -rf .test* .vlog* .dummyDir *.db *.vdb verilog.dump @rm -rf ._* .dw* *.log init: regress_clean @rm -rf include @rm -rf examples 总结: 经过研究,首先使用VCS验证的流程是: 1. 对各个源文件(包括DUT和TB)进行编译,生成可执行文件(默认名字为simv) 2. 执行simv文件进行仿真,这时会将testcase的仿真结果输出,包括VPD(若开启了VPD dumpping)文件等输出文件 3. 若进行代码覆盖率检查,在simv后可以使用urg命令收集覆盖率信息(须跑多个case) Makefile 完成的功能是: 1. 对源文件的管理:主要是将DUT文件和TB文件以及一些必要的文件的路径写入变量($DUT_SRC_DIR $TB_SRC_DIR等),还有include的路径(供VCS搜索)。在使用VCS命令进行编译时,可以将该路径加入命令中。我们可以使用脚本将需要编译的文件输出为一个file_list.f文件,然后用vcs –f file_list.f 进行编译。 2. 对路径的管理:将源文件路径和输出文件路径写入各自的变量,一遍在后边使用vcs命令时调用。 3. 对VCS命令参数的调整:这部分是重要的步骤,根据需要的不同(debug和regress的需要就不相同),参数设置也有不同,但有一些参数是不管怎样的流程都需要的,在我们的验证平台中,我们可以将参数分为两部分,一部分是都需要的可以公用的,一部分是可以灵活使用的,可以更改的。 4. 对VCS命令的调整:这部分就是将VCS的几个主要命令(其实就是VCS 和 SIMV)加上对应的参数设置。我们的验证平台可以将不同的命令写成不同的脚本,然后写一个总的脚本进行调用。 5. 其实需要灵活配置的主要就是VPD文件和覆盖率的设置(VPD 在rtl级实际上应该每次都生成) 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容