专利名称:Low NOx Fuel injection for an indurating
发明人:Cain, Bruce E.,Robertson, Thomas F.,Hannum,
Mark C.,Miller, Todd A.,Brown, Joseph P.
摘要:A method delivers fuel gas to a furnace combustion chamber from a premixburner having a reaction zone with an outlet to the furnace combustion chamber. Thisincludes the steps of injecting a premix of primary fuel gas and combustion air into thereaction zone, and combusting the premix to provide combustion products includingvitiated combustion air in the reaction zone. Further steps include injecting staged fuelgas into the reaction zone separately from the premix, discharging the staged fuel gasand vitiated combustion air from the reaction zone through the outlet to the furnacecombustion chamber, and combusting the staged fuel gas and vitiated combustion air inthe furnace combustion chamber. This enables low NO
申请人:Fives North American Combustion, Inc.
代理人:Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick